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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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9 minutes ago, Phoenix said:

I thought there was a 'Park' facility on an automatic.

There is, but you've got to push the brake to pull up & it's easier just to keep your foot there and wait for the lights to change. It also activates the start-stop. There's no benefit to putting it in park.

Sorry if you object to being dazzled but, as a BMW driver, I'm required not to give a toss about other road users.;)

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22 hours ago, Phoenix said:

People who keep their foot firmly on the footbrake at traffic light queues. Bloody dazzling. There is a hand brake you know.

Ha that's me, but I'd argue that brake lights are hardly dazzling, and if anything I'd say its bloody annoying when people stop for a few seconds at traffic lights and insist on applying the handbrake and then take an age to move off once they turn to green.

I would only apply my handbrake if stopped for a fair amount of time, I am sure I was taught this is correct. Most traffic lights seem to have short cycles so seems more like hard work applying the handbrake.


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I apply my hand brake at traffic lights but I don't take seconds to move off. I anticipate the movement of the queue. I'd also argue that with the growing number of high-intensity LED lights, that they are dazzling. Anyway, each to his own, as they say.

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More non stories in the press. Derby man gets parking fine after paying to park....


Ok i get that it shouldnt happen, but you read the story and clearly the company involved accepted there was an error, his comments of being furious are a bit over the top, he didnt even have to contact them for them to cancel the ticket.

This happened to me once when i paid to park at toys r us for a derby game, got a £100 fine through, i thought to my self which option should i take

A) Drop an email to the company explaining I had paid, giving them my registration number and asking them to cancel the ticker or...

B) Be outraged by the letter, contact the press, make a huge thing about it...

ermm - i contacted the company and er guess what got a reply saying yes you are right we are really sorry for any inconvenience...

No need to jump up and down and make a big scene just to get your 2 minutes of fame in the press (oh and dont forget the obligitory photo looking really upset standing next to the car as we didnt know what a car was we needed a picture to remind us).

So basically the story is man pays for ticket and doesnt get fined.


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II 1 hour ago, Paul71 said:

More non stories in the press. Derby man gets parking fine after paying to park....


Ok i get that it shouldnt happen, but you read the story and clearly the company involved accepted there was an error, his comments of being furious are a bit over the top, he didnt even have to contact them for them to cancel the ticket.

This happened to me once when i paid to park at toys r us for a derby game, got a £100 fine through, i thought to my self which option should i take

A) Drop an email to the company explaining I had paid, giving them my registration number and asking them to cancel the ticker or...

B) Be outraged by the letter, contact the press, make a huge thing about it...

ermm - i contacted the company and er guess what got a reply saying yes you are right we are really sorry for any inconvenience...

No need to jump up and down and make a big scene just to get your 2 minutes of fame in the press (oh and dont forget the obligitory photo looking really upset standing next to the car as we didnt know what a car was we needed a picture to remind us).

So basically the story is man pays for ticket and doesnt get fined.


These people are everywhere Paul. I saw in the York Press the other week a story of a mum whose kid wasn't given a Christmas dinner by his school.

Apparently parents had to hand in a slip confirming their child would like a Christmas dinner. There was a genuine mix up for which the school apologised for and as a result the kid didn't get a Christmas dinner.

The parent went to the press and they ran this ridiculous non story. Later on in the small text of the story it transpires that the kid did still get a school dinner but just not a Christmas one. They didn't just leave him there ostracised in a corner to starve which is the impression you got when you read the headline.

So where's the story? Where is the need for outrage. Kid got fed. Crackers.

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2 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

These people are everywhere Paul. I saw in the York Press the other week a story of a mum whose kid wasn't given a Christmas dinner by his school.

Apparently parents had to hand in a slip confirming their child would like a Christmas dinner. There was a genuine mix up for which the school apologised for and as a result the kid didn't get a Christmas dinner.

The parent went to the press and they ran this ridiculous non story. Later on in the small text of the story it transpires that the kid did still get a school dinner but just not a Christmas one.

So where's the story? Where is the need for outrage. Kid got fed. Crackers.

Totally, here you go one today, a bloke complaining about being fined for stopping in a bus stop.


Is an offence not an offence regardless of how long you carry it out....and i dare bet it was more than the 3 supposed seconds he says it was.

Its like getting done for speeding and arguing you only did it for a few seconds that just happened to be the same time as going through a camera....

Its a combination of mock outrage, wanting 5 minutes of fame and not taking responsibility for your own actions.


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31 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Its a combination of mock outrage, wanting 5 minutes of fame and not taking responsibility for your own actions.


.........and media organisations generally being so desperate for a news story, any news story to fill their clickbait twitter feeds/online pages. Got to be refreshed as much as possible to get that advertising revenue, cos nobody buys newspapers any more.

Hopefully a day will come soon when all this pulsating mass of pointless stuff reaches critical mass and disappears up Rupert Murdoch's backside.

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25 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

.........and media organisations generally being so desperate for a news story, any news story to fill their clickbait twitter feeds/online pages. Got to be refreshed as much as possible to get that advertising revenue, cos nobody buys newspapers any more.

Funnily enough, I was having an issue with Derby City Council recently which I was struggling to get help with.

In a frustrated moment I contacted the Derby Telegraph and explained the (very boring) story to them and asked if they were interested in doing a piece  on it.

The News Desk  virtually snapped my hand off and were pushing me to meet up with the journalist.

In the meantime the Council finally got in touch and were really helpful and resolved the issue almost immediately and very professionally.

I called the paper back and explained it was resolved and that I was happy to go ahead with the story as a “good news” piece about how helpful the Council had been, and they said “not interested, we only want stories about the council being crap” ?!

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4 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

People who drive an Audi

I look forward to your post tomorrow expressing your dislike for people who drive an Audi.

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