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34 minutes ago, Archied said:

It’s a thought but do we really need to make corona yet another area where the rich can afford to flout the rules and the poor can’t ?

The fines should be significantly higher. These are the first offensive fines:

Italy - 400 Euros

Spain - 600 Euros

UK - £30


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7 minutes ago, rammieib said:

The fines should be significantly higher. These are the first offensive fines:

Italy - 400 Euros

Spain - 600 Euros

UK - £30


That means nothing. Surely our great British pounds are worth way more than that dirty, failing Euro right?

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1 hour ago, rammieib said:

Picnics are most definitely NOT allowed.

- Essential food shopping or medical supplies/medical requirements

- going to work if you can’t work from home

- Exercise once per day

- Dog walking

B4 - see this link to help you


None of this has changed at all in the past six weeks - everyone sitting in a park or doing a bloody conga is breaking the rules and acting irresponsibly.

Stay safe B4.

Got to disagree, sitting in a park is not acting irresponsibly and I would imagine is much safer than walking round a supermarket.

Its against Goverment guidelines, even the people advising dont appear to follow them, but as long as care is taken to follow social distancing it certainly isnt irresponsible.

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With this furlough coming to an end potentially, it may mean some job losses or temporary cessation of contracts.

I have had two friends layed off .  Both of them applied for UNIVERSAL CREDIT on advice from the DWP. This is not correct as both of them have waited 5 weeks for a response to get an email saying they are entitled to nowt as they have a partner in work and the amount is reduced 63p in every pound brought into the house.  If you have paid full NI or enough NI  for the last two years you can apply for NEW STYLE JSA which is a claim for yourself only. Don't bother ringing DWP , a pick up won't happen.

Both of them are probably going to wind up with nothing for 10-12 weeks now till it's sorted, having been advised they would be getting payment.

Just thought it may help speed things up and avoid a lot of stress if you wind up in this position , think I might be myself soon .


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2 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Got to disagree, sitting in a park is not acting irresponsibly and I would imagine is much safer than walking round a supermarket.

Its against Goverment guidelines, even the people advising dont appear to follow them, but as long as care is taken to follow social distancing it certainly isnt irresponsible.

I think one irresponsible action leads to another. That’s my issue - it leads to conga lines and hundreds in the street and so on. It’ll lead to thousands on beaches or climbing mountains (this is to come IMO). I read Leicestershire police force received their MOST ever call outs yesterday - I mean WTF? 

Rules are rules, the Gov has been slaughtered but then we defend people breaking the rules that are in place to save lives. 

As an individual action on its own I agree it’s less risky than a supermarket visit but how many in a park before it isn’t safe? Either way my gripe is that if you can’t follow rules, then you’ll break other rules.



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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Got to disagree, sitting in a park is not acting irresponsibly and I would imagine is much safer than walking round a supermarket.

Its against Goverment guidelines, even the people advising dont appear to follow them, but as long as care is taken to follow social distancing it certainly isnt irresponsible.

Sitting in the park does not equate to going out for a picnic in the park.

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1 hour ago, Angry Ram said:

Today’s the day. Don’t expect much. Too soon.

I’m hoping for some joined up thinking , things that make sense relative to each other, there’s so much to think through when you start the initial lock down that you can be excused for as they only become apparent once we are trying to work to it but now we are a long way in you can see stuff through common sense eyes as they come up,, my fear is that they will come up with stuff that is purely based on economic/ financial reasons and still totally at odds with other stuff which will alienate the public and make them less likely to stay on board 

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If you need to sit down in the park, chances are you've overdone it, and walked/jogged/cycled too far, too soon!  
If you need to take food with you, chances are you've left the house for too long!

To all you folk taking exercise for the first time since leaving school, remember... pace yourselves... it ain't as easy as you remember it!  You could do yourself a mischief!  
If you must stop, stand and take a breather.  Stretch those calves.  Take deep breaths (in, not out!)  A couple of minutes should do you the world of good, and you'll be on your way again!

All the very best, to all you born-again exercisers out there.  You can do it!  


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Sith Happens
1 hour ago, Angry Ram said:

Today’s the day. Don’t expect much. Too soon.

Certainly think many people will watch and think, 'well is that it?'


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8 hours ago, rammieib said:

I think one irresponsible action leads to another. That’s my issue - it leads to conga lines and hundreds in the street and so on. It’ll lead to thousands on beaches or climbing mountains (this is to come IMO). I read Leicestershire police force received their MOST ever call outs yesterday - I mean WTF? 

Rules are rules, the Gov has been slaughtered but then we defend people breaking the rules that are in place to save lives. 

As an individual action on its own I agree it’s less risky than a supermarket visit but how many in a park before it isn’t safe? Either way my gripe is that if you can’t follow rules, then you’ll break other rules.

Yeah agree but it's the rules I take issue with I guess.

