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Adam Johnson arrested


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SSN and various papers just reporting now that Sunderland & England winger Adam Johnson has been arrested from his home on the suspicion that he's engaged with a girl under the age of 16, possibly 14.

Disgusting accusation, and if true I hope he never plays again.

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Not sure of all the details of course,but if he did do this and proved, he should be punished to fullest extent of UK law.

Having sex with an underage girl? Sick.

Of course she could have lied to him about her age and he thought she was older,but again no details are known yet it seems.

Just have to wait and see.

Again though if he knew and still did it...deserves all he gets.

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I'm always suspicious of these accusations. I'm not saying it categorically isn't true, but why on earth would he risk bedding a 14-year-old given his reputation and career? 

I'll see how this one pans out, but I'd be utterly stunned if it turns out to be true. 

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Oh dear.

Not enough information ath this moment in time really.

I guess it's easy to be fooled, nobody actually asks to see proof of age do they? If a bouncer has let a 15 year old who looks 19/20 into a club (their responsibility), are they then responsible for any actions that might take place between people in the club?

Or it could be something completely different to that situation.

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If it turns out to be true then he deserves everything he gets.

However if not these allegations will now stick with him for the rest of his career and probably life, why can't they fully investigate before they release his name.

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All depends on circumstances. If he's picked her up in a club and she's dressed to the nines, how's he to know? She may have been very convincing in appearing over 18...

If he's picked her up on the Internet or outside school then he's got no leg to stand on...

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bad news. i think most people have seen precocious 15 years out in town before, they could be 15......and they could be 35, they are that orange and covered in glitter, hard to see the mams from the daughters. not saying its right mind.it gives me a shudder thinking about either but it doesnt make him jimmy saville just yet.but the knives are already out

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How old is Adam Johnson, and when was this alleged offence? The report I read is that she was 15, ie just below the age of consent. Never mind is it because i am black... What about is it because i am a footballer?

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