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All bad news today. NHS saying there's not enough lab capacity for the numbers of tests. 

Government ministers blaming young people. 

Step change in number of positive cases last 2 days.. 

Couple more local lockdowns.

Seems to me that the policymakers are going to revise rules on meeting people indoors. Will be interesting if the push to get people back to work continues.. 


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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

Can you forward these charts over to the government please. I'm not sure what wacky data they are using, but they are coming up with this sort of thing:

"We’ve been able to relax a bit over the summer, the disease levels have been really quite low in the UK through the summer but these latest figures really show us that much as people might like to say ‘oh well it’s gone away’ - this hasn’t gone away. And if we’re not careful, if we don’t take this incredibly seriously from this point in we’re going to have a bumpy ride over the next few months."

Time will tell I guess 

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4 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Time will tell I guess 

Yes it will, but can you picture a worst case scenario and still feel so complacent?

3 month lockdown from March to June was just about bearable, as it was starting to get warmer and lighter days, plus in some ways it was a novelty. Another lockdown in darkest, coldest autumn/winter would be horrible.

Wish I could be so laissez-faire. I think we should be doing everything in our power to avoid a second lockdown.

Then god knows what January 1st brings when the oven timer finally pings

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Looks like restrictions may be reintroduced sooner rather than later. It’s probably the right thing to get through this stage of people coming back from holidays abroad, bumping into each other around matlock bath etc and therefore make it more manageable further down the line.


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2 hours ago, SchtivePesley said:

Yes it will, but can you picture a worst case scenario and still feel so complacent?

3 month lockdown from March to June was just about bearable, as it was starting to get warmer and lighter days, plus in some ways it was a novelty. Another lockdown in darkest, coldest autumn/winter would be horrible.

Wish I could be so laissez-faire. I think we should be doing everything in our power to avoid a second lockdown.

Then god knows what January 1st brings when the oven timer finally pings

Especially if all the Spoons are still closed.  Where will they all rejoice then???

TBH you could see this coming from a mile off, back when the 2 meter rule was reduced and pubs opened full time.  It's the 16 to 30 age group that is going to push us back into a full (and harsher) lock down.  All so they can get hammered on a Fri/Sat night and get their rocks off.  The majority of people seem to have slacked off, and aren't giving a toss...

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40 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Yes but @TexasRamposted a blue graph

You love my blue graphs don’t you?

when the data posted is negative, you’re loving it. When the data posted is positive, the posters an idiot. I don’t get it, it’s quite morbid like you want it to be bad and life carry on as it now. 

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22 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

You love my blue graphs don’t you?

Well you post them enough times, how can I not?

23 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

when the data posted is negative, you’re loving it. When the data posted is positive, the posters an idiot. I don’t get it, it’s quite morbid like you want it to be bad and life carry on as it now.

I wouldn't say I'm loving it. I've said several times that I'm hoping for the best, and I've love this to go away like some people are trying to convince themselves it has, but it's a deadly disease and we should always err on the side of caution when people's lives are at stake.

Isn't it more morbid that you want life to go back to how it was and you don't care how many people die as a result?

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53 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

Especially if all the Spoons are still closed.  Where will they all rejoice then???

TBH you could see this coming from a mile off, back when the 2 meter rule was reduced and pubs opened full time.  It's the 16 to 30 age group that is going to push us back into a full (and harsher) lock down.  All so they can get hammered on a Fri/Sat night and get their rocks off.  The majority of people seem to have slacked off, and aren't giving a toss...

Younger people generally don't have huge houses with gardens and a lot live in city centre flats, we'll also be the one paying for this recession for years and we're the least likely to get ill. Think it's pretty unjustified to blame them letting off steam.  

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28 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

sn't it more morbid that you want life to go back to how it was and you don't care how many people die as a result?

Yes maybe it come across like that, I do truly believe that what we are doing to the country both socially and economically will cause far more damage (including deaths) than the Virus (especially the so called 2nd wave) 

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1 hour ago, Andicis said:

Younger people generally don't have huge houses with gardens and a lot live in city centre flats, we'll also be the one paying for this recession for years and we're the least likely to get ill. Think it's pretty unjustified to blame them letting off steam.  

More likely to be single, more likely to be unable to work from home, more likely to use public transport, and more likely to live in houses with people outside their family. They are also probably more likely to be sociable even within the guidance given by the government. 

I don't want to be political but I feel this narrative is politically helpful.

Third day in a row with over 2k cases and also 30 reported deaths. 

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Its officially insane now. I work in a factory of 800, and have worked straight through, no option to work from home, no furlough, no time off other than annual leave,  my wife recently went back to work in a school with 30+ in each class.

Yet I  cant take my 84 year old mum to visit her great grandkids in case we get fined for having more than 6 in the garden.

I could take her on holiday to Greece, meet up with all our extended family, mix with whoever we want to then fly back to the UK without any restrictions. But we cant go round me daughters for a family meal.

