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Official: Will Hughes joins Watford


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12 minutes ago, rammieib said:

Sorry Mackworth, but I have to disagree with a lot of your post here. I agree fans will slowly get over this and heated comments tonight will subside over weeks and months but here's my point.

We need a clear out? Absolutely but if there was just one player who should be kept, it was Hughes. There is a lot of dross at Derby but Hughes with good players around him was a big asset to this football team.

Where I am surprised is that surely in the Mel Morris interview with Rowett certain individuals would have come up, Hughes being one of them. Now MM has publicly said a few things about academy players/Derby way etc and Hughes was the biggest focal point supporting all of this. I absolutely don't advocate any chairman blocking the wishes of a manger (This is the only thing I think Morris has done right under his tenure) but appointing a manager who sees fit to sell the player who fits the requirements of the chairman seems another really baffling and odd decision. It joins page the second or third page of odd/wrong/premature/egotistical decisions of the Morris reign.

As for Hughes, it's a slightly odd statement considering he signed a new four year contract. Can only assume there was some kind of agreement in there but he probably knew he didn't fit into the Rowett game plan which in line gives us an indication into the style he will be setting the team up for this season. We may or may not get results, but the football won't be pretty and I bet attendances will be around the 26/27/28k mark on average by Christmas.

So I genuinely don't feel lucky to have Morris at all. I'd take an owner with his money, of course I would, but I don't take his actions so far.

I hope in 11 months from now we look back on this decision and actually we are not talking about it at all, but right now, I hope there are some offensive signings before the season starts which pick me up.

Offensive signings rammie?

**** off

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1 hour ago, Will Hughes Hair said:

You think you've got problems, I'm having an existential crisis :cry:


7 hours ago, JarodyDCFC said:

Now I have to get a new profile photo. What a disgrace!

Not changing mine for the time being. Probably will at some point but not for now. Still have a lot of love for the guy, excited on his behalf that he's getting his chances on a bigger stage, yet disappointed that he's leaving and disappointed about the fee.

So bittersweet. But as he said on Twitter, once a ram.... So keeping it for now

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Have no problem with him leaving, just the lack of effort DCFC appeared to show to get maximum revenue, people say it doesn't matter, well it sorta does in the world of FFP and a Derby County who since 2015 have bought flop after flop, also according to Mel he wanted several youth products in the first team squad, well the only youth product in the first team squad is a 3rd choice left back in Max Lowe.

Will Hughes is probably the best natural ability player DCFC will ever see for many years so people are rightly upset, local lad too.

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We have kept Hughes for several years longer than I expected. After the qpr playoff season, I thought we'd got one more chance otherwise we'd lose him.

In hindsight, it would've been better to see him go then. I can only presume he's reached a point where he needs to be playing in the top division.

As a result, we're best cashing in.  There's no point keeping a player who wants out, no matter how long the contract.

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8 hours ago, philmycock said:

Jim Smith played three at the back and had a lightning striker in Sturridge, with van der Laan and Daryl Powell supplying the midfield power, we don't have this right now

No ??  Shacks Davies keough 

Thorne whelan??


not far of having it

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7 hours ago, nfb said:

With 3 managers tell me a squad/midfield that would have been otherwise, the fans were like wtf! So players must have been too, theyre not immune just cos they're pro's


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Judging from the gnashing of teeth and self flagellation going on here in reaction to Will's going, (including one who said that a little bit of him died) it seems a lot of posters just haven't got a lot going on in their lives. Will's gone. Get over it. Get a life. Look forward to the coming season and get behind the team and manager!



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8 hours ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

Some of the stuff I'm reading on here tonight is absolutely ******* ridiculous. 

The stuff being said against Rowett is atrocious. I hope he reads this forum so he can get an understanding of how utterly poisonous some of our fans are (if he didn't know already) I'd jump ship whilst I had the chance if I was him. 

We need a clear out. Everyone was more than happy when we found out that it was all down to Rowett to make decisions on transfers. Now he's got rid of our supposed "boy wonder" the boy that can do no wrong all of a sudden he's "Phil Brown Mark 2" and its a "massive worry he can't spot how good Will is" 

Im sure he has spotted Wills talents. Im sure he's fully aware of what he brought to Derby.

Maybe Will signed this deal last season with an agreement that if a premier league club comes in we won't stand in his way. Maybe he expressed a desire to go and test himself in the big league. 

Its not all down to Derby building a team round him. He's got to want to be here. 

