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Anyone heard about this? The comedian Jason Manford is getting a lot of attention for a post on his Facebook talking about comments made at him on social media.


It started when he, being the City fan that he is, mocked Manchester United drawing with Burnley and he said: 


"It's always nice when you see an underdog do well and grab a draw against the run of play. So hats off to Man United, I'm 100% that you'll stay up this season"


He is a Man City fan and naturally when City lost to Stoke later that day he was left with quite a bit of egg on his face.


But he ended up taking a lot of abuse that went too far on Twitter and Facebook.





Did you hear the one about the comedian who did a joke about a rival team drawing, then his own team got beat? 




No encore. 


Curtains please. Quick! Start the car!



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So what do you guys think? How far can people go before it's no longer a harmless joke? Do you think there's too much emotion in the game these days that drives a minority of football fans to lose all sense?

Personally, this is why I cannot stand the term "banter". It's misused so much these days and it basically means people can act like total prats and deflect any criticism by going "it's just a bit of banter".
Worse still is that because he's a comedian, people expect him to put up with this. He's had comments criticising him for being "a comedian without a sense of humour". I agree to be honest, people need to calm down. I love Derby as much as the next guy but at the end of the day it is "just a game"


I often find it's the more casual football fan that react in that way, it's as if they are just using football as an excuse to be vile. 


I always find it a very funny idea to slag someone off for the club they support. I've had this said to me "Well yeah, but you support Derby, they're ****" - And? What do you want me to do about that? As if I'm responsible in some way for them being ****. 


Disclaimer - Derby County are in no way ****, it was merely an example. We're by far the greatest team, the world has ever seen. 

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It says as much about social media as it does football. The most infuriating thing is that these lads doing the abuse would possibly say it to your face, but I can't virtually punch them in the face. As he said, football is a game we love which causes extreme emotion. The turds that turn fun between rival clubs into abuse deserve naming, shaming and plastering across their beloved internet to.

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I agree and think that things said/sung should be toned down a touch. It is not always banter, some is just plain abuse but ignorant people use the term banter as an excuse.

I don't like it and (try) not to call Forest fans scum en masse. It is ok between mates. Things like the gumps IMO has an element of fun and intelligence in it without being pure hatred/abuse.

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I hate the word ''banter'' - it really grates me. 



As for what he said, well yeah, he is correct. Football causes extreme emotions in every strong supporter but I guess it's how you deal with it. Me, personally, I do get irate and frustrated when we lose because they shouldn't be doing such **** things and losing to **** teams. However, all it usually takes is a night out and some greasy food to put me back on track, 


If you type #DCFC into twitter now, I would care to bet it's Derby and Forest fans talking about attendances, ticket allocations and who has the better team. It's the same tiresome, uneducated, responses every time. 


Football fans, by and large, are stupid ******* idiots. The bigger the fanbase, the larger number of idiots. And, as said, these are often people that don't even go to the games. 

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I hate the word ''banter'' - it really grates me. 



As for what he said, well yeah, he is correct. Football causes extreme emotions in every strong supporter but I guess it's how you deal with it. Me, personally, I do get irate and frustrated when we lose because they shouldn't be doing such **** things and losing to **** teams. However, all it usually takes is a night out and some greasy food to put me back on track, 


If you type #DCFC into twitter now, I would care to bet it's Derby and Forest fans talking about attendances, ticket allocations and who has the better team. It's the same tiresome, uneducated, responses every time. 


Football fans, by and large, are stupid ******* idiots. The bigger the fanbase, the larger number of idiots. And, as said, these are often people that don't even go to the games. 

You have a very low opinion of yourself ;)

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I had someone threaten to punch my lights out when I called him a "Jeremy Keith apologist" - that was quite sinister when I got anonymous emails from a hotmail account describing precisely where I live. Whether that person was the one who threw a rock into my bathroom window I'll never know.

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I like that Jason Manford bloke - I didn't like him to start with, him cheating on his missus and all that - but following him on twitter, he comes across as a nice chap, loves his kids etc.


I read something the other day like 'twitter has made me like people I don't know - and facebook has made me hate people I do'

which just about sums it up tbh.


I did have someone threaten to come round to my house once - he posted a lot of stuff about me, personal details etc (not on here I hasten to add), I just told him to tell me when he was coming, I'd bake a cake.  I have my facebook on private and have only just 'unlocked' my twitter, it was a long time ago now - there are some reet ***** in this world. 


Having said that, I do hate it when Derby lose. 

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I like that Jason Manford bloke - I didn't like him to start with, him cheating on his missus and all that - but following him on twitter, he comes across as a nice chap, loves his kids etc.


I read something the other day like 'twitter has made me like people I don't know - and facebook has made me hate people I do'

which just about sums it up tbh.


I did have someone threaten to come round to my house once - he posted a lot of stuff about me, personal details etc (not on here I hasten to add), I just told him to tell me when he was coming, I'd bake a cake.  I have my facebook on private and have only just 'unlocked' my twitter, it was a long time ago now - there are some reet ***** in this world. 


Having said that, I do hate it when Derby lose. 

The post already had my interest, but this bit earned my like.

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There are some right nutjobs on Twitter, I just ignore them. All they want is a bite to prove what arrogant, empty headed keyboard warriors they are. Not worth the aggro and the indegestion.

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