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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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7 minutes ago, jimmyp said:

Taken from the cdc.


Most people with flu are contagious for about 1 day before they show symptoms.

Older children and adults with flu appear to be most contagious during the initial 3-4 days of their illness but many people remain contagious for about 7 days.

Infants and people with weakened immune systems can be contagious for even longer.


How long someone can spread the virus that causes COVID-19 is still under investigation.

It’s possible for people to spread the virus for about 2 days before experiencing signs or symptoms (or possibly earlier) and remain contagious for at least 10 days after signs or symptoms first appeared. If someone is asymptomatic or their symptoms go away, it’s possible to remain contagious for at least 10 days after testing positive for COVID-19. People who are hospitalized with severe disease and people with weakened immune systems can be contagious for 20 days or longer.”


The problem for so many with covid is that they unknowingly spread it because they aren’t aware they even have it. 
Your chances of doing that with the flu  etc are far far less. 

Around the vulnerable, then take extra precautions, simples. 

Yes they are less but not impossible. 

I'm not going to spend the rest of my life wearing a mask.

If Im not safe to people now, I never will be.

As another poster said, our immune systems will take a battering and other infections could all of a sudden become much more dangerous than they were as previously.

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1 minute ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yes they are less but not impossible. 

I'm not going to spend the rest of my life wearing a mask.

If Im not safe to people now, I never will be.

As another poster said, our immune systems will take a battering and other infections could all of a sudden become much more dangerous than they were as previously.

Yeah you definitely don’t have to spend the rest of your life wearing a mask. 

For the limited time you may spend around the vulnerable whilst cases are still rising and folk are still being vaccinated it makes complete sense to wear a mask though. 


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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Problem is, when you have high profile characters like Corbyn making the claims, then you are going to be getting people on forums repeating it.

Funnily enough it tends to be the people that accused 52% of voters of not properly researching facts on another very important issue.

Jeez, talk about shoehorning old political news into this thread! I didn't know Corbyn was still about.

I guess the government report I linked in before cannot be trusted for criticising the huge cost of the track and trace system.

Nor can Johnson be trusted when he whatsapped Cummings to say how terrible it was either. The day before he told us all it was world beating admittedly.


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2 hours ago, Archied said:

You are the exact position I really despise the scientist , government and especially the gov employed behavioural scientists for and I mean despise ,,, they have made you really fear killing the ones you love ,,, 

look at the figures properly,, people are not lucky to survive covid , they are extremely extremely extremely unlucky if they get really ill or die from catching it ,,, the tactics used on decent people has been and still is a disgrace and I mean decent because it’s decency they are manipulating,,,,,,, fear trumps facts and thought??‍♂️

Can you get anymore dramatic? @Miggins post came across as complete commons sense that I imagine most people agree with.

Hold on, don't tell me, that just proves how the majority of people have been hoodwinked by those dark forces who have exaggerated Covid all around the world!

Can you tell me the odds on surviving Covid for older people who have just had lung cancer? You know, the situation that @Miggins was actually talking about?


Edited by ariotofmyown
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29 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:


Can you get anymore dramatic? @Miggins post came across as complete commons sense that I imagine most people agree with.

Hold on, don't tell me, that just proves how the majority of people have been hoodwinked by those dark forces who have exaggerated Covid all around the world!

Can you tell me the odds on surviving Covid for older people who have just had lung cancer? You know, the situation that @Miggins was actually talking about?


Erm my mistake ,, your right ,how could I have possibly picked up from the antics of the last 1 and a half years that we are all possible killers and everyone is at high risk of death rather than a balanced view that an elderly person with co morbidity s is at high risk whilst the vast vast vast majority of people ( around 99 percentage? ) will get minor or no symptoms, explains the massive ad campaign 

explain the vids that were put out to us at the very start of Chinese people falling flat on their faces in the street being surrounded and picked up by people in hazmat suits ,, phoney garbage which is nothing like the virus we have seen 

we are now being prepped for the FOURTH WAVE ( third over ?) and yet I still do not know a single person who has died from or been seriously ill covid and neither do the fairly large circle of our friends and workmates ,,,, that does not mean there’s no virus or that said virus doesn’t kill some but it certainly doesn’t reflect the virus being pumped out day after day 