Across the country I think on the whole we are seeing the treat people like adults and trust them with responsibility and they will behave accordingly.

The idiots will act like idiots whether there are rules in place or not and I dont think it's right to punish the rest of us for their actions. The police should be dealing with them.

If the rules are followed literally, some people could be confined to a room for a minimum of 23 hours a day and I am afraid that is akin to being under house arrest, even prisoners are not treated like that.

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7 hours ago, Eddie said:

Sitting in the park does not equate to going out for a picnic in the park.

What is the relevance of the picnic?

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Sith Happens
3 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yeah agree but it's the rules I take issue with I guess.

Across the country I think on the whole we are seeing the treat people like adults and trust them with responsibility and they will behave accordingly.

The idiots will act like idiots whether there are rules in place or not and I dont think it's right to punish the rest of us for their actions. The police should be dealing with them.

If the rules are followed literally, some people could be confined to a room for a minimum of 23 hours a day and I am afraid that is akin to being under house arrest, even prisoners are not treated like that.

I think what you are referring to is good old common sense?

I personally think even if you are shielding if you have outdoor space, enjoy it, if you can take a walk at a time you know you wont come across a crowd, then do it.

I think a lot depends on our own personal situations too. If you are shielding and live in a quiet village, with places to walk where you wont meet someone, or if you do you know (and are physically able) you can cross the road, then its probably ok, but if you live in the middle of Derby etc then perhaps no its not a good idea.

The problem for me is if you start altering the instructions so that it accommodates all our differing situations you end up with an incredibly confusion set of instructions that probably we would still be working on rather than getting a blanket set of instructions out there.

Personally i see no issue with sitting in the park, but then if im suddenly surrounded by lots of others who think the same I am not only relying on my common sense but the common sense of others.

I'd say a picnic might be fine, but if dozens or more others decide the same, then when all our bladders want emptying from the beers etc then what do we do.

Perhaps thats what will happen today, open things up a little so where common sense can be applied then its ok to do x.y and z.


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Sith Happens

It is going to be interesting to see what happens when we come out the other side with regards to how we work.

I have no idea what percentage of people are office based in the UK but it has to be a significant amount of the population.

Prior to Coronavirus the business I work for we would all commute, for me 20 miles 45 min trip each way, to sit at a desk and do a job that its been proven can be done from home.

I have always had the ability to work at home but the business never encouraged it, mostly down to trust issues with staff i believe, it was more for one offs, emergencies such as snow etc.

Millions must also be in similar positions, how much traveling into cities, london etc is done for someone to then sit at a desk, or spend 5 hours traveling for a 1 hour meeting and so on.

While I think there has to be a place for the social interaction with your colleagues could this mean a massive change in our attitudes towards how we work, less people on the daily commute equals less cars on the road, less pollution, more time for employees to potentially create a better work life balance, happier employees equals increased productivity and so on.

Perhaps you can even knock projects like HS2 on the head because the need is diminished.

Or will businesses just fall back into the old ways and look for people to flood back to the offices.

Appreciate it can't be done for everyone, you have to have an office presence, maybe it can be on a rota basis, and of course many people's jobs dont allow for it, but perhaps keep us off the road it makes it better for those who have to be on the road too.


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1 hour ago, Mucker1884 said:

If you need to sit down in the park, chances are you've overdone it, and walked/jogged/cycled too far, too soon!  
If you need to take food with you, chances are you've left the house for too long!

To all you folk taking exercise for the first time since leaving school, remember... pace yourselves... it ain't as easy as you remember it!  You could do yourself a mischief!  
If you must stop, stand and take a breather.  Stretch those calves.  Take deep breaths (in, not out!)  A couple of minutes should do you the world of good, and you'll be on your way again!

All the very best, to all you never-again exercisers out there.  You can do it!  


Fixed it for you

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27 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yeah agree but it's the rules I take issue with I guess.

Across the country I think on the whole we are seeing the treat people like adults and trust them with responsibility and they will behave accordingly.

The idiots will act like idiots whether there are rules in place or not and I dont think it's right to punish the rest of us for their actions. The police should be dealing with them.

If the rules are followed literally, some people could be confined to a room for a minimum of 23 hours a day and I am afraid that is akin to being under house arrest, even prisoners are not treated like that.

I think your final paragraph is over dramatising things a tad. You must be referring to those that have told to self isolate when you talk about “confined to a room for a minimum of 23 hours” not the majority of us that have just been told to stay at home or shield. The majority of us can move around own own houses and gardens (if we’re  lucky enough to have one) and even get out for essential shopping, going to work or exercise (unless we’re in the shielded group). Also, it’s not as if the “house arrest” for those self isolating is long term.

I can imagine self isolation, whilst it may only be for two weeks, must be very difficult but, unless you want to risk infecting those you live with, it’s difficult to imagine any alternative.

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