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Can’t be armed carxhijg yo on the entire thread, but I’m just gonna put my tuppence worth in:

so Ireland has shut down, Italy has shut down, parts of China and the Far East have shut down. we haven’t.

i don’t get it. What does shutting down get you?

you go into self isolation for 2 weeks. You come out. corona virus is still there. You’re just as likely to bump into someone with it an hour after stepping out of your anti corona bunker, then having to have another 2 weeks off work while you recover from it now you’ve actually got it. 

Why shut down a sporting event or other mass gathering?

i get why some of our games, or the F1 have been cancelled / postponed. If the players have got it, then they can’t play. The fans could turn up, but there’s be nothing to watch. 

But to cancel these events for the sake of the fans is crap. People will get it, or they won’t. It’s out there now. The only way to eradicate it is to wait for a vaccine. 

The average joe doesn’t need to worry about getting it too much. The symptoms are similar to a flu. Take a couple of weeks off, and your back in the game. If you’re instils tent on taking a couple of weeks off anyway, might as well wait til you’ve actually got it. 

This is not me devaluing those who might actually be at risk of dying though. I am very concerned about my sister and my mum who are very high risk, for example. 

But the great thing about corona virus is that we have overwhelming evidence that a specific demographic is most at risk of dying. 

I’d you fall into that demographic, you know who you are, and you can then take extra measures to make sure you don’t get it. I’ve suggested my parents and sister should self isolate until all this blows over. My sister going to a football match would not be the most sensible idea right now. 

So why cancel a football match for the sake of a couple of people in the crowd who could just as easily have stayed at home. People should be sensible enough to just stay at home if they don’t want to catch and feel they might be in a riskier demographic. 

im self employed, so I don’t particularly want to get it. Not cos I’m going to die, but because I don’t want the time off work. So I’m taking extra precautions, and I’m not going to any football matches. I’d expect lower attendances during this outbreak, but no need to cancel stuff. 

using this method, we might end up with the highest numbers in the world who get it, but that doesn’t really matter as ling as we get the lowest number in the world who die from it. 

atcthd minute the death rate is about 1%. So if 30,000 people go to a football match, and the virus spreads like wildfire, and everyone gets it, we could expect 300 people to die. 

not if all the high risk people stayed at home. Then we’d have 30,000 people s as nd no deaths. So in the UK our death rate could be 0%. That’s the statistic that matters. 

I’m not normally in BJs camp, but I think the UKs approach to this is spot on. Be extra hygienic, do what you can to stop the spread, and self isolate if you’re at all concerned. But if you’re high risk, self isolate straight away if possible. 

It doesn’t really need to be any more complicated than that. 

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18 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Either we are right and everyone else is wrong or vice-versa. I can't fully decide which I think it is yet. I am increasingly thinking that we arent taking it seriously enough. 


Keep clam and carry on, it tends to work don’t you think?

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4 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Keep clam and carry on, it tends to work don’t you think?

The keeping calm bit, yeah. Carrying on like nothing is happening, probably not. 

'Keep calm and carry on' a slogan on a poster or the kind of thing my CO would say in the army when the poop hit the fan, it's not a valid response to a global pandemic. 

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5 hours ago, MuespachRam said:

GCSE and A levels don’t matter anyway anymore. They are given out like sweets! 

12 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

I had to work bloody hard for mine.

They don't matter once you've progressed to the next level. Once you've got your degree, no one cares about whether you got an A or a D in Chemistry for example. But, without a good GCSE you won't go to the 6th form or college you'd like. Same for going to your desired university if you don't get the required A level grades.
A levels certainly are not 'given out like sweets', although I probably wouldn't say the same for GCSE's. An A grade GCSE can be achieved just from 'talent' alone, whereas you definitely have to put the effort in for an A grade A level.

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41 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

Can’t be armed carxhijg yo on the entire thread, but I’m just gonna put my tuppence worth in:

so Ireland has shut down, Italy has shut down, parts of China and the Far East have shut down. we haven’t.

i don’t get it. What does shutting down get you?

you go into self isolation for 2 weeks. You come out. corona virus is still there. You’re just as likely to bump into someone with it an hour after stepping out of your anti corona bunker, then having to have another 2 weeks off work while you recover from it now you’ve actually got it. 

