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The Politics Thread 2020


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21 minutes ago, 1967RAMS said:

I’m sorry to say b4 but the current argument FOR the protests may be going over your head. Don’t worry about it though, the arguments AGAINST protests, are also going over the head of most of the protesters. Knee jerk reactions rarely prove to be good decisions. Both sides should take time. Reflect and put forward positive solutions. I am very biased but myself and both my sons are scholars of history. Most consider it a easy or worthless study. But the only way to learn from one’s mistakes, personally or as a nation or even on a global stage. Is to evaluate your mistakes and endeavour to correct them. In my very humble opinion, leave the statues in situ but put a plaque or statue of equal prominence next to it. This should  depict a person of different colour, race or creed. Or people with a different sexual identity or preference who despite being ignored, deserve to be heard. If white, black or children of any colour, don’t have the ability to see our past atrocities. Just, maybe one of them will make the same mistake 

I get fight against rasium but when gathering thousands when not allowed to take place but yet they are allowed to get away with. So for me if they are to gather so can football fans in near future.

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32 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

I get fight against rasium but when gathering thousands when not allowed to take place but yet they are allowed to get away with. So for me if they are to gather so can football fans in near future.

I understand your frustration mate, but it's two completely different scenarios.

Technically a large protest breaks the rules, but it's unlikely you'll spend 15+ plus minutes within 2m of someone else at a demonstration due to the ebb and flow of an outdoor crowd.

It would be guaranteed to be the case at a football match, 2 X 45 minutes in close enough proximity to spread any virus circulating, face masks or not.

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15 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Technically a large protest breaks the rules

Not technically, it completely broke the rules.

Last weekend set the precedent, Open the pubs and let us back in the grounds !!!! 

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Just now, RoyMac5 said:

Rubbish. How would the Police have stopped it?

They couldn’t, I never said that, I said it completely broke the rules and set the precedent. Lockdown is over, open the country back up. 

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23 minutes ago, TexasRam said:


Not technically, it completely broke the rules.

Last weekend set the precedent, Open the pubs and let us back in the grounds !!!! 

Serious question.""

If they announced those easings tomorrow, would you trot along to the pub and match?

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1 minute ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Serious question.""

If they announced those easings tomorrow, would you trot along to the pub and match?

Absolutely, yes. Would you? 

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8 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

They couldn’t, I never said that, I said it completely broke the rules and set the precedent. Lockdown is over, open the country back up. 

Understand the sentiment, and 100% blame Cummings - but this will likely mean many extra people will die. 

I don't think many (any?) people on here agree with the protesters to the level breaking lockdown. The protesters value the cause more than the lives of those people who will die. 

I don't believe you value a pint and a game of football above people's lives. 

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2 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Serious question.""

If they announced those easings tomorrow, would you trot along to the pub and match?

I think once the lockdown is eased, why try to limit contact? It's completely unworkable once the green light is given. It's almost unworkable with a red light. 

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6 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Understand the sentiment, and 100% blame Cummings - but this will likely mean many extra people will die. 

I don't think many (any?) people on here agree with the protesters to the level breaking lockdown. The protesters value the cause more than the lives of those people who will die. 

I don't believe you value a pint and a game of football above people's lives. 

Let’s see what happens in a week following the protests. Let’s see if cases rise, I very much doubt it. We can’t carry on like this forever, why not make the change now imo 

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3 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I think once the lockdown is eased, why try to limit contact? It's completely unworkable once the green light is given. It's almost unworkable with a red light. 

Fair point, but personally speaking it will be a long time before I'd be present in crowded stadium, green light or not.

There are things in this world I'd take the chance for, football won't be one.

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3 hours ago, Archied said:

Not Silent ? Does that mean posting on forums where it’s safe and nobody knows anybody from Adam? Yes I have a problem with the slogan and easy hero’s ( only you will know if that’s fits yourself with honest look) 

why wouldn’t any decent person have a problem with some of the stuff being bandied about , being white skinned means you must be racist , not actively fighting racism means your racist , being a decent not racist human being is not enough and your racist , being non white means you can’t be racist or behave in a racist way 

here’s a thing ,, not everybody has the strength of character to actively fight racism no matter the colour of they’re skin nor the physical strength or the security of position ,, that does not make them racist 

I personaly don’t give a stuff about statues ( some do whether wanting them down or kept) people in the main don’t hold up to 100% scrutiny by everybody s standards ,


All anyone needs to do if they can't be an 'activist' (and there are a million reasons for not wanting or being able to go down that road) is to call out injustice where you see it. The smallest thing can help. If enough people do small things, they add up.

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10 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Fair point, but personally speaking it will be a long time before I'd be present in crowded stadium, green light or not.

There are things in this world I'd take the chance for, football won't be one.

I think I agree. It pains me to say it, but my going to live football days are over until, at the very least, a reliable vaccine is developed. Until then, county cricket only (and not games where there's much of a crowd).

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11 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I think I agree. It pains me to say it, but my going to live football days are over until, at the very least, a reliable vaccine is developed. Until then, county cricket only (and not games where there's much of a crowd).

Pretty much got your pick of county games then. The big bash stuff might be trickier.

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40 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Let’s see what happens in a week following the protests. Let’s see if cases rise, I very much doubt it. We can’t carry on like this forever, why not make the change now imo 

Anecdotally, The Texas Tribune (funny that) reports today.

Texas, the second-most populous state in the US, reported 2,504 new cases of Covid-19 on Wednesday. 

It is the most reported in a day in the state since the pandemic began and marks a spike following the US Memorial Day holiday weekend at the end of May. 

The state's previous record-high was 1,949 new cases on 31 May.

Wednesday was also the third consecutive day that the number of Texans sent to hospital for Covid-19 rose, with over 2,100 people requiring hospital care.

Texas had one of the quickest reopening policies in the nation: stores, restaurants and theatres reopened, albeit with limited capacity, on 1 May, even though the state had seen rising case counts at the time. 

Since then, bars, aquariums, rodeos, bingo halls and bowling alleys have also been allowed to open.

Businesses continue to reopen in the state, and on Friday, as phase three begins, restaurants will be able to operate at 75% capacity.

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2 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

Anecdotally, The Texas Tribune (funny that) reports today.

Texas, the second-most populous state in the US, reported 2,504 new cases of Covid-19 on Wednesday. 

It is the most reported in a day in the state since the pandemic began and marks a spike following the US Memorial Day holiday weekend at the end of May. 

The state's previous record-high was 1,949 new cases on 31 May.

Wednesday was also the third consecutive day that the number of Texans sent to hospital for Covid-19 rose, with over 2,100 people requiring hospital care.

Texas had one of the quickest reopening policies in the nation: stores, restaurants and theatres reopened, albeit with limited capacity, on 1 May, even though the state had seen rising case counts at the time. 

Since then, bars, aquariums, rodeos, bingo halls and bowling alleys have also been allowed to open.

Businesses continue to reopen in the state, and on Friday, as phase three begins, restaurants will be able to operate at 75% capacity.

I live in Bramcote 

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