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3 hours ago, Ambitious said:

Sherwood did an excellent job at both Spurs and Villa, well until the rug was pulled from under his feet with the sale of Benteke, Delph and others.

if you isolate the performances from players under him, they usually thrive. He turned Adebayor and Benteke into world beaters, for example. 

He's an arrogant ****, but I think he would prove to be a great choice. I have no doubts that certain players would dramatically improve and he would do it with flair, passion, youth and, best of all, attacking football. 

Adebayor never has been or never will be remotely close to being a world-beater. Sherwood plays up to the media but as my gran used to say " she (in this case 'he') is all fur and no knickers".

Hope the bookies have got this all wrong and the money which has gone on Sherwood is from his camp.

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11 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

Unless the absolute right choice comes along, it makes sense to keep Wassall in charge and use what's remaining in the budget to bring in new players. Wassall, I believe, will know what's missing.


ROFL! Mel is kidding us right?

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8 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

I wouldn't say messed up completely, but I'm under the impression we're now restricted somewhat. Sacking Paul Clement was costly, and employing another manager who is currently employed elsewhere will set us back further in terms of compensation, new manager's long-term contract plus potential coaching staff coming too.

Unless the absolute right choice comes along, it makes sense to keep Wassall in charge and use what's remaining in the budget to bring in new players. Wassall, I believe, will know what's missing.


That is a very concerning answer. If you are correct then Mel still considers the manager's role to be very unimportant. We wasted a huge amount of cash last season because we didn't have an experienced manager co-ordinating things. Getting the right manager is far more important than having a couple of £million extra to spend on players. 

All the investment that Mel has made will be wasted if he doesn't get a proper manager in. Our massive training complex and academy structure might end up as mill-stone around the club's neck if we drift back towards mid-table, which is the most likely outcome if Wassall is appointed.

I never warmed to Clement and his football bored me to tears. I was quite pleased when he was sacked, but if the net result of that is that the club can't afford to put in place a competitive management structure, then sacking him was a profoundly stupid move.

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Wassall wouldn't be the end of the world.

He's hopefully been learning and given a whole pre-season and the squad knowing he's the man not the stand in may well bring some improvements. 

I'd be a bit underwhelmed but give him my full support. My main nagging doubt is fixing the soft centre we still seem to have and is Wassall the man to do that.

The other thing I suppose, is it might well represent one last chance for the Clough era players to try to do it, where as I'd thought it was **** or bust time for that part of the squad - heartbroken Russell interview post Hull certainly made me think that core of players were probably going to start drifting away.


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Why has everyone's expectations suddenly dropped? 




the above are all unemployed looking for jobs. Why appointment Wassell when he has done nothing apart from taking arguably the most talented squad in the division from 5th place to 5th place? 

Does anyone remember Rotherham away, Cardiff away, Ipswich at home, wolves away, mk at home, and not forgetting hull at home! 

My gran could have steered derby into the playoffs without the help of Harry redknapp but some on here think wassall is the answer. 

Massive appointment coming up, just hope Mel puts his ego to one side and makes the best decision for the club.


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Wassalll in my opinion  isnt good enough tactically to take us up,The 1st leg against Hull showed that.If we cant attract an experienced proven manager with our fan base,ground,training facilities and squad,I would suggest some thing is wrong some where ?

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1 minute ago, ram1964 said:

Wassalll in my opinion  isnt good enough tactically to take us up,The 1st leg against Hull showed that.If we cant attract an experienced proven manager with our fan base,ground,training facilities and squad,I would suggest some thing is wrong some where ?

Exactly! Wassall can barley pick the correct players in a 4-3-3 formation never mind having a plan b! Done great at the academy but is by no means a number 1 

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If we hire Wassall, when we could of had Pearson (with Powell as his No.2, as he's already stated), Martinez, Moyes, Rodgers, I will be devastated.

Lost so much faith in MM over the course of this season. If he makes the right decision, and goes and gets a manager worthy of this team, I'll take all the bad words I've said about him back. 

Right now though, I don't trust the guy to make the right decision. So far, he hasn't made many. Invested poorly in players. Made two managerial errors already. 

