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Wow. Been reading what the laws are in UAE. Definitely worth a read. I can't see how anyone can defend them. This man is part of the infrastructure of UAE if you like it or not. 

I would breathe a sigh of relief if this falls through. No thank you. 

Every country has a set of rules that their citizens, hopefully, abide by. Don't always compare the western democracies to other parts of the world, although you may be comparing the how the USA treat their citizens when comes to arrest, police shootings, imprisonment and state executions.

In all the 15 years I spent in the UAE there was only 2 executions - both for robbery, rape and murder. How many murders were committed in the UK last year -at least 600, with multiple young people stabbed to death on the streets of London. In all the time my wife have spent in the various Middle East countries, and in my wife's time included Iraq, we have never been abused, spat at, leered at, or mugged. 

Yes, I agree, in the UAE you can get 1 year in jail for drink driving, and 3 months for abuse such as giving another driver the V-sign or one-finger salute. However, there are many people in the UK who would like to see harsher punishments for crimes in this country, including full-term life sentences.

Do you think its right law-abiding people should put up with the constant abuse and disregard to our own laws or should it be "do as I want, whenever I want, how I want", with no respect for others?


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50 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

? ? #COYR

Did you read @ImARam2's post? (I just quoted it) It's a potential salve to your 'moral stance'? Where would you be happy for 'the money' to come from? The Co-op Bank?! ?? 

Won't settle for anything less than a shadowy offshore investment trust based in Panama ?

I did read it & some interesting context. Like I have said elsewhere though, the experiences of nominal 'Westerners' are likely to be somewhat different to those of the local indigenous population.

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1 minute ago, ImARam2 said:

Every country has a set of rules that their citizens, hopefully, abide by. Don't always compare the western democracies to other parts of the world, although you may be comparing the how the USA treat their citizens when comes to arrest, police shootings, imprisonment and state executions.

In all the 15 years I spent in the UAE there was only 2 executions - both for robbery, rape and murder. How many murders were committed in the UK last year -at least 600, with multiple young people stabbed to death on the streets of London. In all the time my wife have spent in the various Middle East countries, and in my wife's time included Iraq, we have never been abused, spat at, leered at, or mugged. 

Yes, I agree, in the UAE you can get 1 year in jail for drink driving, and 3 months for abuse such as giving another driver the V-sign or one-finger salute. However, there are many people in the UK who would like to see harsher punishments for crimes in this country, including full-term life sentences.

Do you think its right law-abiding people should put up with the constant abuse and disregard to our own laws or should it be "do as I want, whenever I want, how I want", with no respect for others?


Excellent post 


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7 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

If we were right on the limit in terms of FFP not sure how spending loads on transfer fees and big wages to get the better players we need would fit in to those restrictions ?

I would imagine  this as been discussed  ( or we can just guess what's been discussed  ) ...  and quite  rightly  as you've put it  FFP TRANSFER FEE,S  BIG WAGES  .  

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1 minute ago, LeedsCityRam said:

Won't settle for anything less than a shadowy offshore investment trust based in Panama ?

I did read it & some interesting context. Like I have said elsewhere though, the experiences of nominal 'Westerners' are likely to be somewhat different to those of the local indigenous population.

To be fair a similar situation exists in stoke on trent.

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16 minutes ago, Newcastle Fan said:

Hi all.  You’ll be able to tell from my username where I’m coming from.  I saw the ‘takeover’ talk of Derby via an NUFC link - just thought you might like a perspective from a club who the Bin Zayed Group ‘tried’ to buy previously.  Hopefully you will all take this in the spirit in which it is meant - it’s a shame to see these chancers being linked to a ‘proper’ club like DCFC.  If the East Midlands press is as poo as the North East, chances are they’ll not report this.

I’ll get this out of the way straight away; you won’t be taken over by this lot.  They’re potless.  They’re after the publicity.  The bloke in charge of the organisation simply has a very similar name to the actual crown prince of Abu Dhabi.  It would be like a bloke called Charles Windsor being mistaken for Prince Charles.  He isn’t the ‘cousin’ of the Man City owner - he’s some sort of distant relative (plenty of them in that neck of the woods).  The fact that the BZG did nothing to disabuse anyone of the fact that the press routinely mix their chairman up with the crown prince of Abu Dhabi says everything - he’s a con man.  He works out of a pokey office in Dubai.  He’s not a rich scion of the royal family.  The man is called Sheikh Khaled bin Zayed al-Nahyan (note he doesn’t use ‘HH’ before his name - the equivalent of ‘HRH’) - he is NOT HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who is the man who is crown prince (and who the papers kept confusing with), nor is he HH Khalid bin Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, who is a member of the royal family.  The lazy bar stewards in the North East kept running this story well past the point that these jokers were exposed.

