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What a waste of money!


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A "travel" digital alarm clock bought from Amazon a few weeks ago. It cost £3 and took 3 weeks delivery from China and when it came......

......it's as big as a brick and the clock doesn't work properly. I've put it on display in the house and chuckle every time I walk past it. 

I don't think China is in danger of taking over the world just yet. 

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How long have you got?? I could write a book. 

A Ford Fiesta, 6 months old. I reversed it into a post, got a new bumper for £500 and a stupid bint drove straight into it the next day and drove off. A stone hit the windscreen, got it replaced and then it cracked. Had it serviced at TCH, they did something wrong and it dumped the whole lot of engine oil all over my block paving. They cleaned it up and wrecked my drive. Damn thing, I traded it in before I killed myself in it! 

Shoes, loads of pairs I can only sit down in. Clothes that are lovely but suddenly second wear I realise they make my bum look big/gape on the chest/can't breathe. You get the picture. 

A holiday I had to cancel due to death in family and no refund. Tickets to a gig I couldn't get to....

I wish I had all that money back now! 

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Definitely one of the most annoying, why do we do it? I stood my ground the other week and refused to go in tiger tiger... in they went handing over their tenners, soon texting where are you? Haha

I have definitelytold places to **** off and just left, theres a place in Derby thats name escapes me (Josephines maybe?) swear its always dead but we decided to go in. They wanted to charge us £5 in Derby! We just turned round a went else where.

This £15 place was in Bristol, which usually isnt too bad for entry prices. But I was with some people I did know too well (Was first year of Uni) and they decided they wanted to go to this place, they all went in so I just followed not wanting to be the odd one out. Yea it was ****, used the excuse that I had work the next day to get away. Ended up walking halfway across the city to find a bus, crap night.

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:lol:More fool you for thinking a has been like Bent could score more than Martin when he would quite obviously be second choice and rarely start.

not sure it's that foolish considering his ratio at the back end of last season and a new manager coming in from a side that was all attacking last season. More like educated gamble gone wrong. 

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not sure it's that foolish considering his ratio at the back end of last season and a new manager coming in from a side that was all attacking last season. More like educated gamble gone wrong. 

would have been a good bet if Martin had been sold maybe?

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