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Are you addicted to DCFC Fans?


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What's the longest period you have not looked at the forum for?

Is it one of the first sites you visit when you wake up and the last before you go to bed?

When it goes offline for updates do you keep coming back smashing F5 waiting for it to be back?

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I'm currently posting while my wife stares daggers across the frankie and benny dinner table. I have a how's sky addictive personality. I do all the things you describe above. Although I'm with srg and I'll keep away for a few hours when we loose. I don't come here to feel more depressed.

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I'm not addicted me. I can just walk away from my iPad me. It's not a problem really. Yeah I feel a bit shaky at times, but don't we all. I'm going to put it down right away, as I have lots of other things I can do. Got mates and things to see, and loads of other stuff. No problem. No. No, I am not addicted at all. Who gives a fook. Just a forum ain't it. Not like I haven't got a life is it. Anyway going now. Got some mates and stuff. Yeah, mates, and other stuff. Going to put it down now. Ok. Not shaking me.

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When I'm in my house and not doing anything, I'll certainly be on here.


I wouldn't say I'm addicted to the forum but I'd say I'm addicted to my laptop in general.


I sometimes just waste hours watching youtube videos, reading pointless stuff, checking football fixtures and hypothetical situations among others.


Right now I could and should be doing something far more productive with my life. I'm lucky in that I work for four days (Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) and then have three days off /Tue, Wed, Thu) but in those three days I don't really do anything and they go by so quickly.


When I was in Australia and by the beach I didn't check the forum for a year as I was so busy outdoors. In fact, football in general just didn't interest me that year as it coincided with that PL season.


Where I live there is no surf and I definitely suffer for that! Spend way too much of my free time on my laptop doing nothing

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Check the site almost every day, don't always post though. Sometimes I've gone a few days without.


I mean, I was having a nice weekend in a hotel room with my girlfriend and I was still checking this site every half hour or so. She seemed okay with it but I guess that probably makes me addicted somewhat.

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Check the site almost every day, don't always post though. Sometimes I've gone a few days without.


I mean, I was having a nice weekend in a hotel room with my girlfriend and I was still checking this site every half hour or so. She seemed okay with it but I guess that probably makes me addicted somewhat.

I heard she went downstairs to reception and literally begged that nothing happened to affect the wifi connection.

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I heard she went downstairs to reception and literally begged that nothing happened to affect the wifi connection.

She told me she was going out for cigarette! I thought it was weird because they said that smoking was allowed in that room.


I'll have words i-Ram, thanks for the info.

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