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Worst Team At The World Cup


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Cameroon were ok v Brazil. Had a go. Terrible attitude in the first two games. Eto'o isn't half as good as he is arrogant or greedy. They'd be second.

Didn't see Korea or Japan. Any good?

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Haven't seen everyone but I'd say Cameroon also.

Japan are alright really. Defensively a bit iffy. And if they were more clinical in front of goal they would've scored a few against Columbia last night. The score line flattered Columbia a bit.

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What I've seen, Iran. And by far.

They could have easily pinched a win v the Argies on another day!


Cameroon as already said. Any team that scraps between themselves has problems! I remember Edworthy v Bisgaard squaring up to each other at PP once!

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They could have easily pinched a win v the Argies on another day!


Cameroon as already said. Any team that scraps between themselves has problems! I remember Edworthy v Bisgaard squaring up to each other at PP once!

Didn't see that game. But against very poor Nigeria they were horrible.


And yes, Cameroon looks like Forest with King Billy. Desireless.

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Honestly I know we are in no place to comment as England had a stinker (we can sort of blame it on a transition period though no excuse for only picking up one point) but Italy for me are the biggest disappointments of the tournament. Other than letting Pirlo dictate things at times, we were the better team against them but our defence gifted them two easy goals. They were so so poor against Costa Rica and equally as poor against Uruguay. 


England (I don't want to be THAT guy but...) had some awful refereeing decisions go against them throughout the three games. I counted 2 strong penalty shouts and one fifty/fifty penalty shout against Italy and I'm quite harsh on forwards when judging whether I think something is a penalty. Godin should have got his marching orders after about 30 minutes when he clothes line our player whilst already on a yellow card and finally even against Costa Rica you would expect to see those given where their defender cut across Sturridge and caught his thigh. 


I am not trying to make excuses for England and they didn't deserve to progress but I do feel like we were hard done by considering some of the soft penalties that have been given during the WC so far. 


The performance against Italy was strong and had we have taken something from that game I believe the performance against Uruguay would not have been so subdued and we can't comment on Costa Rica as it was a completely different team but the world cup highlights how small the margins are in football. Somebody marks the fella on the edge of the box and Baines stops the cross going in rather than being done by a simple dummy and we win the Italy game...

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Japan were unlucky I thought. They should have mullered Greece and could easily have taken a point from Ivory Coast. The Colombia shoreline flattered as they were clinically picked off at the back when they were chasing the game.

South Korea looked alright against Russia but that possibly said more about Russia than South Korea. They were abysmal against Algeria were never really in it against Belgium.

I'd say Cameroon. Honduras is a fair shout as well but we all expected them to be whipping boys. Cameroon, just imploded.

In terms of biggest underachievers - clearly Spain. Followed by England and Italy obviously.

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