Or maybe he's watched Will over the last 3 years and realised he's stagnating and whilst his ability to control a game can't be called into question the amount of times he does control a game is nowhere near as often as he should be. 

It's unbelievable how we needed a clear out, wanted our manager to get control and do what he wants to do. Now he has and we've sold someone some of us aren't happy about the abuse comes out. 

Mel Morris as well. The abuse he's getting is honestly making me wonder why we bother? How lucky we are to have a man who owns our club that grew up on the terraces watching us who has us at heart running the club he loves. 

Maybe we should go back to the Americans? The 3 amigos? Fawaz is out of work maybe we should ask him to tle over? Or the Venkys maybe?

Seeing our fans say "I don't care what happens at Derby County anymore" and "I'm ashamed to support Derby County" is disgusting.

We've sold a good player with the potential to be very good for 8 million. A player who hasn't performed as his ability suggests he should have in recent times. 

If you don't care what happens to us because of this. Then you aren't a fan. Go and support something else.

There are over 2 months left of the transfer window. We don't know whos coming who's going or what our line up would be by the end of August. We haven't kicked a ball yet and Rowett is getting stick and ive seen people on twitter wanting him to resign. Some of our fans are horrific. 

I'd love to see us go up more than ever. Just so Rowett can stick it to the clueless ***** who are laying into him already.

I have a friend who supports Watford and for a long time now he has been staggered by our supporters. 

Sometimes I despair with our fans. 

Totally agree with you Mackworthram but I suspect we're both in the minority! Like you,I can't believe some of the "wrist slasher" comments I've read so far and it's the sort of stuff I'd expect from down the A52.They say misery finds its own company and boy it sure does !! I wasn't exactly ecstatic about Hughes going but I suspect the fee was higher as money was still owed for Vydra.Regardless of that I'm looking at the bigger picture and  expecting the money to be used to strengthen the squad.It's always disappointing to lose a good young player  but the collectiive wailing and gnashing of teeth won't solve anything.What next,a concert and let's all sing "don't look back in anger?!"-ffs.It's not about individuals,it's about the team.You can sit there moaning and think everything's crap and enjoy being negative or,you can try and stay optimistic and trust Rowett to do the job he was brought in to do.We've done nothing in the past few years and we're an average Championship team,something had to change.It's never easy following Derby but it's never boring.It'd be good to think that our fans are behind us instead of constantly whingeing.Let's hope for the best and just support the club.

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6 hours ago, rammieib said:

Sorry Mackworth, but I have to disagree with a lot of your post here. I agree fans will slowly get over this and heated comments tonight will subside over weeks and months but here's my point.

We need a clear out? Absolutely but if there was just one player who should be kept, it was Hughes. There is a lot of dross at Derby but Hughes with good players around him was a big asset to this football team.

Where I am surprised is that surely in the Mel Morris interview with Rowett certain individuals would have come up, Hughes being one of them. Now MM has publicly said a few things about academy players/Derby way etc and Hughes was the biggest focal point supporting all of this. I absolutely don't advocate any chairman blocking the wishes of a manger (This is the only thing I think Morris has done right under his tenure) but appointing a manager who sees fit to sell the player who fits the requirements of the chairman seems another really baffling and odd decision. It joins page the second or third page of odd/wrong/premature/egotistical decisions of the Morris reign.

As for Hughes, it's a slightly odd statement considering he signed a new four year contract. Can only assume there was some kind of agreement in there but he probably knew he didn't fit into the Rowett game plan which in line gives us an indication into the style he will be setting the team up for this season. We may or may not get results, but the football won't be pretty and I bet attendances will be around the 26/27/28k mark on average by Christmas.

So I genuinely don't feel lucky to have Morris at all. I'd take an owner with his money, of course I would, but I don't take his actions so far.

I hope in 11 months from now we look back on this decision and actually we are not talking about it at all, but right now, I hope there are some offensive signings before the season starts which pick me up.

Everyone seems in agreement we need a clear out, right?

Because the squad is full of 'dross' but who do you let go then? If you sit there and make a list of players such as Shackell, Roos, Camera, Weimann, Blackman, Butterfield, Olson, Bent, Hanson etc. You're talking about players who with a fully fit squad won't get into our starting 11.. maybe even the bench.

If we are to improve, surely the ones we need to move out are playing the ones playing 40+ games because thats where the problems are. They are the ones who are costing us points. 