Edited by Archied
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42 minutes ago, Archied said:

Erm my mistake ,, your right ,how could I have possibly picked up from the antics of the last 1 and a half years that we are all possible killers and everyone is at high risk of death rather than a balanced view that an elderly person with co morbidity s is at high risk whilst the vast vast vast majority of people ( around 99 percentage? ) will get minor or no symptoms, explains the massive ad campaign 

explain the vids that were put out to us at the very start of Chinese people falling flat on their faces in the street being surrounded and picked up by people in hazmat suits ,, phoney garbage which is nothing like the virus we have seen 

we are now being prepped for the FOURTH WAVE ( third over ?) and yet I still do not know a single person who has died from or been seriously ill covid and neither do the fairly large circle of our friends and workmates ,,,, that does not mean there’s no virus or that said virus doesn’t kill some but it certainly doesn’t reflect the virus being pumped out day after day 

Archied if you have lung cancer you are already very ill, you really really do not want to get covid. You should take every possible measure to avoid it regardless of the fact you know nobody that has been seriously ill within your circle. 

More than 300 thousand people a week are testing positive and that figure is still rising. We are also trying to achieve herd immunity. It is extremely likely that anyone who is not shielding will contract covid at some point if they haven’t already. We should personally take every possible measure to protect those that need protecting. 

I understand your annoyance with the general government message of fear.

However replying to someone who is quite obviously extremely concerned for their clinically vulnerable family member in the way you did was in my opinion done in poor taste.

I mean you could of posted that message anytime to anyone but you chose to directly reply to the one person suffering from lung cancer. 

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2 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

Why does it have to be 'the rest of your life'? Rather than just sometimes, when it seems necessary!

Because I dont understand when things will change.

If I am not safe now, I never will be, so when will a point ever arise when I dont  need to wear a mask?

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2 hours ago, jimmyp said:

Yeah you definitely don’t have to spend the rest of your life wearing a mask. 

For the limited time you may spend around the vulnerable whilst cases are still rising and folk are still being vaccinated it makes complete sense to wear a mask though. 


The vulnerable should all have been  vaccinated by now.

Cases rising is a red herring though isnt it?

Wouldnt it make more sense for people to manage their own risk and stay away from me if I am not wearing a mask?

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

Jeez, talk about shoehorning old political news into this thread! I didn't know Corbyn was still about.

I guess the government report I linked in before cannot be trusted for criticising the huge cost of the track and trace system.

Nor can Johnson be trusted when he whatsapped Cummings to say how terrible it was either. The day before he told us all it was world beating admittedly.


Would probably just have been easier to admit that you'd repeated something that has been proven to be complete nonsense?

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14 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

The vulnerable should all have been  vaccinated by now.

Cases rising is a red herring though isnt it?

Wouldnt it make more sense for people to manage their own risk and stay away from me if I am not wearing a mask?

Staying away from you isn’t always going to be possible though is it? 
Maybe we should split certain sectors and industries into categories so that the vulnerable get say hospitals, pharmacies, Tesco’s and a few other things.

Or we could just take a few precautions and have everything open and share everything equally. 

For the very limited amounts of time you may bump into the vulnerable it doesn’t seem like a massive ask. It would make a big difference to them though and allow a resemblance of life. 

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Another excellent monolgue from Neil Oliver.

My lad doesn't want the jab, he's in an age group that is barely effected by covid yet he starts University in September and they are already pressuring him to have the jab.  Some papers today were also talking about a vaccine passport to enter pubs in the near future - this has to end imo. 


If you're jabbed, you're safe.  Everyone else takes their chances and there is no way on Earth we should be vaccinating our children until we're 100% sure the vaccines are safe in the long term. 

If we don't resist vaccine passports, where does it end?


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54 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Would probably just have been easier to admit that you'd repeated something that has been proven to be complete nonsense?

I'l give you benefit of the doubt for not following the thread fully.

I said 37 billion was crazy money for an app. The government Committee looking into it said the cost was very high.

Wolfie told me about it was the cost of the testing too and people who tracked it.

I thanked him and said it still seems very high though.

You went off on some Corbyn 52% chat like it was 2016.

Maybe you are happy with 37 billion spent on track and trace that hasn't been very good?

