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2 hours ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

Given that Boris is planning to get a plan together... to get a flavour of what we could expect here is what the lockdown exit plan from the French government have published this afternoon.

- From May 11th, 700,000 tests will have to be done each week.

- People tested positive will have to isolate themselves, either at home, which will entail the confinement of the whole household for 14 days, or in in requisitioned hotels.

- From May 7th, there will be two categories of department/counties: the green, where the limits will be less strict, and the red, where restrictions will carry on.

- In cities, public transport can resume on May 11th, but must respect social distances by limiting crowds. Wearing a mask will be mandatory.

- Primary and nursery schools can reopen from May 11th, on a voluntary basis, colleges from May 18. A decision on the reopening of the college/sixth form will be taken at the end of May. The creches will reopen on May 11, but with small groups of ten children.

- Travel beyond 100 km will not be authorised on May 11th, except "compelling professional or family reasons". Apart from these cases, it will again be possible to travel without a certificate (they already need this to get out of the house)

- Parks and gardens can only open in green departments. Collective and indoor sports will be prohibited (French PL and Championship canceled, don't tell B4). The beaches will remain inaccessible to the public until at least June 1.

- Media libraries, libraries, small museums may reopen on May 11th, not large museums, cinemas (tell B4), theaters and concert halls, function halls, multipurpose halls. Shops will reopen, with the exception of large shopping centers, unless they they get special authorisations).

- No large gathering (requiring authorisation from the prefecture/county council) can be held before September.

- There will be no religious ceremony before June 2. cemeteries will reopen and funeral ceremonies may be held there up to a limit of 20 people.

- Meetings organised on public roads or in private places will be limited to ten people.

- The possible reopening of bars and restaurants will be decided at the end of May.

- The state of health emergency will be extended beyond May 23rd, possibly until July 23rd. A vote will take place in Parliament next week.



Mine inside intu centre

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7 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

So the ONS death stats up to 17/04/2020 have been released today.

Deaths for 2020 are 22k up on the 5 year average.

Death certificates where Covid 19 was mentioned were 19k.

So it would look likely that there have been an indirect additional 3k deaths.

These figures only run up to 11 days ago.

Think it's pretty safe to say that the figures we are seeing reported by the Goverment are wildly out.

I would guess the death toll is up near 30,000 now.

The stats are unreal

6k up, 8k up, and 12k up in the last three weekly reports.

26k up in 3 weeks.

the fact that the deaths were lower than expected in January and feb after a mild winter is of little relevance to the coronavirus stats which have only really become evident more recently.

There is nothing there to warrant an easing of the lockdown.


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5 minutes ago, RamNut said:

The stats are unreal

6k up, 8k up, and 12k up in the last three weekly reports.

26k up in 3 weeks.

the fact that the deaths were lower than expected in January and feb after a mild winter is of little relevance to the coronavirus stats which have only really become evident more recently.

There is nothing there to warrant an easing of the lockdown.

Other than - deaths are falling, infections are falling, the NHS has plenty of spare capacity, on the whole the country has adapted to social distancing measures, stats seem to show that if you're under a certain age and in decent health the odds are very heavily stacked against this affecting you, and every day that passes is more debt and misery passed on to future generations.

Just arguments that could be put forward as a counter.

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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

BBC with a PPE question. Excellent. So glad I paid my licence fee this year.

For weeks we have been led to believe that our results were tracking Spain/Italy/France, looks to me like that is because the figures have been suppressed.

That is unless the other countries death figures have been suppressed too.

France match ours however they include care home and make up circa 25% of the total. This morning news said that it is probably around 25% here as welll (not sure how they know). So effectively we are well ahead of France for sure, dont know accounting practice in Spain and Italy

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4 minutes ago, bigbadbob said:

Can't you just give us a brief outline?. I really can't be arsed

Looking at the stats clearly shows that the government got it right and wrong. They didn't have enough PPE but also had too much. Deaths from Coronavirus are decreasing, but unfortunately, more people are dying from Covid-19. We have the worst death rate in the EU but only if we count deaths of the people who were always going to die anyway. Our actual death rate is better than all other countries put together, but our infection rate is amongst the worst. All the evidence says we need to lift the lockdown now or else the economy will crash beyond repair, but if we lift the lockdown too early, then the economy will also die. Football games will resume in June behind closed doors, but only in countries that have already cancelled the season.

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12 hours ago, Van Wolfie said:

It is a mess but I don't see how it could really have been different, with a new disease and all governments scrabbling around for the best way of tackling it.

Hospitals had to be emptied and new temporary ones built in order to cope with the massive influx which, thankfully up to now, has not materialised. Now they have the new problem of spare capacity and how to re-open routine NHS treatments safely.

From a purely selfish point of view, in the last few weeks I have become aware of a rapidly growing and changing mole but I have no idea when I will be able to see a GP, never mind the huge backlog in the system for any further treatment, should it be required.

Doctor Wolfie. First ducking thing.

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3 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Other than - deaths are falling, infections are falling, the NHS has plenty of spare capacity, on the whole the country has adapted to social distancing measures, stats seem to show that if you're under a certain age and in decent health the odds are very heavily stacked against this affecting you, and every day that passes is more debt and misery passed on to future generations.

Just arguments that could be put forward as a counter.

I asked this question earlier:

For how long do you think that highly vulnerable people (such as myself) are to be kept under house arrest, so that others can go back to normality? Six months? A year? Longer?

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10 hours ago, Uptherams said:

Re-posting this as some punk kids at YouTube decided to remove the original which had over 5 million views because it doesn't fit their world view. 


I’m not sure his statistics stack up.

From what I gather he’s saying that out of those tested a percentage (say 50% because I can’t remember the exact figures) has, or has had the virus. So he then goes on to say that means 50% of the whole population has had the virus. He then quotes the death figure and says that’s a tiny portion of the population.

That all depends on who is being tested. If they’re testing everybody at random then he can make that assumption, but if the only people being tested are in hospital with the virus or are showing symptoms, as we are here, then obviously that will skew the figures. You can only then quote the death rate as a percentage of people being tested not as a percentage of the whole population.

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20 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I asked this question earlier:

For how long do you think that highly vulnerable people (such as myself) are to be kept under house arrest, so that others can go back to normality? Six months? A year? Longer?

House arrest is a bit strong Eddie. You are being given guidance to not leave your home, there is no police officer standing at your doorway. Whilst it clearly is not ideal I think that 1.5m individuals will have to be treated differently until a vaccine is found, so that some form of normality can be achieved over the next 12 months. For the many not the few - you could get behind that slogan couldn’t you?   Note: I acknowledge it would be tough on the 1.5m, and it’s an imperfect approach, but desperate times ......

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34 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I asked this question earlier:

For how long do you think that highly vulnerable people (such as myself) are to be kept under house arrest, so that others can go back to normality? Six months? A year? Longer?

Well until a vaccine is found I guess?

Not really sure what the alternatives are?


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33 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I asked this question earlier:

For how long do you think that highly vulnerable people (such as myself) are to be kept under house arrest, so that others can go back to normality? Six months? A year? Longer?

As long as it takes to avoid crashing the NHS seems to be the best answer we have. That aside, and if you were free to do as you pleased and take your chances, would you? 

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3 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Well until a vaccine is found I guess?

Not really sure what the alternatives are?


Well it is how I feel  been cant do a thing sigh.

But yet goverment not helping themselfs by telling people travel else were as long your out as longer than it took you to get there yet they wander why people having a go at the police.

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