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6 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

I hear they have a different procedure for Prison Officers.

finger doctors GIF

@Norman has had that test many times but apparently the result keeps on coming back inconclusive so he keeps on having to re-take it.

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18 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

So, are you advocating that he "sneaks out to the Co-Op", despite him apparently being at greater risk of contracting the virus than the majority of us? (Thus being advised by "experts" to remain strictly in isolation at home for 12 weeks). 
As if the only thing that could go wrong is him "being caught sneaking out"?


... or am I totally misunderstanding your posts?  ?‍♂️

My understanding is not that he is at greater risk of contracting the virus, he has exactly the same risk as the rest of us (ignorIng the possibility of children being less susceptible). His risk is that should he contract it he has more possibility of needing much more care and possibly worse.

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22 minutes ago, Norman said:

I have my test at 10.30 today in Grantham.....

Does it tell you if you've had it, or just if you have it now or not? 

48 hours to 5 days wait for the results. Seems like a waste of time really. 

Did you see my post the other day where my colleague and her bf both tested negative, despite pretty clear symptoms. And a doctor told her 1 in 4 tests are wrong.

Read a few reports too on how the Deloitte testing has been a shambles too.

Could testing being rubbish be the next big obstacle. Or is the virus just difficult to test accurately for.

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1 hour ago, Paul71 said:

On your note about people taking advantage, it clearly does happen, it has where i work certainly. They can do this now though, they don't need an app to do it.

The idiots that report issues to cause problems, my understanding is if someone claims to have symptoms it flags as a warning, but if you have tested positive you get a code to enter so it flags as a red warning.

I would hope that if someone logs a report to cause problems, that if they are then out and about with their phone within the 14 days that somehow this can be picked up by the authorities and they come down hard on them, lets face it if you are stupid enough to do it for a bit of fun then you probably will carry on carrying your phone with you.

I do think some people will do this, but surely its going to be the minority that do, if enough download it surely, and lets face it the majority of us aren't oxygen thieving scumbags, it will help it work.

I think with regards to isolating if you have been near someone, you have to be have been shown as being near them long enough to make it a danger, i think the scientific advice is 15 minutes or so if within 2 meters?

I am sure you are right, there are lots of questions, but there are people and countries all round the world working on this, and if it will work in one country then the UK should be no different.

I will download it, although while I am shielding won't do me much good mind, but i will encourage all family members to who aren't, although my mum and dad will probably download spotify by mistake mind.

I'd say lets give it a go, and hope the minds working on it have a better grasp on it than we do.

More about the havoc they can cause to others though , we could see a situation where people are back to work for a couple of days then off again for 3 weeks then back a few days then off for 3 weeks again and again on and on so not really sure about it but let’s see,

also apparently the corona virus legislation has made changes to a 1984 law that allows for people to be forcibly quarantined and treated for conditions that can effect the welfare of others , my understanding is that that was allowed but with safeguard that it had to be under the instructions of two doctors but is now just any member of the state ? Now I could have that totally wrong but would be interested to know if anybody else has heard or researched this,

means singular people can be forcibly locked down / quarantined without medical safeguards if correct?

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2 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

Under the circumstances, and considering who you are posting to, I sincerely hope this is a joke, and you merely forgot to add a wink or a smiley!

It'd be @Eddie himself putting his own life/well being at risk, when all said and done.

Apologies for being so serious so early in the day.  ?

I'm not going to abuse the rules at all. There are some who will though - people who assume that the rules don't apply to them.

No apologies for likewise being just as serious.

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1 hour ago, Norman said:

I think he is getting at Eddie saying he is under house arrest. He is, but by himself. 

Eddie keeps referring to 'they' or 'them' when in fact it is just Eddie that makes the final decision. 

