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Official: Will Hughes joins Watford


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Just now, PistoldPete2 said:

I will be demanding my season ticket refund if this deal goes through me I am not joking.

I am beyond staggered and seriously considering returning my season ticket for a refund. I never thought I would ever consider such a step...but I am totally fed up with the ludicrous judgement calls that have been made in the last 3 years at Derby County Football Club. 

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1 minute ago, ShoreRam said:

I cannot believe the meltdown going on here - Do people realise how crap we've been for 3 seasons? You need to get a grip some of you, things have to change and it will be the best deal available, we can't sell Will for £20m if nobody is offering it.

Very true, but you'd have thought that we also wouldn't have to sell him for such a low amount either... which leaves the following possible things:

* Will has a clause in his contract 

* The deal isn't as bad as it looks (see comments on wiping out debts to Watford.. which I can't really see being true)

* Gary has basically told MM that he doesn't rate Will at all and he'll hardly ever play so you may as well get what you can for him

* MM / GR don't want to hold him back anymore (again, possibly owing to a clause or owing to being good eggs)

* We are skint (ffp?)

* Will isn't as good as we think he is or

* None of the above.


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1 minute ago, Saul Pimpson said:

The amount of wrist slashers on here, it's no wonder we have such a poisonous atmosphere at Pride Park at the first sign of a bad performance or two.

Yep - The classic 'refund of season ticket' has reared it's head I say.

Just bump these posts when we've won a couple...

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Just now, Nuwtfly said:

It's odd to think that, in a quest to find a more stable, cohesive club...Will Hughes decides to join manager-a-year Watford :huh:

True, but they don't have a nation of semi retired players all clamouring for a spot either. And lord knows how, they are in the PL. He's likely to play and improve there. Shame, just when Thorne is returning, we let him go for nuttin. This club's self-damaging dealings are nothing short of mind boggling. 

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From their forums - 

£4.5m rising to £7m agreed according to SkySports. Even if he's a dud that's a cracking price for such a talented young English player.

Gino's absolutely shafted Derby over the last 10 months

I'm sure Derby fans will be happy with the trading that's gone on between the two clubs. They've given us £12m for two fringe players, we're getting their best young talent for £8m


Effectively swapping Hughes for Vydra looks like a good bit of business from where i'm sitting (living room)  or of its the quoted price of 4.5 mill then we ve swapped Anya for Hughes.


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I don't see what's wrong with fans valuing a player higher for what he is being sold for and being upset about it. Rather see that than players tweeted how **** they are, not fit to wear a shirt, sell the lot of them after a defeat.

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Just now, Ninos said:

True, but they don't have a nation of semi retired players all clamouring for a spot either. And lord knows how, they are in the PL. He's likely to play and improve there. Shame, just when Thorne is returning, we let him go for nuttin. This club's self-damaging dealings are nothing short of mind boggling. 

It will be very interesting to see who the club bring in now, beyond the seemingly inevitable arrival of Whelan. Getting rid of our creative sparks doesn't sound good to anyone, so Rowett must have some interesting signings tucked up his sleeve...I hope...

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3 minutes ago, LazloW said:

Very true, but you'd have thought that we also wouldn't have to sell him for such a low amount either... which leaves the following possible things:

* Will has a clause in his contract 

* The deal isn't as bad as it looks (see comments on wiping out debts to Watford.. which I can't really see being true)

* Gary has basically told MM that he doesn't rate Will at all and he'll hardly ever play so you may as well get what you can for him

* MM / GR don't want to hold him back anymore (again, possibly owing to a clause or owing to being good eggs)

* We are skint (ffp?)

* Will isn't as good as we think he is or

* None of the above.


Would be my guess...

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2 hours ago, Ellafella said:

I am beyond staggered and seriously considering returning my season ticket for a refund. I never thought I would ever consider such a step...but I am totally fed up with the ludicrous judgement calls that have been made in the last 3 years at Derby County Football Club. 

What exactly is the contract between Watford and Derby? Have you seen it? Has Mel or Will included you in communications?

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2 hours ago, David said:

I don't see what's wrong with fans valuing a player higher for what he is being sold for and being upset about it. Rather see that than players tweeted how **** they are, not fit to wear a shirt, sell the lot of them after a defeat.

You have no idea of the fee or the deal nor does anyone else. Reported deals are always political.

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That an absolutele criminal price for Hughes. Utterly pathetic by the club, less backbone than a slug. 

Watch him go to Arsenal for £30million in the next three seasons, all the while Rowett will be laughing with his severance pay.

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1 hour ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

If 4.5m is the correct figure I can only imagine maybe we've come to an agreement to write off some of the Vydra and Anya fees? There's no way we'd sell Will for that figure. Surely? Possibly? Hopefully? :(

I am not sure that can be legally done, VAT etc 

1 hour ago, McLovin said:

Confirmed 4.5 million on sky sports, think this links back to what I said before that the Anya and Vydra remained costs will be wiped out.

Again we can only hope about that but it is very unlikely and probably the reality is that we won't have to hand over any money this year to our new masters Watford 

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No deal is better than a bad deal, or is that Brexit? 

Anyhow I think it's not a bad price considering he never lived up to his potential. I had him on Football manager 2016 and can confirm that in the 2020 season he was in Reading reserves.

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Just now, PistoldPete2 said:

I will be demanding my season ticket refund if this deal goes through me I am not joking.

I don't recall a clause in the season ticket renewals allowing us a refund if we were unhappy with transfer dealings. 

Also, none of us know what's been going on behind closed doors. We don't know if there were any clauses in his recently signed contract or if he's asked to be allowed to go.

The price might feel very low in our own heads but I don't think there is a queue of potential bidders lining up to offer more. 


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12 minutes ago, Ninos said:

This club's self-damaging dealings are nothing short of mind boggling. 

name another dealing..

considering your stance on Martin, you cannot consider loaning him to Fulham as being one of them.

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