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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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22 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

The M1 being shut at Luton last night.. 8PM.. Dont they know Derby are at home with a late KO and Angry has to get back to London???

While im on the subject.. 20 plus miles of roadworks and they are only working on 2 miles at any one time.. SHORTEN THE BLOODY ROADWORKS !!!!

that drives me crazy, why they don't work on one section at a time is beyond me, even more annoying is the 50mph speed limit they operate in these vast swathes of emptiness , how are we protecting the workers when they are 40 miles down the road.

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3 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Stating the obvious labels like the can of Mackerel I had this morning warning me that the said can I was about to open contained fish.

Bags of cashews that say may contain nuts! :(

I'm not making light of food intolerances but bleedin' nora!

This falls under litigation culture in general. You can blame that numpty that got millions out of McDonalds because they didn't warn her that the coffee she'd bought was quite hot.

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40 minutes ago, Anon said:

This falls under litigation culture in general. You can blame that numpty that got millions out of McDonalds because they didn't warn her that the coffee she'd bought was quite hot.

I didn't know that about the McDonalds case. Jeez. World's gone mad. At my kids school there is one the biggest horse chestnut trees you'll ever see in the playground but they aren't allowed to play conkers or collect them, even fallen ones.

Truly sad.

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2 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

I didn't know that about the McDonalds case. Jeez. World's gone mad. At my kids school there is one the biggest horse chestnut trees you'll ever see in the playground but they aren't allowed to play conkers or collect them, even fallen ones.

Truly sad.

People claim for anything, the best case i ever heard was some woman in america suing a store as she broker her ankle falling over a young child running beside her, she was awarded $80,000. The fact that the young child was hers makes it madness of the highest order.

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People who tweet football players. Tonight to Will Huhes - 'hope you guys are ready to kick start the season'. Then there's those happy birthday tweets. Get over yourselves! The grovel fest to Shaun Barker, just stop that now. 

People who make a huge production out of a sneeze. Guy just sneezed and somebody down the other end of the complex shouted 'bless you'. God knows how many decibels he produced but olives were dropping of the bloody trees outside. 

People who can't wait to tell everyone they've 'been on a cruise'. How magnificent you went to a floating Butlins, good for you. 

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McDonalds drive throughs. Who decided it would be a good idea to put the menu board AFTER the talk box?

"Hi sir, welcome to McDonalds - can I take your order?"

"Err, hello. Can you just give me 2 minutes whilst I now look at the menu that has only just come into view as there wasn't one before anywhere whilst I was queuing"

Brains in their arse.


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4 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

McDonalds drive throughs. Who decided it would be a good idea to put the menu board AFTER the talk box?

"Hi sir, welcome to McDonalds - can I take your order?"

"Err, hello. Can you just give me 2 minutes whilst I now look at the menu that has only just come into view as there wasn't one before anywhere whilst I was queuing"

Brains in their arse.



It's madness, brother!!

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17 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

Dog owners who go off to work and are either oblivious to the fact or don't care that their pet spends most of the day barking and howling. No joke if you work nights or retired and at home during the day. I also feel so sorry for the dog.

i agree, i would love a dog but dont think its fair to leave alone, they are companion creatures afterall.


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58 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

i agree, i would love a dog but dont think its fair to leave alone, they are companion creatures afterall.


exactly the same. I even tried to research dogs which can be left alone, and was only left with braindead-handbag-rats, and lazy fat dogs! Shouldn't be surprised really. Been nearly 10 years without a dog now :( 

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3 hours ago, Wolfie20 said:

Dog owners who go off to work and are either oblivious to the fact or don't care that their pet spends most of the day barking and howling. No joke if you work nights or retired and at home during the day. I also feel so sorry for the dog.

Unfortunately from the dogs perspective, if it's got shelter and food and water then it can be left legally for really as much time as the owner wants. The dog is obviously showing signs of separation anxiety and it's suffering distress but nothing that can be measured from a legal perspective.

They're idiots (the owners not dogs). I'd report them for noise issues but only as a warning at first IF they are council tenants. Then recommend they get someone to come and walk the dog at least once in the day and get some advice on why dogs do this and how to combat it. If they aren't interested in any of this then i'd be at the council 24/7 and i'd make something get done. If it's a private house then sadly I believe you're screwed all ends up and just have to put up with it unless you can sort it amicably between yourselves.

Hope you can get it sorted Wolfie.

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My dads neighbour had a 24/7 barking dog, they shut it out all day and went out. The council told my dad to make a record of the noise, when and how long and (this is the best bit) go and get some tranquillisers from the Dr (for himself not the dog). I hated seeing him in such a stressed out state, he was getting old and it was making him ill. He was also an animal lover and hated the treatment of the dog. It stopped after a couple of months and he never found out why. 

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Most reputable animal centres won't rehome a dog to someone who works full time unless they have guarantees that someone will be able to take the dog out once or twice during the day. They will also speak to third parties responsible for taking the dog out to ensure they are in agreement with this and they are happy to do so. They won't rehome a pup to anyone who works full time regardless nor a dog that has a record of being left and being problematic.

I won't get a dog because I haven't the time for it. It's important to remember though that we live in a society where people have kids willy nilly when they haven't got the time for them so in that respect, dogs have no chance.

Sensible, responsible dog owners who work full time will ensure their dog is cared for appropriately just like sensible, responsible parents will do so for their kids. Anyone else doing otherwise need to ask themselves why they wanted a dog / kids in the first place.


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2 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

Horse riders. Dog owners have to scope the poop, why not horse owners

Absolutely! I'm also sick of how they ride around like they have more rights on the road than cars do. I drive alongside and put my foot on the throttle. Bad of me I know but I live in an area that's got far too many 'daddy bought me a pony' kids 

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