 I have been told that I am in the high risk category, and have been told in three different letters that I must self-isolate for 12 weeks, and the reason for that is to 'keep me safe'. Under the stipulations as defined within the letters, I should be shut away in a single room, have no face-to-face contact with anybody, either have somebody prepare my meals for me and leave them outside the bedroom door or to use the kitchen when nobody else is around, and basically be totally isolated while others in the household may abide by the slightly more relaxed rules that others are abiding to.

My wife, under her own volition, has agreed to join me in what amounts to a joint self-isolation. This allows me the run of the house, but it also restricts her to the same terms as far as face-to-face contact with anybody else is concerned. So no going to the corner shop at all, no going out for exercise at all, no going for a walk, no walking to the letterbox even, because if she gets it so will I. Under the arrangements we have made to make it a little more bearable for me, she has subjected herself to the same conditions.

If either of us go against the rules now, what have the previous 6 weeks been for? So no, I'm not going to make that decision, because it's not mine to take. 

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12 minutes ago, Eddie said:

 I have been told that I am in the high risk category, and have been told in three different letters that I must self-isolate for 12 weeks, and the reason for that is to 'keep me safe'. Under the stipulations as defined within the letters, I should be shut away in a single room, have no face-to-face contact with anybody, either have somebody prepare my meals for me and leave them outside the bedroom door or to use the kitchen when nobody else is around, and basically be totally isolated while others in the household may abide by the slightly more relaxed rules that others are abiding to.

My wife, under her own volition, has agreed to join me in what amounts to a joint self-isolation. This allows me the run of the house, but it also restricts her to the same terms as far as face-to-face contact with anybody else is concerned. So no going to the corner shop at all, no going out for exercise at all, no going for a walk, no walking to the letterbox even, because if she gets it so will I. Under the arrangements we have made to make it a little more bearable for me, she has subjected herself to the same conditions.

If either of us go against the rules now, what have the previous 6 weeks been for? So no, I'm not going to make that decision, because it's not mine to take. 

Yeah, I know. 

But if you want to go out you're not getting arrested. That's the point he was making. Not me. 

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1 hour ago, richinspain said:

My understanding is not that he is at greater risk of contracting the virus, he has exactly the same risk as the rest of us (ignorIng the possibility of children being less susceptible). His risk is that should he contract it he has more possibility of needing much more care and possibly worse.

Correct. If I get it, then I am much more likely to require hospitalisation (or worse) - and that puts an added burden on the NHS which in itself costs the Treasury more, and eventually costs the taxpayer more.

On the other hand, if I do peg out, that'll save a few bob for the Revenue - one less freeloading pensioner to give handouts to.

Swings and roundabouts, really.

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2 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

Then if that's the case, I thank you for the explanation... and offer my sincere apologies to @bigbadbob, for my poor choice in assumptions!  ?


... And all the very best with your test.    ? ?

That is indeed  the case. no apologies required I'm really not easily offended. You're still welcome to attend my bbq today, a couple of the other members are apparently popping by. Not Eddie of course.


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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

What is the mortality rate compared to flu?

@GboroRam not sure why the angry emoji? Just wondered what the rates are?

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18 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Look them up. Then pop round to A&E and tell that poor bloke in intensive care. 

Don’t get the reaction to g stars post , given it’s a virus similar to flu in many ways and seems it will/ could be seasonal then the question of numbers compared to flu will / does have to be asked as it pretty obvious we will have to find a route to coexist with it and flu

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20 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Look them up. Then pop round to A&E and tell that poor bloke in intensive care. 

No reliable figures yet but seen lots of estimates that the rates won't be wildly different.

Ok, while I'm in intensive care, I will leave you to explain to the cancer patients the reasons why they are currently not being treated.

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2 minutes ago, Archied said:

Quick question, have I missed a big Barney on the politics thread ? Now it’s been closed down

First rule of politics thread....

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Sith Happens
5 minutes ago, Archied said:

Quick question, have I missed a big Barney on the politics thread ? Now it’s been closed down

Its not its been deleted and merged with the proper one.

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