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The Politics Thread 2019


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1 minute ago, GboroRam said:

Because my next question is why did the ERG vote against May's deal? Is it not what people voted for? 

Not sure how what the ERG voted for or against has to do with what 17.4m voted for?

When did the ERG become representatives for Leave voters?

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5 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

I'm sorry but that makes no sense at all. I don't know who Jacob is and I don't have any mates called David. Ranting about someone's background doesn't add anything.

Try it from the point of view that sometimes people you don't like say things you agree with and sometimes people you like say things you disagree with. I don't feel bad about agreeing with Tories sometimes (or disagreeing with my 'mates'). It's very liberating. ?

Sorry mate , but I don't what you are on about now .  The Jacob would be the one with glasses in Westminster .  The Dave would be the one who has swallowed half my evening .

The bit highlighted in bold is 50 per cent of what's posted on this thread.

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1 minute ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Sorry mate , but I don't what you are on about now .  The Jacob would be the one with glasses in Westminster .  The Dave would be the one who has swallowed half my evening .

The bit highlighted in bold is 50 per cent of what's posted on this thread.

I thought you'd gone. I, a grammar school boy without the allegedly privileged background of Mr Schneider, ask you who is right about leaving Johnson or Farage?

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13 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

When did the ERG become representatives for Leave voters?

When they took over the Conservative party a couple of months back?

I must say you are doing a grand job of swerving his point!

I guess it must be really annoying to be so sure that you voted for something that you consider to be as simple as "leaving the EU" - yet the main proponents of Brexit have, not only not yet managed to achieve it, but have not even been able to agree on the manner in which we  "leave the EU"  

It must be like deciding to go and watch the Rugby but when you get there it's just a Rugby League team and a Rugby Union team arguing about the rules and refusing to play until all 28 players agree on which rules to follow - and you're stood there shouting into the void  "BUT I JUST WANT TO WATCH SOME RUGBY!"

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9 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

I thought you'd gone. I, a grammar school boy without the allegedly privileged background of Mr Schneider, ask you who is right about leaving Johnson or Farage?

I intended to, but it seems impolite to ignore someone who keeps posting replies despite an attempt to conclude a discussion.  Mr Schneider went to a school that costs nearly 20k a year in fees . That to me indicates a certain level of privileged background.  Both are right in different ways . I hold my counsel on that or I'll be here till christmas .  Perhaps concern yourself with whether you will vote Labour or Lib Dem , My choice is clear . Yours perhaps not .

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52 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

That overlooks the fact that many of these may have partners earning over this amount.


38 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

What percentage of the working population would that actually involve. If you can post any figures, it would be of great interest.


36 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

No idea but when I was married I was in that category, as are my 5 closest friends. So that's at least 0.0000000000000000000000001% ?

Not a fact then, just your own opinion based on your personal experience.

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7 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

I intended to, but it seems impolite to ignore someone who keeps posting replies despite an attempt to conclude a discussion.  Mr Schneider went to a school that costs nearly 20k a year in fees . That to me indicates a certain level of privileged background.  Both are right in different ways . I hold my counsel on that or I'll be here till christmas .  Perhaps concern yourself with whether you will vote Labour or Lib Dem , My choice is clear . Yours perhaps not .


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15 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

When they took over the Conservative party a couple of months back?

I must say you are doing a grand job of swerving his point!

I guess it must be really annoying to be so sure that you voted for something that you consider to be as simple as "leaving the EU" - yet the main proponents of Brexit have, not only not yet managed to achieve it, but have not even been able to agree on the manner in which we  "leave the EU"  

It must be like deciding to go and watch the Rugby but when you get there it's just a Rugby League team and a Rugby Union team arguing about the rules and refusing to play until all 28 players agree on which rules to follow - and you're stood there shouting into the void  "BUT I JUST WANT TO WATCH SOME RUGBY!"

How many times before the Referendum did the Remain campaign point out that there were numerous outcomes to voting Leave?

That's right.

The narrative only changed when the desperation to overturn the result kicked in.

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36 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Not sure how what the ERG voted for or against has to do with what 17.4m voted for?

When did the ERG become representatives for Leave voters?

Did they vote for what the 17.4m wanted when they voted for May's deal? 

Did they vote for what they wanted when they voted for Boris' deal? 

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4 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

Not a fact then, just your own opinion based on your personal experience.

Change the word 'many' for 'some' and it becomes a fact.

But yes my own personal opinion, based on the situation of me and my group of friends, is that there would be many in that situation.

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2 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Did they vote for what the 17.4m wanted when they voted for May's deal? 

Did they vote for what they wanted when they voted for Boris' deal? 

Politicians have been voting for their own purposes ever since Article 50 was invoked.

Leave and Remain were campaigns. How the politicians have chosen to vote since then has absolutely nothing to do with what was on the ballot paper.

Remain a member or Leave the EU were the choices, I'll await someone explaining how people didnt know what they were voting on.

I will accept that neither side knew what future their vote would lead to, I will not accept that people didnt know what they were voting on. And after 3 years its still only Remainers that you hear using that narrative. 

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12 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Leave and Remain were campaigns. How the politicians have chosen to vote since then has absolutely nothing to do with what was on the ballot paper.

Except it actually has everything to do with it. Leave won the advisory referendum and parliament has been trying to come up with a solution to implement it that causes the least amount of damage to the nation. Which is exactly what I'd expect them to do. That's the way our parliament works, and it's ironic that the people who complain out it the most are those that went on about wanting sovereignty!

19 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

I'll await someone explaining how people didnt know what they were voting on

Well you seem to have thought you were voting for something that should be simple to enact - so that was something you got wrong for a start!

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4 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Except it actually has everything to do with it. Leave won the advisory referendum and parliament has been trying to come up with a solution to implement it that causes the least amount of damage to the nation. Which is exactly what I'd expect them to do. That's the way our parliament works, and it's ironic that the people who complain out it the most are those that went on about wanting sovereignty!

Well you seem to have thought you were voting for something that should be simple to enact - so that was something you got wrong for a start!

Nope, I maintain it would be easy to implement if there weren't so many politicians doing everything in their power to block it.

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34 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:


Remain a member or Leave the EU were the choices, I'll await someone explaining how people didnt know what they were voting on.

I will accept that neither side knew what future their vote would lead to

They knew what they were voting for but not what would happen? 

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14 hours ago, GboroRam said:

I'll weigh up my options on the day. Would love to vote to keep the NHS but I think it's tory ot libdem here. Not even sure if Labour stand a candidate every time. 

Joking apart do you feel your vote counts? Do you tactically vote or do you genuinely vote for the person you want to represent you?

I lived in an area where Labour won every time. I still voted for who I wanted even though he had no chance. That’s our system though we had a chance to change it but decided not to.

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36 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Did they vote for what the 17.4m wanted when they voted for May's deal? 

Did they vote for what they wanted when they voted for Boris' deal? 

They voted  for "THE EASIEST DEAL EVER"

Simply because the EU always give in at the last minute, never agree on anything, the germans will want to sell their cars, the french their wines etc...

just got to be a bit more  patient....that's all

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