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Worth going to the doctors?


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23rd August I went on a bouncy castle pissed, a lady of the large variety landed on my leg, I didn't cry but I wanted to. A few days later this bruise came up.....



Then few days after that a lump appeared in me leg, the bruising has gone down now and took these pics this morning as it seems to be getting bigger and feels more painful when I walk on it. I'm thinking it's aids but if it is no point going to the doctors. Thought it was a trapped muscle at first but 3 weeks in and getting more painful, not sure what the docs could even do so can't be arsed to go for nothing.



Getting pissed off now, sprained my ankle, broke my wrist and was about to play football again and been out with this.

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Very odd that you should be playing on a bouncy castle - are you a paedophile?

Very odd that you should take a camera into the bath with you too. Are you posting other body parts on alternative forums?

In terms of your leg, in truth I really don't give a toss, but as someone who has taken the Hippocratic Oath I am duty bound to say that I think you should consider your footballing career as being over, and that if competitive sport is your bag then you should perhaps look into the events schedules of the Invictus Games.

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