The government can go and feck themselves. Me and my family are done. We'll do what is best for us and our peace of mind and not listen to propaganda from whoever stands to profit from this pathetic scaremongering. We'll keep to 2 metres, wash our hands and be sensible but we will ignore the government instructions not to socialise.

The covid wards at my local hospitals are all stood down because despite spikes in positive tests, no one has any serious symptoms.

When Cummings took his infected family to Barnard Castle i knew it was all over, yet we carried on obeying the rules even though those who rule us were taking the pish.....well, its over now. The contradictions in government policy are absolutely ridiculous. Watching TV journalists trying to explain it with a straight face is now just farcical.



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4 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

Its officially insane now. I work in a factory of 800, and have worked straight through, no option to work from home, no furlough, no time off other than annual leave,  my wife recently went back to work in a school with 30+ in each class.

Yet I  cant take my 84 year old mum to visit her great grandkids in case we get fined for having more than 6 in the garden.

I could take her on holiday to Greece, meet up with all our extended family, mix with whoever we want to then fly back to the UK without any restrictions. But we cant go round me daughters for a family meal.

The government can go and feck themselves. Me and my family are done. We'll do what is best for us and our peace of mind and not listen to propaganda from whoever stands to profit from this pathetic scaremongering. We'll keep to 2 metres, wash our hands and be sensible but we will ignore the government instructions not to socialise.

The covid wards at my local hospitals are all stood down because despite spikes in positive tests, no one has any serious symptoms.

When Cummings took his infected family to Barnard Castle i knew it was all over, yet we carried on obeying the rules even though those who rule us were taking the pish.....well, its over now. The contradictions in government policy are absolutely ridiculous. Watching TV journalists trying to explain it with a straight face is now just farcical.



You do what you got to do.

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6 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

Its officially insane now. I work in a factory of 800, and have worked straight through, no option to work from home, no furlough, no time off other than annual leave,  my wife recently went back to work in a school with 30+ in each class.

Yet I  cant take my 84 year old mum to visit her great grandkids in case we get fined for having more than 6 in the garden.

I could take her on holiday to Greece, meet up with all our extended family, mix with whoever we want to then fly back to the UK without any restrictions. But we cant go round me daughters for a family meal.

The government can go and feck themselves. Me and my family are done. We'll do what is best for us and our peace of mind and not listen to propaganda from whoever stands to profit from this pathetic scaremongering. We'll keep to 2 metres, wash our hands and be sensible but we will ignore the government instructions not to socialise.

The covid wards at my local hospitals are all stood down because despite spikes in positive tests, no one has any serious symptoms.

When Cummings took his infected family to Barnard Castle i knew it was all over, yet we carried on obeying the rules even though those who rule us were taking the pish.....well, its over now. The contradictions in government policy are absolutely ridiculous. Watching TV journalists trying to explain it with a straight face is now just farcical.



I honestly don't think it's done because someone is profiting from it. I don't even think it's scaremongering.

I think it's a lack of leadership and ineptitude in the whole management of this disease.

Who's profiting from it? I honestly can't see it.

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7 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

Its officially insane now. I work in a factory of 800, and have worked straight through, no option to work from home, no furlough, no time off other than annual leave,  my wife recently went back to work in a school with 30+ in each class.

Yet I  cant take my 84 year old mum to visit her great grandkids in case we get fined for having more than 6 in the garden.

I could take her on holiday to Greece, meet up with all our extended family, mix with whoever we want to then fly back to the UK without any restrictions. But we cant go round me daughters for a family meal.

The government can go and feck themselves. Me and my family are done. We'll do what is best for us and our peace of mind and not listen to propaganda from whoever stands to profit from this pathetic scaremongering. We'll keep to 2 metres, wash our hands and be sensible but we will ignore the government instructions not to socialise.

The covid wards at my local hospitals are all stood down because despite spikes in positive tests, no one has any serious symptoms.

When Cummings took his infected family to Barnard Castle i knew it was all over, yet we carried on obeying the rules even though those who rule us were taking the pish.....well, its over now. The contradictions in government policy are absolutely ridiculous. Watching TV journalists trying to explain it with a straight face is now just farcical.



It strikes me that this new rule is specifically intended to prevent, what some authorities across Europe seem to think is the main cause of the current increase in cases, unorganised gatherings of young people ignoring social distancing etc. Unfortunately, gatherings such as the one you have mentioned, will get caught up in it.

I understand your anger (although I seriously doubt anyone is doing this for pure profit - sorry I think that’s a silly conclusion IMO) and you will do what you feel you need to but we all just need to try and comply in order to keep this thing under control. The increase in cases don’t seem to be a problem at the moment as a lot seem to be in the demographic groups that suffer least but, if they then start passing it on to more at risk groups, we could have a serious problem again.

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