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The Politics Thread 2019


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2 hours ago, McRamFan said:

Sarcasm is an ironic or satirical remark tempered by humor, and is identifiable by the inflection of the voice, further more you could say sarcasm only works if it, at least, has a degree of intelligence behind it, a degree of subtleness.  That did not.

Perhaps you need a better dictionary.

Or maybe you're not quite as intelligent as you seem to have convinced yourself you are?

Quite embarrass that us thick leavers that dont understand anything normally managed to spot the sarcasm...

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What is the "sensible deal" Brexit that Labour are on about?.

I'm guessing it's a Norway style thing where we continue to pay in and have no say or influence in the EU.

If so, to have that vs Remain on the second referendum ballot paper is something of a slap in the face of the vast majority (IMO) of Leave voters

Update: Just listening to Keir Starmer, who is confirming the softest of Brexit deals. Single Market / Customs Union and Freedom of movement.

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22 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

If so, to have that vs Remain on the second referendum ballot paper is something of a slap in the face of the vast majority (IMO) of Leave voters

I repeatedly get told off by certain posters for trying to ascribe reasons to leave voters, but you might get away with it ?

I think "slap in the face" is a bit extreme - as there was no detail on the leave option, and it's clear that "leave" meant what ever people wanted it to mean - I don't think they can really complain about the terms of any specific leave deal.

Brexit means Brexit

Get Brexit Done


It would be the final irony of the whole shitshow if, having complained about people blocking May's deal, blocking Boris's deal and blocking no deal, Leavers then tried to block a Labour deal...




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6 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

I repeatedly get told off by certain posters for trying to ascribe reasons to leave voters, but you might get away with it ?

I think "slap in the face" is a bit extreme - as there was no detail on the leave option, and it's clear that "leave" meant what ever people wanted it to mean - I don't think they can really complain about the terms of any specific leave deal.

Brexit means Brexit

Get Brexit Done


It would be the final irony of the whole shitshow if, having complained about people blocking May's deal, blocking Boris's deal and blocking no deal, Leavers then tried to block a Labour deal...




Brexit means Brexit, but what exactly does Brexit mean.

Get Brexit done. Well the agreement we continue with whilst negotiating the actual Brexit. Perhaps Brexit is the actual Brexit, not simply Brexit.

We live in embarrassing times. At least Cameron's referendum to bring the Tory party together has worked a treat. Pretty much all the moderates are gone now. Can anyone suggest anyone left in the party who us not pretty right wing?

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36 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

Staying in.. Keep that between us, can't let it get out. Mum's the word. Stum. Just can't upset the Workington Man yet. 

Yeah but dont forget that Labour have said they will campaign against the deal ?

How confusing is this getting. 


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16 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

I repeatedly get told off by certain posters for trying to ascribe reasons to leave voters, but you might get away with it ?

I think "slap in the face" is a bit extreme - as there was no detail on the leave option, and it's clear that "leave" meant what ever people wanted it to mean - I don't think they can really complain about the terms of any specific leave deal.

Brexit means Brexit

Get Brexit Done


It would be the final irony of the whole shitshow if, having complained about people blocking May's deal, blocking Boris's deal and blocking no deal, Leavers then tried to block a Labour deal...

Do I really need to waste my time posting links to politicians telling us that voting Leave meant leaving the Single Market and Customs Unions?

Seems to me that the more Remainers move the goalposts the more they expect Leave voters to forget.

Wont be long before you're trying to convince us that Leave wasnt even on the ballot paper.

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10 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

I repeatedly get told off by certain posters for trying to ascribe reasons to leave voters, but you might get away with it ?

Well I voted Leave, so I at least know, with some level of confidence, why 0.000000058% of Leave voters did it.

10 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

I think "slap in the face" is a bit extreme - as there was no detail on the leave option, and it's clear that "leave" meant what ever people wanted it to mean - I don't think they can really complain about the terms of any specific leave deal.

I get that but I'd like to bet that most Leave voters wouldn't be happy with effectively Brexit in name only, with the only real difference being that we wouldn't be members of any EU institutions but have to follow whatever they decide.

If anyone knows better then please enlighten me but IMO we really might as well remain, if this is going to be the other option.

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32 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

I get that but I'd like to bet that most Leave voters wouldn't be happy with effectively Brexit in name only, with the only real difference being that we wouldn't be members of any EU institutions but have to follow whatever they decide.

If anyone knows better then please enlighten me but IMO we really might as well remain, if this is going to be the other option.

We're back at the Brexit paradox aren't we? The deal was never going to be better than membership.

The best that any of us can hope for is a deal that retains as many benefits as possible. Any freedoms we gain to do things differently (that we couldn't do already) were always going to be small

45 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Do I really need to waste my time posting links to politicians telling us that voting Leave meant leaving the Single Market and Customs Unions?

No -because none of it was articulated on the ballot paper. And we know politicians are all liars. People just heard what they wanted to hear and voted on that basis

47 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Seems to me that the more Remainers move the goalposts the more they expect Leave voters to forget.

It's hard to move goalposts that didn't even exist in the first place!

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2 hours ago, Van Wolfie said:

What is the "sensible deal" Brexit that Labour are on about?.

I'm guessing it's a Norway style thing where we continue to pay in and have no say or influence in the EU.

If so, to have that vs Remain on the second referendum ballot paper is something of a slap in the face of the vast majority (IMO) of Leave voters

Update: Just listening to Keir Starmer, who is confirming the softest of Brexit deals. Single Market / Customs Union and Freedom of movement.

Labour will negotiate a deal and the choice will be stay in or stay in. 

This sitting on the fence malarkey is just a charade. I know people who have vote Labour all there life telling me they are voting for BJ because he’s the only credible leave option.

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46 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

We're back at the Brexit paradox aren't we? The deal was never going to be better than membership.

The best that any of us can hope for is a deal that retains as many benefits as possible. Any freedoms we gain to do things differently (that we couldn't do already) were always going to be small

No -because none of it was articulated on the ballot paper. And we know politicians are all liars. People just heard what they wanted to hear and voted on that basis

It's hard to move goalposts that didn't even exist in the first place!

What elements of Remain were articulated on the ballot paper out of interest?

Which of the major parties policies will be articulated on the ballot paper during the General Election?

Will we be able to demand another General Election every time the Government do something that wasnt written in their manifestos?

You're really clutching at straws I'm afraid.

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1 minute ago, SchtivePesley said:

Bit of a dumb question - everyone was 100% clear what remain meant. Absolutely no change.


I think plenty voted remain but wanted concessions that Cameron failed to get, no? 

Some politicians even campaigned on this point. 

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3 minutes ago, Norman said:

I think plenty voted remain but wanted concessions that Cameron failed to get, no? 

Some politicians even campaigned on this point. 

He'd already failed to get the concesssions - that's why the vote went ahead.

Plenty voted to remain but wanted to reform afterwards. That was nothing to do with the referendum. 

Actually you have to remember that leave or remain - the referendum was only ever advisory and the government have absolutely zero legal obligation to implement the result.

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