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8 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:


Can you get anymore dramatic? @Miggins post came across as complete commons sense that I imagine most people agree with.

Hold on, don't tell me, that just proves how the majority of people have been hoodwinked by those dark forces who have exaggerated Covid all around the world!

Can you tell me the odds on surviving Covid for older people who have just had lung cancer? You know, the situation that @Miggins was actually talking about?


Would these dark forces you ridicule be the the same kind of dark forces that hoodwink us into going to war against non existent weapons of mass destruction, the kind that spout the war on drugs but actually work with the drug dealers to achieve their own political and economic aims , the kind of dark unseen forces that influence free western elections and referendums ,the kind that destabilise countries put in their chosen dictators or puppet government s to the detriment of the people in those countries,then go to war with them to remove those dictators when they no longer cooperate?
yeah silly me there’s no such dark forces that hoodwink the masses , from your post I’m sure you agree with all the above and not just select the dark forces that suit??‍♂️

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6 hours ago, jimmyp said:

Staying away from you isn’t always going to be possible though is it? 
Maybe we should split certain sectors and industries into categories so that the vulnerable get say hospitals, pharmacies, Tesco’s and a few other things.

Or we could just take a few precautions and have everything open and share everything equally. 

For the very limited amounts of time you may bump into the vulnerable it doesn’t seem like a massive ask. It would make a big difference to them though and allow a resemblance of life. 

Why is it not always going to be possible to stay away from me?

If I see someone wearing a mask I will know they are still scared of the virus and will be able to make sure I keep my distance.


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6 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

I'l give you benefit of the doubt for not following the thread fully.

I said 37 billion was crazy money for an app. The government Committee looking into it said the cost was very high.

Wolfie told me about it was the cost of the testing too and people who tracked it.

I thanked him and said it still seems very high though.

You went off on some Corbyn 52% chat like it was 2016.

Maybe you are happy with 37 billion spent on track and trace that hasn't been very good?

Something which has now been proven to be nonsense.

So now it has been shown to you that the majority of the money has been spent on testing, are you saying we shouldn't have bothered with that?

I have absolutely no idea what a reasonable figure would have been for spending on it.

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7 hours ago, jimmyp said:

Archied if you have lung cancer you are already very ill, you really really do not want to get covid. You should take every possible measure to avoid it regardless of the fact you know nobody that has been seriously ill within your circle. 

More than 300 thousand people a week are testing positive and that figure is still rising. We are also trying to achieve herd immunity. It is extremely likely that anyone who is not shielding will contract covid at some point if they haven’t already. We should personally take every possible measure to protect those that need protecting. 

I understand your annoyance with the general government message of fear.

However replying to someone who is quite obviously extremely concerned for their clinically vulnerable family member in the way you did was in my opinion done in poor taste.

I mean you could of posted that message anytime to anyone but you chose to directly reply to the one person suffering from lung cancer. 

You twist the post anyway you like but I know enough about myself at 60 years of age to know that it comes from a position of actually caring about the immense physiological burden that has been put on decent people , I know from very personal experience that it already natural in humans to blame ourselves when someone we love dies , could I have done anything different? If I had only done this ,if only I hadn’t done or said that ,it’s hugely damaging and never leaves you ,

that human trait has been used as a weapon to disgusting levels and needs to be stopped , did I forget my mask that one time , did I not wash the shopping delivery well enough ,, the government campaign is not am I to blame it is you are firmly to blame

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6 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Something which has now been proven to be nonsense.

So now it has been shown to you that the majority of the money has been spent on testing, are you saying we shouldn't have bothered with that?

I have absolutely no idea what a reasonable figure would have been for spending on it.

37BN, is a lot entire NHS budget pre Covid was c. 150BN.

It thats enough context. It would cover the club's debt, buy back the stadium, get us 2 a couple of decent wingers. Not sure about the plaza though.


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Talk now of waiting time for second jabs to be halved to four weeks, the first optimum time recommended was extended to suit the situation but then spun as giving better protection ??‍♂️, now it’s to be halved ,no doubt that will somehow be miraculously medically better, anybody else think the medical goalposts are being moved all the time to suit , phizer now say booster after 6 months of two jabs ,vaccines in children ,,,, smell the money folks 

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