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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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Leicestershire County Council (tho' I expect others are similar).

Clearing the garage out I decided to get rid of various old tins of paint, in various states of decay. I go to the local General Household Recycling Facility (Tip) to be told ' you can't dump that here, you need to go to Enderby'. Googling the map I find it's actually in Whetstone, so I look on the LCC website for recycling facility information

Yes, out of all the recycling facilities, Enderby (Whetstone) is the only one to take paint. Okay, it's not too far.


You need a licence. It's free but only lasts for a few days, and you have to register with LCC. I register,and have to tell them make & model of car, plus registration number, any distinctive markings, am I the sole driver.

Is it my waste, did it come from my house, was the waste generated by my self or a paid person, is the waste generated by myself the result of a paid job. Yes,yes,me,no.

What sort of waste is it? Dropdown list. I select paint etc.

What sort of paint, emulsion, spirit based, turps, adhesive? How many cans, tins, bottles of each? Slight glitch here, because if I accidentally click 'add another', there's no get out. You have to cancel the whole lot and start again. Never mind, I'm retired and can afford the time.

Submit. I get a message telling me that they will e-mail me login details. I go to my e-mails. There's one telling me I have submitted my details (encouraging) and they will e-mail login details (not so encouraging). I wait. And wait. Several minutes. Then I get an email giving me a password (there was a capital 'I' in it. Or is it a '1'?) I log in, although I don't have a User Name. I guessed (correctly) it was my e-mail address.

It takes me to a screen where I have to change my password before I can progress. (It was an 'I'). I am then given a list of options for receiving my paint-dumping permit, including collection from County Hall (aka the Leicestershire Hilton, and has 18 receptionists, honestly), several libraries, or by post. I choose my local library for speed.

It's Wednesday, but I find that Enderby (Whetstone) tip is closed Wednesday :angry: so I plan for Thursday,a quick shopping trip into Hinckley, pick up the permit, drive to Enderby (Whetstone), call in by Topps Tiles (Enderby), home. Bingo.

It's Thursday. The wife has decided what she wants from Hinckley, and also which tiles to pick up, so I carefully load all the paint into the boot of the car, and off we go to Hinckley Public Library. F***ing SHUT.:angry::angry:. On a Thursday. I suppose Brexit is to blame. It is for most things.

LCC must be the most overpaid, mindless, cretinous bunch of incompetents in Britain. At least, they are Politically Correct overpaid, mindless, cretinous incompetents.

I now have to waste part of Friday, earmarked for other things, to dump the f***ing stuff. Am I p1ssed off? Is the Pope Catholic?


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16 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

I think what you're saying is that giving to charity is a personal choice and no one should feel co-erced, pressured or shamed into giving. Amen to that

Totally agree. Supermarket exits used to be terrible for this pressurised giving. You mumble 'not today, thanks' and they respond with a heavily sarcastic 'HAVE A NICE DAY'. You can almost feel them thumbing their nose at you, or giving you 2 fingers.

The other thing is these TV adverts, pulling at the heart-strings (I don't think I've got any anymore). A dulcet-toned voice pleads with you to give 'just £3'. What they don't say is 'every month'. If I gave to everyone of these begging charities, I'd be bankrupt, and in need of charity myself.

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3 hours ago, Phoenix said:

Leicestershire County Council (tho' I expect others are similar).

Clearing the garage out I decided to get rid of various old tins of paint, in various states of decay. I go to the local General Household Recycling Facility (Tip) to be told ' you can't dump that here, you need to go to Enderby'. Googling the map I find it's actually in Whetstone, so I look on the LCC website for recycling facility information

Yes, out of all the recycling facilities, Enderby (Whetstone) is the only one to take paint. Okay, it's not too far.


You need a licence. It's free but only lasts for a few days, and you have to register with LCC. I register,and have to tell them make & model of car, plus registration number, any distinctive markings, am I the sole driver.

Is it my waste, did it come from my house, was the waste generated by my self or a paid person, is the waste generated by myself the result of a paid job. Yes,yes,me,no.

What sort of waste is it? Dropdown list. I select paint etc.

What sort of paint, emulsion, spirit based, turps, adhesive? How many cans, tins, bottles of each? Slight glitch here, because if I accidentally click 'add another', there's no get out. You have to cancel the whole lot and start again. Never mind, I'm retired and can afford the time.

Submit. I get a message telling me that they will e-mail me login details. I go to my e-mails. There's one telling me I have submitted my details (encouraging) and they will e-mail login details (not so encouraging). I wait. And wait. Several minutes. Then I get an email giving me a password (there was a capital 'I' in it. Or is it a '1'?) I log in, although I don't have a User Name. I guessed (correctly) it was my e-mail address.

It takes me to a screen where I have to change my password before I can progress. (It was an 'I'). I am then given a list of options for receiving my paint-dumping permit, including collection from County Hall (aka the Leicestershire Hilton, and has 18 receptionists, honestly), several libraries, or by post. I choose my local library for speed.

