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The absolute class of Chris Powell

Ewe Ram

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40 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

Fair enough, playing devil's advocate to no avail, it seems!

One man's devils advocate is another man's troll!

Similarly, in regards to Powell and Pearson relationship, making the argument for judging Powell on the company he keeps would only be fair if Pearson was literally pure evil. 

He's not. He's just fiercely loyal to his friends. Aside from coaching staff, he's got no friends here. He doesn't like Derby County. Not sure why he took the job tbh. His only crimes are having a temper and not really ever wanting to be here when the going got tough, thus growing a miserable Roy Keane beard. 

He is a mentor and a friend of Powells. He taught him a lot and that is worth a lot to Powell. Luckily, Powell has a bit more character and warmth than Pearson. 

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Powell evidently thinks Pearson is a good man, and indeed manager, otherwise he wouldn't be here

If he was such a good friend, he wouldn't entertain the idea of taking over on a more permanent basis.

Of course, he may be thinking along the same lines, and is merely holding the fort in the hope Nigel will return.

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9 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

Powell evidently thinks Pearson is a good man, and indeed manager, otherwise he wouldn't be here

If he was such a good friend, he wouldn't entertain the idea of taking over on a more permanent basis.

Of course, he may be thinking along the same lines, and is merely holding the fort in the hope Nigel will return.

I've thought a bit about this. I think Powell is just a lovely bloke and is being smart and professional about the situation. He's treated things in such a way that he's not burnt any bridges with (presumably) Pearson, the club or the fans. While this is a smart move professionally, I don't think that's really his motivation, I just think he's a good bloke that tries to get on with people and say positive things. 

I'll happily video myself eating my own hat and post it on here if he starts laying into the players in a few weeks time.

*and by hat, I mean sandwich

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7 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

Powell evidently thinks Pearson is a good man, and indeed manager, otherwise he wouldn't be here

If he was such a good friend, he wouldn't entertain the idea of taking over on a more permanent basis.

Of course, he may be thinking along the same lines, and is merely holding the fort in the hope Nigel will return.

How do you know that it isn't with Pearson's blessing?

If I screwed up, got the sack and one of my mates wanted my job I'd tell him to go for it.

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Just now, Ewetube said:

How do you know that it isn't with Pearson's blessing?

If I screwed up, got the sack and one of my mates wanted my job I'd tell him to go for it.

As would I, through gritted teeth while telling him he's better than that job.

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11 minutes ago, wixman1884 said:

I've thought a bit about this. I think Powell is just a lovely bloke and is being smart and professional about the situation. He's treated things in such a way that he's not burnt any bridges with (presumably) Pearson, the club or the fans. While this is a smart move professionally, I don't think that's really his motivation, I just think he's a good bloke that tries to get on with people and say positive things. 

I'll happily video myself eating my own hat and post it on here if he starts laying into the players in a few weeks time.

*and by hat, I mean sandwich

One of these hats?


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On 28 September 2016 at 16:32, Ewe Ram said:

Here we go again, fans creating their own truths. 

Mel has been a successful business man for many years. Do you really think he doesn't have any control over his mouth?? He will have legal advisors on speed dial, employment law included. I really wish people would stop painting him as some raving lunatic dictator. 


On 28 September 2016 at 17:26, Ewe Ram said:

Nope still not having it unless someone can show me the official statements that are facts and not speculation. I read a lot of things but obviously don't remember everything so if these statements are out there then I'll read them again. If Pearson is involved in the stuff that's come out from the press then Mel had no choice for instance, you can't have dishonesty and double dealing in the club, no way. 

Sorry but there are two reasons why I cannot agree with you (despite the Valais Black-nosed Ram).

First of all, the facts are all very public and very, very obvious re Mel Morris. He was the one who blew the situation with McClaren out of all proportion, demanding "loyalty" and made the situation impossible for the club. He wasn't solely responsible for costing us promotion obviously but he blew an 'agreed way forward' out of the water. And, then, tried to get away with not paying out McClaren in a completely unprofessional and disgracefully spiteful act. He let his emotions get in the way of sensible business practice.

Then appointed a novice manager in Paul Clement but clearly didn't accept the obvious implications of employing a novice; that he would have to be given time to grow into the job. Forget the controversy over the "Derby Way" comments, the real scandal was his attempt to tell the world that Clement could not accept the promotion wasn't his pass mark for the season.

Of course it was, given what had been spent. It is a nonsense to suggest otherwise. But Mel warrants criticism for signing off on appointing a novice manager and then not giving him the time to learn his craft. Either the original decision was a bad decision, or Mel failed to understand the rationale of his original decision.

He then appointed a mate for the remainder of the season. Another emotional decision, albeit it could be justified if it gave us the time to conduct an extensive search to find the right candidate to take the club forward for the long term.

He appointed Nigel Pearson. I thought it was a magnificent appointment and praised him for it. The long, extensive search paid dividends.

He gave him nine games!!!

Pearson was a known entity, warts and all. One of the stated reasons for opting for Pearson was his disciplinarian approach. Pearson's sides have tended to be mentally tough, resilient, competitive and united. Clearly areas from which our squad would benefit.

Nine games!!!!!

Sure, our start has been far worse than expected but, now, the players seem to have their scalp. How will any manager now feel about taking our squad to task? 

Once again, either the original decision to appoint Pearson was a major error - despite taking our time to appoint him - or, despite taking months to make the appointment, it was made without considering the strategic elements behind it.

To have made this error once could possibly be attributed to bad luck. Twice? Impossible. And unacceptable.

No-one can plan around Mel's whims. Not managers. Not players. Not player agents. Not sponsors. Not other clubs. Not our club.