C'mon Mel. Prove me wrong. 

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22 hours ago, Rampage said:

Let us hope that Mel has been looking at possible candidates rather than just waiting.  Pearson or Warnock would get us out of this league. Flores would be brilliant. Rogers unrealistic. Sherwood no thanks. Redknapp with Darren No 2 Why not? Managers usually appoint their own Academy boss so Mel would insist on Darren keeping his job but new manger may object to Darren's style.

Has Rednapp passed his sell-by-date? His QPR team was dreadful, even if they somehow mad it up at our expense. Even in that playoff final, 'Arry wanted to make the suicidal substitution of Hoilett off leaving them with no outlet, but Clint Hill saw it happening and volunteered to be taken off instead as he knew having the ability to break at pace was their only chance. But other than QPR his teams have tended to be attractive. Only those at the club know how much involvement he's had so far. I can't believe he'd be prepared to spend a lot of time away from the south coast and family things.

I've warmed to Sherwood, largely because I fear we might end up even worse! But one thing I don't like about him is the thought that we would always be a stepping stone for him. But if he uses us in that way, it should mean he's done well.

I'd say most new people are more likely to want their own number 2 and are often OK with leaving the Academy to the club. But if there's a specific target about numbers of academy players making the main squad, you're probably right.

21 hours ago, Kinder said:

Why hasn't anyone employed Pearson yet?  Is he that mad? 


21 hours ago, mwram1973 said:

Apparently was on gardening leave from Leic till end of season so couldn't take a job.

Nothing about "gardening leave" that should mean he couldn't be employed elsewhere if a club had the resources to buy out the remainder of his contract or if Pearson were prepared to waive what Leicester owed him. Unless he was on some multi-million bonus for Champions League qualification and even winning the Premier League (madness, surely - could never happen!!) and so was determined to stay hoping for that while still contracted to Leicester.

13 hours ago, Ambitious said:

Tim Sherwood
Roberto Martinez
Brendan Rodgers
David Moyes
Nigel Pearson
Gary Rowett

I'd be happy with any of them. 

I would worry Martinez is Clement mark II. He's at least as interested in the number of passes a team makes in a game as he is in what they actually do with the ball. I don't see Moyes playing "the derby way" - he's a pragmatist grinding out results. I have an irrational hope it isn't Rowett. Can't really explain it, but his appointment would be very, meh.

2 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

Heard Darren Wassall is becoming the most likely scenario as of this moment in time. Three reasons:

- Core players enjoy playing under him, regardless of the Hull debacle he's still held in high esteem

- He's allegedly well aware of potential transfer targets

- He's the most viable option financially. It's very unlikely we'll be bringing in a manager current employed elsewhere, and those out of contract and not likely to go elsewhere just don't fit the bill

Wassall's had his audition and been given a good opportunity to make his case for the job. In my view he failed badly and amply demonstrated he is not the man to be head coach/manager. As happens so often in life, he is a case of someone promoted beyond the level of his competence - I'd like him to return to what he's good at. If paying inflated fees for mediocre players means we've used up our FFP leeway, it's as galling as some of the transfer deals themselves.

If Wassall's held in high esteem after his selections preceding the Hull matches, and then his inability to spot what needed changing during those playoff games, then we really might as well give up now.

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5 minutes ago, deanoakaram4life said:

Exactly! Wassall can barley pick the correct players in a 4-3-3 formation never mind having a plan b! Done great at the academy but is by no means a number 1 

Their must be a dozen good manager's who would jump ship to have a crack at Derby.A team is only as good as its management,you cant say we didnt have the players to do it this season ?Just the wrong manager,

If we can blow so much money on Ince and afford Bent to sit on the Bench,we surely can afford a quality manager.If Benitez stays at Newcastle and they are in a mess why cant we pull some one into the fold

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The fact is NOBODY knows how good or bad a new manager will fare. Did anybody think Jim Smith would do such a good job? Or Claudio Ranieri for Leicester? Did anyone predict Paul Jewell would be so bad for us?!

From what I recall, the majority of people predicted the opposite to how those managers turned out. 