It's Wednesday, but I find that Enderby (Whetstone) tip is closed Wednesday :angry: so I plan for Thursday,a quick shopping trip into Hinckley, pick up the permit, drive to Enderby (Whetstone), call in by Topps Tiles (Enderby), home. Bingo.

It's Thursday. The wife has decided what she wants from Hinckley, and also which tiles to pick up, so I carefully load all the paint into the boot of the car, and off we go to Hinckley Public Library. F***ing SHUT.:angry::angry:. On a Thursday. I suppose Brexit is to blame. It is for most things.

LCC must be the most overpaid, mindless, cretinous bunch of incompetents in Britain. At least, they are Politically Correct overpaid, mindless, cretinous incompetents.

I now have to waste part of Friday, earmarked for other things, to dump the f***ing stuff. Am I p1ssed off? Is the Pope Catholic?


To fecking compliacated this recycling thing now.. I put a battery in me black bin bag, now I cant sleep at night.

Thinking of turning myself in to the green police... Is Australia still an option?

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5 hours ago, StivePesley said:

I think what you're saying is that giving to charity is a personal choice and no one should feel co-erced, pressured or shamed into giving. Amen to that

When I worked for a certain DIY store, they used to run campaigns, asking people if they wanted to add a 50p donation to their shopping. 

I flat refused, on that same principle. Earned me a disciplinary.

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14 hours ago, Phoenix said:

Leicestershire County Council (tho' I expect others are similar).

Clearing the garage out I decided to get rid of various old tins of paint, in various states of decay. I go to the local General Household Recycling Facility (Tip) to be told ' you can't dump that here, you need to go to Enderby'. Googling the map I find it's actually in Whetstone, so I look on the LCC website for recycling facility information

Yes, out of all the recycling facilities, Enderby (Whetstone) is the only one to take paint. Okay, it's not too far.


You need a licence. It's free but only lasts for a few days, and you have to register with LCC. I register,and have to tell them make & model of car, plus registration number, any distinctive markings, am I the sole driver.

Is it my waste, did it come from my house, was the waste generated by my self or a paid person, is the waste generated by myself the result of a paid job. Yes,yes,me,no.

What sort of waste is it? Dropdown list. I select paint etc.

What sort of paint, emulsion, spirit based, turps, adhesive? How many cans, tins, bottles of each? Slight glitch here, because if I accidentally click 'add another', there's no get out. You have to cancel the whole lot and start again. Never mind, I'm retired and can afford the time.

Submit. I get a message telling me that they will e-mail me login details. I go to my e-mails. There's one telling me I have submitted my details (encouraging) and they will e-mail login details (not so encouraging). I wait. And wait. Several minutes. Then I get an email giving me a password (there was a capital 'I' in it. Or is it a '1'?) I log in, although I don't have a User Name. I guessed (correctly) it was my e-mail address.

It takes me to a screen where I have to change my password before I can progress. (It was an 'I'). I am then given a list of options for receiving my paint-dumping permit, including collection from County Hall (aka the Leicestershire Hilton, and has 18 receptionists, honestly), several libraries, or by post. I choose my local library for speed.

It's Wednesday, but I find that Enderby (Whetstone) tip is closed Wednesday :angry: so I plan for Thursday,a quick shopping trip into Hinckley, pick up the permit, drive to Enderby (Whetstone), call in by Topps Tiles (Enderby), home. Bingo.

It's Thursday. The wife has decided what she wants from Hinckley, and also which tiles to pick up, so I carefully load all the paint into the boot of the car, and off we go to Hinckley Public Library. F***ing SHUT.:angry::angry:. On a Thursday. I suppose Brexit is to blame. It is for most things.

LCC must be the most overpaid, mindless, cretinous bunch of incompetents in Britain. At least, they are Politically Correct overpaid, mindless, cretinous incompetents.

I now have to waste part of Friday, earmarked for other things, to dump the f***ing stuff. Am I p1ssed off? Is the Pope Catholic?


What's wrong with dumping them at the side of the road like a normal person?

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Derby County 'Gift Card' - bought in ticket office by my hubby as a birthday gift back in March. Finally got round to buying a top I liked in shop - 'sorry can only use it for tickets' No problem as we go to all away matches. Next away match in ticket office 'sorry you can only use it for home tickets'. 

No clear terms and conditions on the card. 

We are season ticket holders so only buy tickets for cup. I could have used it for EFL cup but too late now.

Bought in March, it runs out next March so we better get a home FA cup draw or it's wasted. What a palaver! 

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1 hour ago, angieram said:

Derby County 'Gift Card' - bought in ticket office by my hubby as a birthday gift back in March. Finally got round to buying a top I liked in shop - 'sorry can only use it for tickets' No problem as we go to all away matches. Next away match in ticket office 'sorry you can only use it for home tickets'. 