Why shut down a sporting event or other mass gathering?

i get why some of our games, or the F1 have been cancelled / postponed. If the players have got it, then they can’t play. The fans could turn up, but there’s be nothing to watch. 

But to cancel these events for the sake of the fans is crap. People will get it, or they won’t. It’s out there now. The only way to eradicate it is to wait for a vaccine. 

The average joe doesn’t need to worry about getting it too much. The symptoms are similar to a flu. Take a couple of weeks off, and your back in the game. If you’re instils tent on taking a couple of weeks off anyway, might as well wait til you’ve actually got it. 

This is not me devaluing those who might actually be at risk of dying though. I am very concerned about my sister and my mum who are very high risk, for example. 

But the great thing about corona virus is that we have overwhelming evidence that a specific demographic is most at risk of dying. 

I’d you fall into that demographic, you know who you are, and you can then take extra measures to make sure you don’t get it. I’ve suggested my parents and sister should self isolate until all this blows over. My sister going to a football match would not be the most sensible idea right now. 

So why cancel a football match for the sake of a couple of people in the crowd who could just as easily have stayed at home. People should be sensible enough to just stay at home if they don’t want to catch and feel they might be in a riskier demographic. 

im self employed, so I don’t particularly want to get it. Not cos I’m going to die, but because I don’t want the time off work. So I’m taking extra precautions, and I’m not going to any football matches. I’d expect lower attendances during this outbreak, but no need to cancel stuff. 

using this method, we might end up with the highest numbers in the world who get it, but that doesn’t really matter as ling as we get the lowest number in the world who die from it. 

atcthd minute the death rate is about 1%. So if 30,000 people go to a football match, and the virus spreads like wildfire, and everyone gets it, we could expect 300 people to die. 

not if all the high risk people stayed at home. Then we’d have 30,000 people s as nd no deaths. So in the UK our death rate could be 0%. That’s the statistic that matters. 

I’m not normally in BJs camp, but I think the UKs approach to this is spot on. Be extra hygienic, do what you can to stop the spread, and self isolate if you’re at all concerned. But if you’re high risk, self isolate straight away if possible. 

It doesn’t really need to be any more complicated than that. 

The numbers are a bit off but your point stands. I've seen some suggest c80% of the population will catch it whether we go in to lockdown or not. It seems the plan is to reduce the peak by spreading it out over a larger period of time, which is logical to me.

Better to get it now when the strain on the NHS is much lower ?

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6 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

They don't matter once you've progressed to the next level. Once you've got your degree, no one cares about whether you got an A or a D in Chemistry for example. But, without a good GCSE you won't go to the 6th form or college you'd like. Same for going to your desired university if you don't get the required A level grades.
A levels certainly are not 'given out like sweets', although I probably wouldn't say the same for GCSE's. An A grade GCSE can be achieved just from 'talent' alone, whereas you definitely have to put the effort in for an A grade A level.

That doesn't mean people don't work hard to get them. They are a step on the road, they suddenly matter a great deal if you mess them up and hit a blocker to progression at the age of 16.


EDIT: misread your post, which already made the point in this comment. My mistake. 

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46 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Either we are right and everyone else is wrong or vice-versa. I can't fully decide which I think it is yet. I am increasingly thinking that we arent taking it seriously enough. 


Israel, Ireland and Malta are the only countries from that list with fewer cases than us. The USA is the only country with fewer cases in relation to population than us.

It may be possible that we're waiting to take the same steps as other countries when it reaches the same point as them - so as to not take those steps 'too soon'.

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3 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

Israel, Ireland and Malta are the only countries from that list with fewer cases than us. The USA is the only country with fewer cases in relation to population than us.

It may be possible that we're waiting to take the same steps as other countries when it reaches the same point as them - so as to not take those steps 'too soon'.

Or maybe we won't have a similar 'run' of the virus as China and Italy, which both had particular cases for their clusters and number of cases. In Italy it's about the fashion industry and potentially lots of 'legal' workers from China. In China, well they didn't admit they had a problem until too late. 

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22 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

The numbers are a bit off but your point stands. I've seen some suggest c80% of the population will catch it whether we go in to lockdown or not. It seems the plan is to reduce the peak by spreading it out over a larger period of time, which is logical to me.