How must Man United feel about loaning us James Wilson now? How many other clubs will be lining up to loan us their young players?

You say that Mel has been a successful businessman and you're right. But, since taking over Derby, he has behaved like a fan, not a businessman.

A businessman would've found a way to negotiate McClaren's probable departure without turning the club into a war zone (the way the board had before Mel took over).

A businessman would've understood the nature of the risks and implications of appointing a complete novice as head coach.

A businessman would've made the same assessment re Pearson and carefully negotiated the way forward. A businessman would certainly have understood the damage to the brand of dismissing another new manager after next to no time in the job.

If Mel wasn't the owner and benefactor and was instead an employee, he would have been dismissed for incompetence had he not resigned.

Secondly, you say that fans are coming up with their own narrative based on speculation. Now I do not pretend that it isn't difficult to follow things from Australia in the same detail as you can. But, as far as I am able to tell, there are only rumours suggesting that Pearson's name is linked to the Allardyce situation. I haven't even seen reports suggesting that, only rumours on social media.

The reports I have seen all suggest a row between Mel and Pearson.

When you speculate "if" Pearson is involved with the Allardyce situation, isn't that pure speculation?


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On 29 September 2016 at 01:36, RamNut said:

Give him the job.

(altho the interview was a bit OTT in praise of Pearson, and that might cost him).

At last, someone 'read' the subtext of the interview something along the lines of how I read it. I had more of a sense that Powell's loyalty was more with Pearson than with Mel Morris. I got the sense that he will manage us until Saturday and thereafter may take some convincing to stay.

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@EssendonRam I'm not going to quote the post due to its length. 

Its fine if you don't agree with me btw. You inwardly digest stuff that I probably don't. I read and forget a lot. But I don't remember him blowing SM situation out of proportion, Newcastle came calling, our promotion push was derailed. I think SM and his defending Allerdyce speaks volumes here. He appointed Wassall, a man who could motivate, shared his (and our) passion for the club, ok by me. He said to the end of the season and was good as his word.  In PC he thought he'd got a young forward thinking experienced coach, used to players more mercurial than ours who obviously promised to work with the clubs philosophy. Not a complete novice really! Turned out he wouldn't so who was the one who ruined it eh? Not Mel. 

Damage to the brand? I put it to you that damage to the brand is caused by poor football, social media idiots calling out Mel and relegation not the crap the press write. 

I see you agreed with NP appointment, well I didn't. I think Mel reacted to the perception and pressure that we were 'bottle jobs' and put a stronger personality in charge. Fine, I went with that, wanted it to work, but equally knew this would happen. If Mel had left him in charge (which btw he was going to, NP picked the team for Cardiff, a changed system) it may have turned round. But IF there's been malpractice or a temper tantrum or whatever then why would anyone leave that kind of cancer in the club? My point is that nobody knows exactly why the manager is suspended but there's so much being written and said fans have already made up their minds about what's happened without the facts. Who knows, Mel may be justified without question? The reports you've read are re a row, well why is that not speculation also? How do you know NP didn't say a big 'fu' and storm out? We don't know. But no, too many are willing to say Mel's wrong, more concerned with us being a 'laughing stock' or ruled by 'a crazy dictator'. 

Good debate. Thank you. 

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CP with all his connections at the club might be a great candidate take over the managers job :thumbsup:.

I really hope Mel gives CP the chance to do the job, leave him to it till the season ends in May at the very least.

We need stability right now and having a coach/manager who was part of that 90's great Derby County side for me is a plus. He has experience at this level and could be just what we need right now.

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5 hours ago, toddy said:

CP with all his connections at the club might be a great candidate take over the managers job :thumbsup:.

I really hope Mel gives CP the chance to do the job, leave him to it till the season ends in May at the very least.

We need stability right now and having a coach/manager who was part of that 90's great Derby County side for me is a plus. He has experience at this level and could be just what we need right now.

Out of interest Toddy, Would you have Stevie Mac back with Powell, Simpson & Steele all as his backroom staff?

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Chris powell is exactly what we need.

experienced manager. Good bloke who will work with the players rather than against them.

lots of goodwill for him from the fans.

doesn't talk rubbish in interviews.

Absolutely ideal. 

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1 minute ago, RamNut said:

Chris powell is exactly what we need.

experienced manager. Good bloke who will work with the players rather than against them.

lots of goodwill for him from the fans.

doesn't talk rubbish in interviews.

Absolutely ideal. 

One thing you missed from that point... 

A manager who gets results.

He doesn't have a very good record in the championship.

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3 minutes ago, toddy said:

Yep, like a shot -  but I am not Mel.

I'm still undecided about Mac, 

If he came out and publicly apologised to the fans & the club for how he treated us then I probably would take him back.

But we know in the modern game that's never going to happen.

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14 minutes ago, RamsPolls said:

One thing you missed from that point... 

A manager who gets results.

He doesn't have a very good record in the championship.

He has a 100% record with us.

Plus his charlton side finished above us in 2012-13

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17 minutes ago, GreenwichRam said:

Apologise for what? 

Because some people seem to think that Derby County are unique in football. 

Names of managers already in jobs being banded about as possible replacements and that's OK, because it's 'us' doing the chasing. 

Newcastle do the same to us, and our manager at the time constantly says he's our manager (just like every other manager does).

And because WE sack HIM and he ends up going to Newcastle, for some reason HE owes us an apology!! 

It beggars belief sometimes the entitlement our fans feel. 

Personally, I was more worried about Macs lack of a plan B rather than the Newcastle thing, but him & Powell and I'd be happy. Simpson not too fussed about, but a welcome addition non the less. 

I'd also be happy with Rowett, and that's not because of his Derby connections that's more to do with both he jobs he's done at Burton and Brum. 

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