Manager success all comes down to so many factors and things falling into place at the right time. Ranieri had never won a title before but somehow it all worked for him. 

Whoever it is, let's get behind them and support them rather than slate them before they start! 

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6 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

 Ambitious said:

Tim Sherwood
Roberto Martinez
Brendan Rodgers
David Moyes
Nigel Pearson
Gary Rowett

Tim Sherwood - about his level, not sure he could do it.
Roberto Martinez - spent force?
Brendan Rodgers - stepping stone at best  to restore his reputation. Swansea did not want him back, allegedly
David Moyes - I may have to stop watching football
Nigel Pearson - will get us promotion and there will be feathers flying. Will test Mel's attitude, I think.
Gary Rowett - too risky, long term bet?


Flores - not sure that he would come here, but my favourite, could get us up and keep us up.

Hughton - already gone

Warburton - not coming, surely

Real problem is - Who is identifying the players to be bought?

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10 minutes ago, RobboRam said:

The fact is NOBODY knows how good or bad a new manager will fare. Did anybody think Jim Smith would do such a good job? Or Claudio Ranieri for Leicester? Did anyone predict Paul Jewell would be so bad for us?!

From what I recall, the majority of people predicted the opposite to how those managers turned out. 

Manager success all comes down to so many factors and things falling into place at the right time. Ranieri had never won a title before but somehow it all worked for him. 

Whoever it is, let's get behind them and support them rather than slate them before they start! 

Very true

And to be fair i remember coming back from getting beat by wolves on a tuesday night and calling Jim Smith every name under the sun .... ate my words that season

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30 minutes ago, Saturn5 said:

The fact is NOBODY knows how good or bad a new manager will fare. Did anybody think Jim Smith would do such a good job? Or Claudio Ranieri for Leicester? Did anyone predict Paul Jewell would be so bad for us?!

Jim Smith had an excellent record at buying players cheaply. he played good football and had the brains to spot Maclaren.

Ranieri nearly won the Championship with Chelsea and he manged other top clubs. Always was a good man manager. Leicester was a miracle at some level.

Jewell had burnt himself out at some level at Wigan.

Martinez and Moyes have in some ways given too much effort too early on in their careers.

If you cannot take uncalled for criticism then management is a dangerous occupation for you..

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Mel did say Clement approved signings and some he identified or was specific about after he sacked him 

Think Evans going speaks volumes

Too many players that didnt improve the team - Tuesdays team had 6 players who have been regulars for 3 years

Plus would we get what we paid for Ince, Johnson, Blackman or Camara ... i doubt it

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4 minutes ago, Saturn5 said:

Mel did say Clement approved signings and some he identified or was specific about after he sacked him 

Think Evans going speaks volumes

Too many players that didnt improve the team - Tuesdays team had 6 players who have been regulars 3 years

Plus would we get what we paid for Ince, Johnson, Blackman or Camara ... i doubt it

Realistically I still think you could get decent money for Ince £4 million , Johnson  £3 million , Blackman  £2 million and Camara  £1 million that's  £10 million there should go some way to starting a mini rebuild. 

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We didn't buy "bad" players, but we did not get value for money and clearly in some cases did not buy the "right" players.

No, we wouldn't get back anything like on Johnson, Blackman, Ince or Camara.

In a lot of our transfers it was well known we wanted X player and the selling club knew we were going to stump up in the end. We need to be a bit smarter, it's not like there is a global shortage of footballers capable of playing at a second division level.


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One thing we've done wrong this season is being held to ransom. Nigel Clough got slated for not pushing the boat out when it came to signings, I think there was one player we had a decent chance of getting a few years back and that was Gary Hooper from Ssausagehorpe, but we refused to meet the asking price, which was something like 1m quid 

I'd like to go back to that tbh, telling clubs where to go if they start raising the price, 5m for butters was over the top by a fair way imo, 6m for Johnson was too much, 2m for a player out of contract in the summer was pathetic, we've become a laughing stock in that regard imo. 

"big spending Derby"... yes and they knew it as well and those clubs are laughing at the bank door.

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