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Kamil Jóźwiak - Signed 4 year deal


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28 minutes ago, RamNut said:

Irrespective of the fee I just don’t see anything in the highlight snippets to get excited about?

i’m bemused by the Fan reaction. 
all these posters suddenly getting aroused. I have absolutely no idea what you are seeing.

I watched both Poland games and was impressed by him. 

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3 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

I'm familiar with the headlining stories yes. 

Derby's recruitment team must be crap poker players. 


I've just been on the Leeds, Leicester, Forest and Burton forums. They are all looking at Polish tweets and videos to work out if we are getting him. They are also laughing at us as they always sign exactly who they want, every time and for the right price. 

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7 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

I've just been on the Leeds, Leicester, Forest and Burton forums. They are all looking at Polish tweets and videos to work out if we are getting him. They are also laughing at us as they always sign exactly who they want, every time and for the right price. 

Burton forum. Does that exist. Have the local farmers moved the sheep of the pitch from close season.  Forest do sign who they want, as normally nobody else want's them.  Leicester with their faux rivalry-come back when you've won two league titles and an FA CUP. Leeds can't laugh at anyone as they pretend they've won a cup and were traditionally a smaller team than Huddersfield who lent them money to keep them in business.  In short a bunch of jealous no marks. We'll just crack on.

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1 hour ago, Kernow said:

Maybe they see a 22-year-old raw talent who has begun to break into his national team. Maybe it’s refreshing to see us thinking outside of the box and looking at a market of cheaper players with high potential that could give us a huge profit in the not so distant future.

It makes a big change from overpaying for players at clubs in this country, or relying on loans. I can’t blame people for getting excited, even if you’ve written him off before he’s touched down in England.

I haven’t written him off but I just don’t see anything in the highlight snippets to get excited about. I wouldn’t write someone off based on three minutes of action but equally I’m not going to get giddy just because it’s a foreign signing. That’s playground stuff.

to shell out £3m or £4m etc when we are skint is risky. We get one shot at this and it had better be right. 

whoever we bring in, it will probably be at the expense of Holmes or knight. Therefore they have got to be significantly better, as we could possibly end up losing one or both of them, in order to accommodate the new player. 

I’d leave it. I think there are decent players out there for much less. I think we have already got better players.
Does this not smack of Clement?
No? Ok whatever. 

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Even if we don't get him, I'm happy that the club are beginning to look in the right places now as opposed to the inflated domestic market, I notice people mention our foreign flops, Albentosa, Camara etc, but what they seem to forget is that those players cost nothing compared to what we would pay for that same quality in England. Albentosa wasn't even a bad player! I'm pretty sure we made a profit on him in the end, went on to play more games in the Spanish top flight after he left, he just wasn't what we needed at the time. As for Camara, bloke was rapid but looked more like a sprinter than a footballer, but he didn't cost an awful amount either.

A few flops shouldn't but us off in the future, other clubs have done it, Leeds have had some rubbish foreign players over the years (I'll always remember that De Bock full back who played probably one of the worst games I've ever seen against us), but now they have proper quality, and we will get that eventually if we continue to look abroad.

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29 minutes ago, CocuBarmyArmy said:

A few flops shouldn't but us off in the future, other clubs have done it, Leeds have had some rubbish foreign players over the years (I'll always remember that De Bock full back who played probably one of the worst games I've ever seen against us), but now they have proper quality, and we will get that eventually if we continue to look abroad.

You know he's still actually a Leeds player? Jay-Roy Grot and Ouasim Bouy (who I don't think has even played for them) as well. They had even more deadwood floating around in the reserves and on loan last year. 

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25 minutes ago, JfR said:

You know he's still actually a Leeds player? Jay-Roy Grot and Ouasim Bouy (who I don't think has even played for them) as well. They had even more deadwood floating around in the reserves and on loan last year. 

My word, he was abysmal, I've just looked it up and realised he's 27 so not exactly a young prospect anymore. For all the Leeds gloating, they have spent an absolute fortune on players, not exactly like they did it on a shoestring like some of the Leeds fans will have you believe.

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1 minute ago, CocuBarmyArmy said:

My word, he was abysmal, I've just looked it up and realised he's 27 so not exactly a young prospect anymore. For all the Leeds gloating, they have spent an absolute fortune on players, not exactly like they did it on a shoestring like some of the Leeds fans will have you believe.

Transfermarkt has them bringing in 23 players in 2017/18, ten of whom cost seven figure sums. Crazy, really.

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20 minutes ago, Woodley Ram said:

So now the DT have reported that Derby still expect to sign him, that’s from sitting on the fence to putting both feet in. Was the fence so painful to sit on


Get your facts right - they actually said that the club “remain hopeful” of signing the player

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7 hours ago, RamNut said:

I haven’t written him off but I just don’t see anything in the highlight snippets to get excited about. I wouldn’t write someone off based on three minutes of action but equally I’m not going to get giddy just because it’s a foreign signing. That’s playground stuff.

to shell out £3m or £4m etc when we are skint is risky. We get one shot at this and it had better be right. 

whoever we bring in, it will probably be at the expense of Holmes or knight. Therefore they have got to be significantly better, as we could possibly end up losing one or both of them, in order to accommodate the new player. 

I’d leave it. I think there are decent players out there for much less. I think we have already got better players.
Does this not smack of Clement?
No? Ok whatever. 

Nah, Clement went the “proven Championship player” way forward and signed average players for huge fees off the back of a good spell generally. Johnson, Butterfield, Blackman were not value for money at all. Blackman innorticuoat wasn’t signed for a big fee based off a good 3 months, when he wasn’t even what we needed which showed as he barely played up top anyway. Jozwiak been on Cocus radar for a while it seems, so time to trust the manager with a player he actually wants (unlike Paterson, Dowell who I’m sure were recommended to him.) He’s certainly in a position we need a player, again unlike Blackman, Butterfield. 

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8 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

I've just been on the Leeds, Leicester, Forest and Burton forums. They are all looking at Polish tweets and videos to work out if we are getting him. They are also laughing at us as they always sign exactly who they want, every time and for the right price. 

Forest are signing any old random crap this summer. Almost like Lamouchi searches stats on football manager and takes a punt. Some he’s brought in have a poor to average record in a poor league and he’s signed them anyway. 

And their squad is full of expensive dead wood, we’ll laugh at them when it all goes to pot. 

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