It's 2 in, 2 out so far.. and honestly I'm extremely pleased. Rowett seems confident of at least another 2/3, let's see who he brings in. I'd expect another half dozen maybe more to go; of that bunch there needs to be more 'first team' players. None of them performed well enough for Derby County last season to warrant a place, we have too many who think they are better than what they are. On last season we we're lucky to get more than a million for Will, one pass against Wolves doesn't mean you're a superstar. 

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I dont understand all this talk of Hughes was exactly what Mel Morris has spoke about with the acadamy and players progressing into the first team....thats all well and good but do players then want to see that if they reach top level and Prem clubs come calling Morris is going to stand in their way? 

Yes the fee isnt as high as us fans expect it to be but thats only because he is one of our own, the fee in my eyes is just about right especially with a good sell on % - its happened, no going back, value of the transfer isnt going to change so deal with it and continue to support - this club, our manager who fans have been desperate for and the players that are here by the time the transfer window shuts whether you think they are any good or not.

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Im a bit down the middle, a bit like those Lib Dems.

Im happy for Will and I did feel it was the right time to move.  I also think Watford is a good club for him to move to, they are a Premiership club and have been for a couple of years, it is the next step in his career and clubs like Everton will now keep a keener eye to see if he really is the real deal.

I am annoyed with the club, us fans officially found out that our prized asset was leaving through a bizarre interview by Kevin Phillips at a golfing day.  There was no communication from our side, no game playing (as in he isn't for sale to drive up the price). The latter suggests there probably was a clause in his contract and we weren't able to stand in his way.

You can't blame people for banging their heads against a wall, after managerial hiring/firings, Sam Rush relieved of his duties, average players signed for whopping fees, awful players like Camara signed for modest fees and stories of Mel storming into the dressing room, all of these things come together and something as significant as this occurs. But this needs weighing up with amazing things Mel has done for this club.

Rowett,however, will have my backing this season and I look forward to seeing who he brings in.  Our midfield has been spineless for far too long and in games our central midfield may as well have sat out. I think with Rowett we have someone who will put an end to that.

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1 minute ago, DCFC1388 said:

I dont understand all this talk of Hughes was exactly what Mel Morris has spoke about with the acadamy and players progressing into the first team....thats all well and good but do players then want to see that if they reach top level and Prem clubs come calling Morris is going to stand in their way? 

Yes the fee isnt as high as us fans expect it to be but thats only because he is one of our own, the fee in my eyes is just about right especially with a good sell on % - its happened, no going back, value of the transfer isnt going to change so deal with it and continue to support - this club, our manager who fans have been desperate for and the players that are here by the time the transfer window shuts whether you think they are any good or not.

Potentially 18 million from two academy products in two years, I would say Mels vision of the club becoming self sufficient using our academy is becoming a reality.

Also, maybe a slight round of applause for Nigel Clough who actually bought Hendrick into the building and gave both he and Hughes their chance in the team.

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On 21/06/2017 at 10:13, Srg said:

Won't ever forgive the club for selling him for £8m.


Mel, we know you read this... the **** are you accepting £8m for? That's an insult to the club and the fans. Beyond a joke. We paid nearly £7m for Johnson and frankly Will Hughes has more ability in his little toe. Jeff went for over £10m, and again, isn't fit to lace Will's boots.

I felt exactly the same until recently. Personally I think we overate him. If he is as good as we think he is then where's the top clubs coming in for him or should we be honest with ourselves and say 8m is fair due to his recent form. His eye to pick a good pass out is seceond to none, his physical side is 0. Personally don't think he has it in him to change a game on it's head. I am a big fan of Hughes but I'm just being honest. 

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6 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

Potentially 18 million from two academy products in two years, I would say Mels vision of the club becoming self sufficient using our academy is becoming a reality.

Also, maybe a slight round of applause for Nigel Clough who actually bought Hendrick into the building and gave both he and Hughes their chance in the team.

Don't forget Lee Grant too.

That's an academy product sold to a premier league club in each of the last 3 windows.

A small consolation, maybe.

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People wouldn't rate Hughes half as much if he didn't come through our academy. Good player but very overrated in my eyes. He's so frustrating to watch, plays well one game, goes missing the next few but it went overlooked yet when Butterfield had one poor game everyone wanted him out. We won't miss him  as much as some are making out. 

Just a reminder we were top of the table without Hughes at one point under Clement. If we adopt 4-2-3-1, Hughes would have been a hindrance rather than an asset trying to fit him into a team. Doesn't suit the appropriate needs to play as one of the 2 holding mids consistently and doesn't contribute enough to play as an attacking mid.


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