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Easter time and has no idea who his best right back is 

no idea who should partner Keogh 

can't get a defence to defend 

Best goal scoring midfielder in the division last season who looks to me as if he's told not to make these forward runs anymore 

hurry up Ashley n take him away 

Sean dyche would have had the league won with this squad a long while away 

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Sith Happens

Cant believe people calling for him to go. Gone from years of nothing to chasing promotion, yes things have taken a dip but i'd still rather be in this position than fighting relegation.


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Another McClaren thread. Yaaay.

Easter time and has no idea who his best right back is 

no idea who should partner Keogh 

can't get a defence to defend 

Best goal scoring midfielder in the division last season who looks to me as if he's told not to make these forward runs anymore 

hurry up Ashley n take him away 

Sean dyche would have had the league won with this squad a long while away 

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yes we've had a shockingly disappointing month but this is no reason to rip up all the good work being done at the club. Look what happened to Wolves when they panicked and fired McCarthy just because they were stuffed by the Albion and the supporters screamed for a knee jerk reaction-15 months later in league 1

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Nothing wrong with questioning the manager if he is not performing. The way he sets Derby up to play is at times too predictable, and has on several occasions been easy to defend. His & Paul Simpsons organisation of the back four has been poor and contributed to players making silly mistakes and costing us goals. The players he has brought in on permanent contracts have in the main not made a positive difference to the side.

I am not calling for him to go, far from it, that would be silly, but he and his backroom staff definitely need to up their game.

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I agree about the bit concerning Bryson not making the same runs, if in fact that is the managers tactics. We seem to be relying on individual goals rather than the team goals of last season. Its subtle, but i wonder if its a tweak to the style we seemed to evolve into of late runs into the box from the midfield. 

Now we seem to be trying the hollywood ball or Ibe/Ince beating two defenders to create chances. It was beginning to happen before Martin was injured so i don't think its down to that.

When two or three players make late runs into the box its a lot harder to defend than aiming for a solitary striker.


Not enough to want the bloke gone though!

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Easter time and has no idea who his best right back is 

no idea who should partner Keogh 

can't get a defence to defend 

Best goal scoring midfielder in the division last season who looks to me as if he's told not to make these forward runs anymore 

hurry up Ashley n take him away 

Sean dyche would have had the league won with this squad a long while away 

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A few posters have asked why we are talking about replacements for the manager at this stage of the season. I know that there is a lot of talk about Big Mac going and he hasn't said he's not, and I know we should be concentrating on the current season end, but with the uncertainty surrounding him, it makes sense to be thinking about the possible replacements. It may prove to be a paper exercise but there's no harm done. It would be Dyche for me. 

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I agree about the bit concerning Bryson not making the same runs, if in fact that is the managers tactics. We seem to be relying on individual goals rather than the team goals of last season. Its subtle, but i wonder if its a tweak to the style we seemed to evolve into of late runs into the box from the midfield. 

Now we seem to be trying the hollywood ball or Ibe/Ince beating two defenders to create chances. It was beginning to happen before Martin was injured so i don't think its down to that.

When two or three players make late runs into the box its a lot harder to defend than aiming for a solitary striker.


Not enough to want the bloke gone though!

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