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Time to start panic buying?


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After listening last night and watching the first half on Saturday is it time to bring some new faces in?Who would make a difference to this team?who would make it gel?I keep getting pictures in my head of Glenn Miller looking for THAT sound,he had all the ingredients there but just couldn't work it out until the trumpet player cut his lip,clarinet took over and the rest is history.Do you think Forestieri plays clarinet?:lol:

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I don't think we need to panic buy, but a couple of fresh faces can't hurt,

so long as they fit the pattern of "better than we have",  Kodija might be someone

who's worth taking a punt on. Heard we are talking to Bendtner, not sure what style

he fits. Would certainly have Andre Wisdom, but can't see why we would replace christie at this stage!

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I suppose the question at this stage is how do you add to the squad whilst avoiding panic buying and over paying. If you buy too late for the selling team to replace you either pay a lot extra or you're restricted to unwanted players and/ or loans.

personally I'm pleased that we seem to be focusing on turning around underperforming players rather than adding other players 

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No we don't need to panic buy. We panic bought last Aug and ended up with a bloated, uneven squad, we don't want to make it worse.  

If our previous recruitment team was as good as we were lead to believe, we would've covered Hughes & Bryson's injuries with high quality, year long loans instead of spunking £10m on Johnson & Butterfield...

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The Butterfield transfer wasnt a panic buy, we were after him as a sensible might improve the squad good technical midfielder, trying to get him for about half what we ended up paying. At £2m Butters might have looked a lot better signing. 

At £2m Johnson would still make you question how you never made it when you have similar technical ability, but thats not his fault. 

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I think we should be looking at young hungry players from smaller clubs in this division or L1, the attitude of some of these big earners is under scrutiny right now for me. Too many want to come here for a cushty pay day. We got further with Nige's cheapos.

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14 minutes ago, tomsdubs said:

I think we should be looking at young hungry players from smaller clubs in this division or L1, the attitude of some of these big earners is under scrutiny right now for me. Too many want to come here for a cushty pay day. We got further with Nige's cheapos.

I'm not so sure they're coming here just for the pay day or have questionable attitudes, more that there's no thought being put into their signings and so they look **** in a team that doesn't suit them.

Perhaps we're just assuming that because they're so expensive and of a higher predicted we're just assuming that they can do the business whatever system whereas under Nigel we had to be absolutely sure a player would fit before we committed to spending money. 

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1 minute ago, cannable said:

I'm not so sure they're coming here just for the pay day or have questionable attitudes, more that there's no thought being put into their signings and so they look **** in a team that doesn't suit them.

Perhaps we're just assuming that because they're so expensive and of a higher predicted we're just assuming that they can do the business whatever system whereas under Nigel we had to be absolutely sure a player would fit before we committed to spending money. 

Maybe, maybe it's a hangover from the other recruitment guys we brought in and now we know why they got sacked off. Either way it's fairly obvious agents and players will know we hand out big wages. I'd wager we've been in talks with a few clubs and agents this summer and walked away from deals due to the current market and player demands.

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