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First season ticket for me and I have to say I was shocked about how quiet and lifeless the ground was for the majority of tonight. Yes the South Stand does it's best and I don't expect everyone to sing, but it was just flat.

I'm pretty sure there was no applause when they came out for the second half. Bizarre.

Is it chicken and egg? Good football = engaged crowd or engaged crowd = good football?

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On the flags, there's a few less than we started with but generally still the same.

As for the noise, I missed the leeds game, but thought it was the best I'd heard this season, not all the way through, but it had its peaks, particularly when we were playing well.

I think goals will help but I still maintain that there is singing pretty much all game to join in with, it's up to the individual whether you do or not. I have no voice left today. 


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I was right at the front of the South Stand last night (can never get a ticket in the upper, or even higher than about 3 rows up in the lower - should have been made an unreserved area with the season ticket only guaranteeing you entry to the stand). Would encourage people to get to the stand early and start causing a ruckus long before the teams come out.

Anyway, I thought it was a decent atmosphere to be honest, not amazing but a 6/10. Thought the small Burnley contingent gave a good account of themselves and although we weren't non-stop chanting there was a decent amount of "come on then's" and general vocal encouragement. Certainly been to quieter games.

A lot depends on where you sit/stand I guess.


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I was right at the front of the South Stand last night (can never get a ticket in the upper, or even higher than about 3 rows up in the lower - should have been made an unreserved area with the season ticket only guaranteeing you entry to the stand). Would encourage people to get to the stand early and start causing a ruckus long before the teams come out.

Anyway, I thought it was a decent atmosphere to be honest, not amazing but a 6/10. Thought the small Burnley contingent gave a good account of themselves and although we weren't non-stop chanting there was a decent amount of "come on then's" and general vocal encouragement. Certainly been to quieter games.

A lot depends on where you sit/stand I guess.


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I was there in the south stand and thought it was the loudest game so far when we're talking over the whole 90 minutes. I've seen the full 90 and the Sky programme since however and it does sound quiet. Seems to just be that you've still got different groups of people singing different songs. Right side with one song, middle with a different one, left side silent, east stand with a another different one, southwest with a different one.

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From where I sit in the east lower he south stand was the noisiest it's been  all season when taking the whole 90 mins together. 

Other games have had fits of louder sound, but not as long. 

It does feel like it is getting better. 

It did get a bit disjointed at times though, as others said, it was like 2-3 different songs at the same time coming from the stand. 

The east stand is really difficult to get going in isolation, most people really do take the lead from the south stand. There are a few lads in the east upper and a few of us in the lower who try to start chants, but the majority of people are not interested unless the south are leading it. Shame really as it would be a good counterfoil. 

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