Better to get it now when the strain on the NHS is much lower ?

Putting that into perspective, with a UK population of 66.5m, 80% infection means 53m people will get this virus.

With a fatality rate of 3%, that means 1.5m people will die.

That's serious.

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22 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

They don't matter once you've progressed to the next level. Once you've got your degree, no one cares about whether you got an A or a D in Chemistry for example. But, without a good GCSE you won't go to the 6th form or college you'd like. Same for going to your desired university if you don't get the required A level grades.
A levels certainly are not 'given out like sweets', although I probably wouldn't say the same for GCSE's. An A grade GCSE can be achieved just from 'talent' alone, whereas you definitely have to put the effort in for an A grade A level.

I agree with almost all of that apart from the final part.

For some GCSEs, you certainly can get an A on talent alone, but I would say that falls to a B (unless you're very clever) in biology, chemistry, physics and computing. Plus, I was the final year to do GCSEs as they were - now there's a lot more emphasis on memorisation. For example, when we analysed 16 poems in English literature, we had them all in front of us in our exam. I believe the current crop have 12 poems that they have to memorise and analyse without seeing them during the exam.

Quite frankly, I think it's an utter disgrace. The exam system was woefully outdated even before they introduced more memorisation the other year. It was a political decision to appease those who were saying exams were too easy these days. Action needs to be taken at all levels to take account for the fact that, in the real world, we have a huge, instant database at our fingertips that enables us to find any information we need. More time should be spent on using modern technology properly (e.g. figuring out what is true and what is false) than memorising stuff that we could literally find on the internet in five seconds.

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Sith Happens
44 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Keep clam and carry on, it tends to work don’t you think?

What a very shellfish attitude though....?

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1 minute ago, GboroRam said:

Putting that into perspective, with a UK population of 66.5m, 80% infection means 53m people will get this virus.

With a fatality rate of 3%, that means 1.5m people will die.

That's serious.

And if we can reduce the impact on certain groups as stated by @TigerTedd, that fatality rate will be much lower. [Over 70s and those with pre-existing conditions primarily]. You'd then see a much better fatality rate in the region of 0.5-0.7%



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9 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

I agree with almost all of that apart from the final part.

For some GCSEs, you certainly can get an A on talent alone, but I would say that falls to a B (unless you're very clever) in biology, chemistry, physics and computing. Plus, I was the final year to do GCSEs as they were - now there's a lot more emphasis on memorisation. For example, when we analysed 16 poems in English literature, we had them all in front of us in our exam. I believe the current crop have 12 poems that they have to memorise and analyse without seeing them during the exam.

Quite frankly, I think it's an utter disgrace. The exam system was woefully outdated even before they introduced more memorisation the other year. It was a political decision to appease those who were saying exams were too easy these days. Action needs to be taken at all levels to take account for the fact that, in the real world, we have a huge, instant database at our fingertips that enables us to find any information we need. More time should be spent on using modern technology properly (e.g. figuring out what is true and what is false) than memorising stuff that we could literally find on the internet in five seconds.

Thanks for the compliment ?

I agree with everything you've said there.

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20 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

Israel, Ireland and Malta are the only countries from that list with fewer cases than us. The USA is the only country with fewer cases in relation to population than us.

It may be possible that we're waiting to take the same steps as other countries when it reaches the same point as them - so as to not take those steps 'too soon'.

Whatever happens, this is what Boris and Trump will probably be most remembered for.

Finest Hour or Katrina.

Best not sausage it up eh?

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Social distancing has just about closed this thing down in China.

Self-Isolation following significant testing stopped this thing from getting going in Taiwan.

I don't know about some of you lot but I'd prefer my parents not to get this, I'd prefer my 32 week pregnant wife not get this and in 7-8 weeks when we are in hospital, I'd like to know we will be safe in the hospital.

I've got no issue going into a shut down if it stops this thing from spreading. I'm scared, really scared. I read different things, I trust our Government but the more I read about Self-Isolation, the more I feel that's the best thing. If and when we get to that stage, the food supply chains must be kept in place whilst the NHS is supported and protected as much as physically possible.

Maybe we've seen the best positive ever in China being autocratic!!!

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32 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

What a very shellfish attitude though....?

I’m so useless at spelling, I hope it’s not a symptom 

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