When they ‘bid’ for Newcastle in 2019, we had Liverpool supporters telling us they were tyre-kickers.  They were right.  They had contacted Mike Ashley, who told them the price - they then put out that they had ‘agreed’ the purchase of the club.  For about six weeks the papers waited for them to show proof of funds (a knacker called Midhat was the PR man - watch out for his ********).  The proof of funds never materialised - because they’re potless.  

Hopefully no-one here is confused with the current takeover lot at Newcastle - that is actually the Saudi state (legal stuff is happening re that at present).  It certainly isn’t that lot.

Just a heads-up that it is a waste of time to even think about this chancer buying the club - he hasn’t the cash.  Unfortunately, they took in a lot of our support with their ******** - helped by the uselessness of the football press.  Please don’t waste your time thinking about what will happen under them - this is as far as it will ever get.

With that, all the best for the coming season.  I hope it will be understood that this post was not meant with any animosity - I’ve no negative feelings re Derby (after all, they play in the correct colours and have a dislike of Forest - both sensible & good things). Derby is a grand old club, and it irritates me seeing this bunch of chancers being linked with another historic English club.  

edit: I’ve just seen that they gave Ashley a £30m deposit.  No they didn’t - that was the Saudis.  The Bin Zayed Group didn’t even get past the ‘proof of funds’ stage.  Don’t mix up the Saudi PIF and this lot. 

Good and valid points ...can we have Jeff Hendrick back please ?

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Why not give it a whirl its not as though we not had 'colorful' and different owners before remember the 3 Amigos and Uncle Bob. 

If Mel feels he has taken this club has far has he can then its his decision to move aside.

I sure he is doing this after much soul searching as he as put a lot of time,effort and passion into this club these last few years.

I am equally sure he would not want to walk away knowing the club was not in the right hands. 

He would not sell to anyone without carrying out all the necessary checks. Only then moving forwards if was safe both in financial and community sense.

I do think he would want do his reputation and legacy sullied in any way. 

I hope he still remains associated to club in some capacity helping to advise the new owners. 

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11 minutes ago, Newcastle Fan said:

Hi all.  You’ll be able to tell from my username where I’m coming from.  I saw the ‘takeover’ talk of Derby via an NUFC link - just thought you might like a perspective from a club who the Bin Zayed Group ‘tried’ to buy previously.  Hopefully you will all take this in the spirit in which it is meant - it’s a shame to see these chancers being linked to a ‘proper’ club like DCFC.  If the East Midlands press is as poo as the North East, chances are they’ll not report this.

I’ll get this out of the way straight away; you won’t be taken over by this lot.  They’re potless.  They’re after the publicity.  The bloke in charge of the organisation simply has a very similar name to the actual crown prince of Abu Dhabi.  It would be like a bloke called Charles Windsor being mistaken for Prince Charles.  He isn’t the ‘cousin’ of the Man City owner - he’s some sort of distant relative (plenty of them in that neck of the woods).  The fact that the BZG did nothing to disabuse anyone of the fact that the press routinely mix their chairman up with the crown prince of Abu Dhabi says everything - he’s a con man.  He works out of a pokey office in Dubai.  He’s not a rich scion of the royal family.  The man is called Sheikh Khaled bin Zayed al-Nahyan (note he doesn’t use ‘HH’ before his name - the equivalent of ‘HRH’) - he is NOT HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who is the man who is crown prince (and who the papers kept confusing with), nor is he HH Khalid bin Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, who is a member of the royal family.  The lazy bar stewards in the North East kept running this story well past the point that these jokers were exposed.

When they ‘bid’ for Newcastle in 2019, we had Liverpool supporters telling us they were tyre-kickers.  They were right.  They had contacted Mike Ashley, who told them the price - they then put out that they had ‘agreed’ the purchase of the club.  For about six weeks the papers waited for them to show proof of funds (a knacker called Midhat was the PR man - watch out for his ********).  The proof of funds never materialised - because they’re potless.  

