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Paul Jewell era II

Bris Vegas

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This truly marks the beginning of a new cycle at Derby, and it's going to be feckin ugly.

After we flop under Nigel Pearson, he'll end up getting the boot and we'll have to go on another cost-cutting rampage of sorting out the clusterfack of a squad Mel Morris has given us.

Paul Jewell first season in the Championsip all over again.

All the hard work of five years under Clough has been thrown down the sh!tter.

Feel sorry for the honest players such as Keogh, Martin, Bryson and Russell... They don't deserve this mess at all and they certainly don't deserve a chunk of our support blaming them for our dire displays under Nigel Pearson.

Hope them four, plus Hughes, go on and have decent careers elsewhere. 

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4 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

This truly marks the beginning of a new cycle at Derby, and it's going to be feckin ugly.

After we flop under Nigel Pearson, he'll end up getting the boot and we'll have to go on another cost-cutting rampage of sorting out the clusterfack of a squad Mel Morris has given us.

Paul Jewell first season in the Championsip all over again.

All the hard work of five years under Clough has been thrown down the sh!tter.

Feel sorry for the honest players such as Keogh, Martin, Bryson and Russell... They don't deserve this mess at all and they certainly don't deserve a chunk of our support blaming them for our dire displays under Nigel Pearson.

Hope them four, plus Hughes, go on and have decent careers elsewhere. 

Not my money. Keep spending. Let's sign every player in the EFL and then we'll go up. 

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3 minutes ago, robglosta said:

Top 6: 

1 Huddersfield

2 Fulham

3 Barnsley


5 Bristol City

6 Nottm Forest

What does that tell you?


Huddersfield and Fulham end of season promotion party to the Prem is being planned, whilst Fawaz is possibly leaving it to the last minute to fork out any money on Forest's (just in case they don't win the play off final obviously :D)

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8 minutes ago, robglosta said:

Top 6: 

1 Huddersfield

2 Fulham

3 Barnsley


5 Bristol City

6 Nottm Forest

What does that tell you?


We aren't in the top 6?

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9 minutes ago, robglosta said:

Top 6: 

1 Huddersfield

2 Fulham

3 Barnsley


5 Bristol City

6 Nottm Forest

What does that tell you?


After a few games this isn't going to be the the table at the end of the season. Come on everyone knows that the table will change dramatically as it alwsys does. 

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Serious questions have been raised by this group of players inability to turn up when it really matters. We have been on a downward slope since midway through McClaren's second season. And don't give that second leg play off against Hull, for the first time in a long time we had nothing to lose in that game and no expectation.

I said after McClaren went that this team might need a shake up after two big emotional disappointments, three it seems is too many. Yet I thought Pearson would be the man to sort those issues out, watching last night really made me feel this side needs shaking up.

The core of our team is fantastic when not playing under pressure or expectation. Too many times has it been shown they cannot handle that weight of expectation.Something has to give and with being on manager number 4 with the same players, I am afraid our favourites have to either step it up or we need to make changes. I also think too much of our play is reliant on Martin, if he has a bad game it all falls apart, that is just not sustainable.

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Just now, Zag zig said:

Huddersfield and Fulham end of season promotion party to the Prem is being planned, whilst Fawaz is possibly leaving it to the last minute to fork out any money on Forest's (just in case they don't win the play off final obviously :D)

It's funny really...

The biggest piss-takers of Forest celebrating winning the league in August last year, are now the ones saying the season is over in August for us this year.

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You say you feel sorry (huh?) for Russell, Martin and Bryson - Yet wasn't the latter out the door the moment Burnley came calling, only to do a U-turn when we offered a ridiculous 5 year contract on Prem wages? Russell hardly sets the world alight despite chance after chance and Martins goal drought is becoming well known throughout the country, what more can we do? Continue with the current crop of failures or sign better out there, which i'm afraid to say will cost us money.

Bloody hell

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These are odd comments, Paul Jewel was useless, clueless and we have lacked pace and counter attacking style for a while. It's not our money and Newcastle have spent £40 plus million, Villa £20 plus and we need to change as our arrogant lightweight team have not delivered. Leicester tore us apart in the championship and Pearson is NO Paul Jewel. Let's hope the lad from Bristol joins as well. NP has given Bent a rope to hang himself and he is doing a good job being offside so many times. This is a new era, Hughes and Hendrick are capable of threading balls through with what will become a lively attacking side. 

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I think we're one bad decision away from another Jewell sized mess. 

In my opinion we have two options - we either sack Pearson right now and bring in somebody who has his teams set up to press and play and whose ideas match up to the capabilities of the squad.


We give Pearson however long he needs, we let him rebuild the team in his image, we accept a period of mediocrity as we allow Pearson the time he needs to conduct surgery on the squad. 

The absoloute worst thing we could do is sack him before this process is complete as then the squad would be in a mess, halfway through a transformation and with no clear direction. We absolutely cannot sack Pearson if he spends millions and sells players like we did with a Clement. If we did that then we truly would be in another Jewell era.

We're in a very weird position at the minute. 


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2 minutes ago, Andrew James said:

These are odd comments, Paul Jewel was useless, clueless and we have lacked pace and counter attacking style for a while. It's not our money and Newcastle have spent £40 plus million, Villa £20 plus and we need to change as our arrogant lightweight team have not delivered. Leicester tore us apart in the championship and Pearson is NO Paul Jewel. Let's hope the lad from Bristol joins as well. NP has given Bent a rope to hang himself and he is doing a good job being offside so many times. This is a new era, Hughes and Hendrick are capable of threading balls through with what will become a lively attacking side. 

Newcastle have made a net profit this summer. Villa very close. We're about £35m net spend over the past 18 months and are currently languishing in the bottom half having scored once from five matches.

Oh and we've had four different managers in that time. 

Jewell was useless and wasted money. Nigel Pearson is looking very much in that mould.

What happens when we flop? We have a squad of about 28 players who some are better in 433, others better in 442, some like counterattacking play, some like possession-based play....

28 odd players on high wages. Setting ourselves up for a disaster. Joke club.

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You have to realise, chaps, that Bris really believes that he has what it takes to be a manager, and more to the point, that he is a good judge of the capabilities of others.


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