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55 shots 1 goal...


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1 hour ago, PistoldPete2 said:

Didn't we know this already tho? And we also knew already that he wouldn't be fit for the start of the season. Really we should have done something in the summer to get a loanee in.

I agree. We don’t need anyone as talented as Thorne for DM. We were doing well with the less classy but experienced Eustace before Thorne arrived. Eustace also did really well as back up when Thorne was injured. Not having decent permanent back up for Thorne is another example of how useless our recruitment strategy has been since NC’s cheap gems and SM’s excellent loans.

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Weve scored 1 in 55 (from a defender set up by Hughes) and the problem is playing Will out of position at CDM? Will is our best player (bar Thorne) but come on ... i think we all know where the problem lies. We have plenty of total junk strikers, that's where the problem lies. we should sell Martin Ince Bent Russell Blackman and weimann and get one good lethal striker for the lot of them.

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17 minutes ago, Ninos said:

Weve scored 1 in 55 (from a defender set up by Hughes) and the problem is playing Will out of position at CDM? Will is our best player (bar Thorne) but come on ... i think we all know where the problem lies. We have plenty of total junk strikers, that's where the problem lies. we should sell Martin Ince Bent Russell Blackman and weimann and get one good lethal striker for the lot of them.

No there are quite a few problems. First is the balance in midfield, as has been said. First choice CDM (Thorne), second choice (Hanson) and third choice ( hendrick) all out inured.

Second is a lack of width and pace. Again injuries have added to that problem, with Forsyth, Olson and weimann all injured we've lost options who could give us width and/ or pace. Playing Baird and Blackman instead has not provided either, but needs must.


I think bent seems too old now to be starting games, certainly every week. Wilson will provide pace and goal scoring threat and has youth on his side. The next thing we need is width. I have never been convinced by camara. 


martin is still our best striker, even if he is not scoring goals. So his lack of width or pace  is not the problem. 

Too early maybe to write off any strikers until we sort out the other problems, but maybe if we get another winger which we need the bench would be very full with strikers. 

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1 hour ago, Ninos said:

Weve scored 1 in 55 (from a defender set up by Hughes) and the problem is playing Will out of position at CDM? Will is our best player (bar Thorne) but come on ... i think we all know where the problem lies. We have plenty of total junk strikers, that's where the problem lies. we should sell Martin Ince Bent Russell Blackman and weimann and get one good lethal striker for the lot of them.

Agree with bent Russell and Blackman but ince Martin and Weimann are a better quality and have age on there side

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2 hours ago, EnigmaRam said:

Should have got joey Barton in when we had the chance

a loan Adam is needed until Thorne is back but not to say we couldn't play both in a 4231 if needed


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1 hour ago, DCFCArmy said:

55 shots but how many have actually been in the box?

I don't trust our front line at the minute, I knew Inces good chance when clear was going in the stands or straight at the keeper. we need a good couple of goals and we'll right though.

I hate shot starts, so misleading. Need better service from MF too.

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3 hours ago, DCFCArmy said:

55 shots but how many have actually been in the box?

I don't trust our front line at the minute, I knew Inces good chance when clear was going in the stands or straight at the keeper. we need a good couple of goals and we'll right though.

If we're not getting chances inside the box how is that the strikers fault?

I'd agree that the poor stat is because we're not creating many chances, but that is almost completely down to the way we're setting up which is absolutely bizarrely.

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3 hours ago, EnigmaRam said:

Agree with bent Russell and Blackman but ince Martin and Weimann are a better quality and have age on there side

Actually in fairness to Ince he's not a striker and Blackman hasn't been played at out and out striker so my original comments were harsh ... But I still got no faith . We can't keep trotting out impotence 

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19 hours ago, eddie said:

I think the first four games have demonstrated just how important George Thorne is to Derby.

Yes Eddie .. A midfielder who is entirely comfortable sitting back, tackling, pulling strings and passing forward to the right man. Will can sometimes do it but would rather be somewhere else.  Bryson and Hendrick cant do it, Buttefield and Johnson ought to be able to do it and maybe Hanson might be able to do it in a year or two. It doesn't matter what the formation is, you need a man in the middle of the park who is a boss with a capital B. Get well soon GT 

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I suspect this bit of data is actually a good sign, because it shows we've been unlucky. Last season, we had 658 shots and scored 66 goals (almost exactly 1 goal every 10 shots). It's possible that we could get a bit worse at converting chances but almost impossible we'd regress this much. So the fact that we've been able to do alright whilst being, effectively, 5 times more unlucky in front of goal than last season, is actually reasonably impressive.

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It just all depends on the shot.

Shots on target always a stat people have too much interest in too. 

A shot from 5 yards that goes an inch wide is a better chance carved out than a 35 yarder that rolls into the keeper. 

We may have had 55 shots but I'm thinking...

handful of decent chances v Brighton, 1 v Barnsley?? 3 v Preston?? 2 v Villa? And a couple of fairly close long shots

Let's say of that 55 I can't imagine more than 20 ever stood a dream of going in. I can think of 1 each from Russell and Ince where shooting was a stupid idea. 

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Against Villa we had 11 efforts on goal... 

- Forysth first-half cross which was miscued, on target and heading in

- Two Ince efforts from 30 yards which had 0.1% chance of going in

- Ince shot straight at the goalkeeper 2nd half

- Russell shot from 30 yards which deflected miles over/wide

- Martin stretching header, tricked wide, chance of scoring probably 1%

- Keogh header which was easily cleared 

- Keogh looping header which was neither an effort on goal or a cross

- Ince's free-kick, Martin's free-kick. Both off target.

- Camara's last-minute header which was 16-yards out and he didn't know what to do. Chance of scoring around 0.1%

So there is proof that it doesn't really matter how many efforts on goal you have if the majority have so little chance of actually going in.

Against Villa we were so toothless going forward that to put any blame on Martin is ridiculous. Unless you expected him to pick the ball off the defenders, take on nine players and then score?


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4 hours ago, CumbrianRam said:

I hate shot starts, so misleading. Need better service from MF too.

Me too, when I first read the thread title I thought someone was reminiscing about Mikkel Beck's time at Derby.

Wonder what the stats are for opposition shots and goals conceded? Does it have much bearing on results? 

4 games in and some micro analysing stats, jeez.

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4 minutes ago, Zag zig said:

Me too, when I first read the thread title I thought someone was reminiscing about Mikkel Beck's time at Derby.

Wonder what the stats are for opposition shots and goals conceded? Does it have much bearing on results? 

4 games in and some micro analysing stats, jeez.

Sorry but you're hyping up Mikkel Beck too much!

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