Hopefully no-one here is confused with the current takeover lot at Newcastle - that is actually the Saudi state (legal stuff is happening re that at present).  It certainly isn’t that lot.

Just a heads-up that it is a waste of time to even think about this chancer buying the club - he hasn’t the cash.  Unfortunately, they took in a lot of our support with their ******** - helped by the uselessness of the football press.  Please don’t waste your time thinking about what will happen under them - this is as far as it will ever get.

With that, all the best for the coming season.  I hope it will be understood that this post was not meant with any animosity - I’ve no negative feelings re Derby (after all, they play in the correct colours and have a dislike of Forest - both sensible & good things). Derby is a grand old club, and it irritates me seeing this bunch of chancers being linked with another historic English club.  

edit: I’ve just seen that they gave Ashley a £30m deposit.  No they didn’t - that was the Saudis.  The Bin Zayed Group didn’t even get past the ‘proof of funds’ stage.  Don’t mix up the Saudi PIF and this lot. 

Very helpful and thoughtful. Thankyou for the time and effort. I'm glad Newcastle are doing well, brilliant club, great city.

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1 minute ago, Jimbo Ram said:

If this is the case I am surprised that Mel hasn’t come out and said there is nothing in it......

If it helps, here’s the guy who is ‘bidding’ for DCFC:


And here is the Abu Dhabi prince with the same name who the papers will constantly mix him up with:


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18 minutes ago, Newcastle Fan said:

Hi all.  You’ll be able to tell from my username where I’m coming from.  I saw the ‘takeover’ talk of Derby via an NUFC link - just thought you might like a perspective from a club who the Bin Zayed Group ‘tried’ to buy previously.  Hopefully you will all take this in the spirit in which it is meant - it’s a shame to see these chancers being linked to a ‘proper’ club like DCFC.  If the East Midlands press is as poo as the North East, chances are they’ll not report this.

I’ll get this out of the way straight away; you won’t be taken over by this lot.  They’re potless.  They’re after the publicity.  The bloke in charge of the organisation simply has a very similar name to the actual crown prince of Abu Dhabi.  It would be like a bloke called Charles Windsor being mistaken for Prince Charles.  He isn’t the ‘cousin’ of the Man City owner - he’s some sort of distant relative (plenty of them in that neck of the woods).  The fact that the BZG did nothing to disabuse anyone of the fact that the press routinely mix their chairman up with the crown prince of Abu Dhabi says everything - he’s a con man.  He works out of a pokey office in Dubai.  He’s not a rich scion of the royal family.  The man is called Sheikh Khaled bin Zayed al-Nahyan (note he doesn’t use ‘HH’ before his name - the equivalent of ‘HRH’) - he is NOT HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who is the man who is crown prince (and who the papers kept confusing with), nor is he HH Khalid bin Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, who is a member of the royal family.  The lazy bar stewards in the North East kept running this story well past the point that these jokers were exposed.

When they ‘bid’ for Newcastle in 2019, we had Liverpool supporters telling us they were tyre-kickers.  They were right.  They had contacted Mike Ashley, who told them the price - they then put out that they had ‘agreed’ the purchase of the club.  For about six weeks the papers waited for them to show proof of funds (a knacker called Midhat was the PR man - watch out for his ********).  The proof of funds never materialised - because they’re potless.  

Hopefully no-one here is confused with the current takeover lot at Newcastle - that is actually the Saudi state (legal stuff is happening re that at present).  It certainly isn’t that lot.

Just a heads-up that it is a waste of time to even think about this chancer buying the club - he hasn’t the cash.  Unfortunately, they took in a lot of our support with their ******** - helped by the uselessness of the football press.  Please don’t waste your time thinking about what will happen under them - this is as far as it will ever get.

With that, all the best for the coming season.  I hope it will be understood that this post was not meant with any animosity - I’ve no negative feelings re Derby (after all, they play in the correct colours and have a dislike of Forest - both sensible & good things). Derby is a grand old club, and it irritates me seeing this bunch of chancers being linked with another historic English club.  

edit: I’ve just seen that they gave Ashley a £30m deposit.  No they didn’t - that was the Saudis.  The Bin Zayed Group didn’t even get past the ‘proof of funds’ stage.  Don’t mix up the Saudi PIF and this lot. 


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