No clear terms and conditions on the card. 

We are season ticket holders so only buy tickets for cup. I could have used it for EFL cup but too late now.

Bought in March, it runs out next March so we better get a home FA cup draw or it's wasted. What a palaver! 

You could get some mates a Forest ticket. 

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9 hours ago, StringerBell said:

People who complain about perfectly appropriate pronouns being used for them as though it's somehow rude. 

For example, people who say with utter disgust when they're referred to as 'her'. What do you mean, her?". Yes, you are a woman. Her.

It is rude.

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On 10/21/2016 at 01:22, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Not sure if anyone has covered this before but 'chuggers' and people claiming to represent a business or charity virtually accosting you as you go about your merry way.

In Chesterfield town centre today I needed to pop in to pick something up. I was roughly 10 minutes from leaving the car park to returning back to my car and I was rudely interrupted 7 times whilst the opportunities for a plethora of other chuggers was missed due to me diverting or taking a wide berth whilst passing.

First I had some homeless charity. They have my sympathy but I won't give if they harass me. Then Salvation Army bloke stood right in the middle of the pavment. He wasn't shouting or trying to verbally assault passers by to be fair, simply an elderly gentleman dressed in the uniform with a collecting tin. Acceptable but I was in a rush. Then seconds later I pass two women sat down alongside a load of leaflets about God and the Bible. No thanks.

"ROOFS, WINDOWS, DOORS!! shouts a small unkempt man whilst simultaneously thrusting a leaflet in the general direction of my face.

Then comes the AA man. No thanks mate, i'm already a member. Then the Sky bloke next to him.  Same response I gave the AA man - both true.

Talk Talk want a word. I'm not in the talking mood by now so just blank them and then on entering the post office I get a bloke representing injured servicemen who scuttled across the 10 yards into my personal space thrusting another leaflet in my face and shouting help for the injured servicemen. All admirable charities but I won't give if you pester. If you sit there with a large banner quiet as a mouse and smile then yes, I think I have spare change but otherwise just piss off out of my face please.

There were a few more. Some revolutionary flat roofing system that I might vaguely be interested in if I ever earn enough money to own my own house but until then. Bugger off.

I will write to Chesterfield Borough Council about this and I won't be going back into the town centre unless I have absolutely no other option but to do so. Is it like this in Derby or where you live?

I think in Chesterfield with it being a small compact town it's more noticeable as space for them all is at a premium but it just seems that wherever you are or whatever you are doing people are always after money.

With me though it's counterproductive as I won't give if asked - only if I see something and am free to make my own mind up in my own time without being terrorised. They are no more than aggressive beggars and it needs to be stopped.

Had these today and couldn't help but think of your post.

Yes, I know it's a worthwhile cause but it's not so worthwhile that you'd volunteer to do it is it?

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9 hours ago, angieram said:

Derby County 'Gift Card' - bought in ticket office by my hubby as a birthday gift back in March. Finally got round to buying a top I liked in shop - 'sorry can only use it for tickets' No problem as we go to all away matches. Next away match in ticket office 'sorry you can only use it for home tickets'. 

No clear terms and conditions on the card. 

We are season ticket holders so only buy tickets for cup. I could have used it for EFL cup but too late now.

Bought in March, it runs out next March so we better get a home FA cup draw or it's wasted. What a palaver! 

Vouchers and gift cards are just a rip off. Just stuff money or a cheque in an envelope, at least real money doesnt expire. How many times you receive gift vouchers and read the small print (on the back) and they expire in 6 months, why? Its like ok take my money to force someone to spend at your business but only allow them so long? So if they dont quite in time then you just pocket the money and what do we get, just a bit of paper or a card...well thanks for that.

I understand there has to maybe be some time limit, but make it like 3 years or something.

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11 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

I've fallen foul of Groupon. Had a gift to redeem it against an item. Went on holiday, came back, few days later got laptop out to redeem gift. Expired at month end. No gift, no negotiation either. 

Yep i think thats how these companies make money, sell stuff cheap but know that a good % of people will fail to claim them in time.

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This has probably been done before but it annoys me that supermarkets are always moving things around the store.  I believe it is because they want you to have to look for items so you see other items and purchase extra.  

I can't help but think that if one of the 4 major supermarkets had an marketing campaign stating that they'll never move stuff around they would see profits soar.

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5 minutes ago, Bridgford Ram said:

This has probably been done before but it annoys me that supermarkets are always moving things around the store.  I believe it is because they want you to have to look for items so you see other items and purchase extra.  

I can't help but think that if one of the 4 major supermarkets had an marketing campaign stating that they'll never move stuff around they would see profits soar.

You do supermarket shopping??? Internet bruv, let some college dude worry about where the soap is this week.


Random things that annoy me.... Blokes who shop :p

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