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Anyone got any interesting vasectomy stories?

I've just had mine. All I heard about before having it done was how many people I new who's ball's had essentially exploded. But I must say it was actually a really painless experience. For a couple of days I thought the pain killers would wear off and I'd suddenly few like I've been kicked in the balls, but it never happened. 

The only painful part was the initial injection, not particularly pleasant, but lasts a second, and my wife's gone through child birth 3 times, so it's probably the least I can do. 

And the only long lasting irritation is the fact that it had to get shaved, and now it's dead itchy. 

One major benefit though is that I have to 'produce' at least 24 times to flush the system before they test if everything's worked in 18 weeks time. My wife has offered to help out with that!

Anyway, my wife's friends keep telling me to tell their husbands how painless it really is. So I'm spreading the word. 

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I had mine done at 4 in the afternoon. I was at work at 6 the next morning in a printing factory, carrying 20 litre cans of ink. I later found out that 2 friends had had the op the same day (nobody had mentioned it before having it done). Both work in their family businesses. One was off work for 3 days and the other a week!

 I agree about the actual operation, apart from the initial injection the worst part was the stubble. I put a sock on it ?

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I had a trainee observing my procedure which I could have done without for modesty reasons but they've got to learn somehow I suppose.

I told the Mrs she had to assist with the producing for 30 days which was nice, I don't recall any itching or pain, maybe discomfort straight after the operation, but nothing to be too concerned about.

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2 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

Anyone got any interesting vasectomy stories?

I've just had mine. All I heard about before having it done was how many people I new who's ball's had essentially exploded. But I must say it was actually a really painless experience. For a couple of days I thought the pain killers would wear off and I'd suddenly few like I've been kicked in the balls, but it never happened. 

The only painful part was the initial injection, not particularly pleasant, but lasts a second, and my wife's gone through child birth 3 times, so it's probably the least I can do. 

And the only long lasting irritation is the fact that it had to get shaved, and now it's dead itchy. 

One major benefit though is that I have to 'produce' at least 24 times to flush the system before they test if everything's worked in 18 weeks time. My wife has offered to help out with that!

Anyway, my wife's friends keep telling me to tell their husbands how painless it really is. So I'm spreading the word. 

If you tell the wife's friends that you will spread the word for a favour or two, you could have that 24 knocked off in a week.

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2 hours ago, EastHertsRam said:

I had a trainee observing my procedure which I could have done without for modesty reasons but they've got to learn somehow I suppose.

I told the Mrs she had to assist with the producing for 30 days which was nice, I don't recall any itching or pain, maybe discomfort straight after the operation, but nothing to be too concerned about.

Since I've had three kids I don't feel embarrassed about anything any more. It was odd get stripped off while the nurse just had her back turned doing some paperwork though. 

Had a full body massage on a beach once, first time. She told me to take my shorts off and get on the bed and put the towel over me. I was only wearing swimming shorts, so no pants, and the only towel I could see was a little flannel, so when she came back in I was just laid on the bed, starkers but for a flannel. She nearly fainted, and then pointed out that I was lying on a full sized towel. 

Anyway, during a vasectomy it's just a case of lying back and thinking of England, and not thinking about two strangers doing god knows what to your todger. I was actually having a nice conversation with them about our kids the whole time. Only took about 10 minutes. 

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1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

If you tell the wife's friends that you will spread the word for a favour or two, you could have that 24 knocked off in a week.

I like that idea, so fit every like I get, that's another person I've spread the word to, and another favour owed. 

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3 hours ago, David said:

Not happening. I'd go without, stay well away from them, I'm not a dog. 

Friend of mine said the way to castrate a dog is by whacking two house bricks together.

I said "surely it hurts?"

"Only if you get your thumbs caught between them"

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22 minutes ago, Phoenix said:

Friend of mine said the way to castrate a dog is by whacking two house bricks together.

I said "surely it hurts?"

"Only if you get your thumbs caught between them"

Its a camel...no risk of thumb injury, two lump hammers for dogs, two pin hammers for cats, two dense blocks if you are feeling brave to face a bull.  There is a guide on wicki...

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5 hours ago, GboroRam said:

Operation went fine. Had some residual pain in the nuts for a few years after, nothing agonising but a dull pain, which went away by itself. Would recommend to anyone.



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Had mine done and decided it would be a good idea to chop some wood for the fire later that afternoon, turns out that it wasn't such a good idea and I ended up having 3 weeks off work with the biggest pair of black plums ever seen.

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How interesting is interesting? This interesting?

When I went for mine, I had previously read (in Modern Medicine or some similar magazine) that when the ductus deferentes are snipped and tied, the body, being a bit of a barsteward, tries to undo the 'damage' and the body sometimes creates a new course for the tadpoles. So I mentioned it to the surgeon.

"You will be my 495th, and I've never had to do one twice" was his reply.

I guess that 495 wasn't his - or my - lucky number, because after 2 months of being unable to fire blanks, I became his first 'two-timer'.

Or this interesting?

After the second one (they did not do a snip and tie but removed the entire ductus deferentes) and went for my first check-up three or four days later, I said the magic words (cliche I know) "Can you take the pain away but leave me the swelling, please?"

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