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Can someone explain why this is happening??


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My dad, uncle and both grandads all served in the army and we've had a fair chat about this. I (and they) still don't get it. Why back a set of fans into a corner and claim some of us don't care?

A football match is nowhere near the right place to show the amount of respect that this issue desverves.

Most people who are vocally in support of this have been nowhere near the forces and if they really wanted to show support then sign up.

Here's an idea Rangers fans - print a memorial T-shirt with Derby vs Rangers on and sell it at the match with all proceeds to the families of fallen soldiers.

This whole thing smells of piggybacking on nationalism and the supposed glory of the armed servicemen. And anyone not on your side must have a problem.

Well f that. It's a reminder for us all to donate to help for heroes or something but you can do one if you think that clapping a bit and posting on an internet forum makes you anything other than a little bit misguided at best. It helps nobody and helps keep in place the social divisions that are getting our soldiers killed on the streets and elsewhere.

Grow up.

Derby fans donate here and don't ever be pressured into public displays of a political nature as thats how extremist parties thrive http://www.helpforheroes.org.uk

Rangers fans, clap what you like. Don't force your ideologies down people's throats or ever claim to know why people may or may not be up for this. How someone commemorates our dead or shows respect for another is none of your business.

Now, can we all just look forward to what will be a great game with a great atmosphere and look forward to a few beers with our Scottish friends. At least we aren't playing stoke again.

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By the way, I've got a mate who died if AIDS*, I want all 37,000 fans to clap for him on 24 minutes.

Oh, you didn't know him, so don't feel the need. Clearly you're a homophobe and don't care about the plight of people with AIDS. By the way, he was black too, so you're also racist.

And all of a sudden we've got a few thousand clapping. Then at the match:

Why are they all clapping? Dunno, but we should probably join in, lest we be seen as anti whatever it is.

And that's how you get 37,000 clapping for whatever random cause you want.

I'm on the Army Reserves myself (in fact I'm being mobilised next week to go to the warzone that is Glasgow), and my views on the matter are very similar to oodlesdoodle's.

*I don't actually have a friend who has died of AIDS, I'm just making a point. Please don't feel the need to clap.

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So am I pal . But still canna see what ya problem is here ? Every other club in the country would be up for this . Apart from one . Mentioning no names .

I've even read on footy forums QPR did something similar at wembley . Then booed Derby. Cus ye sat on yer backsides.

I got ya all wrong from last time I was in town. I feel sick reading any more please delete me Ya all a bunch a fannys .Decent rams fans Should be ashamed .

Before the game, the armed forces did a lap of honour. At this point, all (all I saw) clapped and showed their appreciation. During the game, QPR apparently had a minutes applause for Lee Rigby. I had no idea it was happening, nor did I notice it at the time. If I was to support all my political positions during a football game, I'd be clapping for the whole game. Football is just football, leave it at that. Stop trying to make it into more.

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Before the game, the armed forces did a lap of honour. At this point, all (all I saw) clapped and showed their appreciation. During the game, QPR apparently had a minutes applause for Lee Rigby. I had no idea it was happening, nor did I notice it at the time. If I was to support all my political positions during a football game, I'd be clapping for the whole game. Football is just football, leave it at that. Stop trying to make it into more.

And didn't they only plan to do that after they heard we were doing our minutes applause for cancer. Which was a worthwhile thing showing support for a servant of Derby County. So QPR basically just picked the first thing they could think of.

Now if Lee Rigby was a Derby fan, or if his regiment were based in Derby, then absolutely.

But this Rangers thing. If they had such appreciation, why don't they have a minutes applause every match they ever play.

Saying that 'any other club would do it without question' is just saying that 'any other club is stupid'. We like to call those American soldiers. British soldiers are trained to think for themselves, to follow orders, but not to blindly do what they are told, and to add their own input into discussions and plans. It's what makes ours, pound for pound, the best armed forces in the world.

So not allowing us the right to debate the reasons and value if a minutes applause is spitting in the face if the ideals of being British and being a soldier in the British armed forces.

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  sorry i have got nothing against the people who fight for GREAT BRITAIN I applaud all of them              but when you sign up you must  know that some day you will have to put your life on the line for country do we have  a minute clapping for firemen / women who put there lives on the line no  its up to the government to make a example they are to soft to hang them a eye for a eye  sorry but   that/s me   :angry:

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Now if Lee Rigby was a Derby fan, or if his regiment were based in Derby, then absolutely.

Even if this was true, this date would mean absolutely nothing, near the anniversary of his death yes, random date in August no.

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Going to a Derby County match to support Derby County

Going to a Derby County match to support a political viewpoint.

Do you see the difference?

I do but what has venue got to do with it???

At home, on Trafalgar Square at the iPro makes no difference in my opinion. I mean I'll support Derby if I'm at work on my oil tanker just the same as at the iPro.

Then again I do like to question everything to death.

Smiley face thingy.

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The Rangers fans who have posted on here have done a nice job of illustrating why I wish we weren't playing them.

If you don't want sectarianism shoved in your face, don't go to the game.

I am going to watch a football match, whatever other reason could there be?

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I am going to watch a football match, whatever other reason could there be?

So do you clap along, and ignore the songs of murder and hate? They're banned in Scotland, but they'll sing them here, it's why they like to come.

We no longer turn a blind eye to racism and homophobia at games, and we shouldn't tolerate this either. If there's no way to stop it, then I for one cannot tacitly condone it by paying money to watch.

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Someone should show this thread to the club or write a letter outlining the points made here.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense could see this is a terrible idea.

I expect the club havent really thought this through.

But then they can't come out and say, 'we don't support it.' Cos then they're being seen as not supporting our troops.

That's the point I was trying to make earlier. As soon as someone makes a suggestion like this, you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

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I know the original story (from the OP) was posted in the DET. And the happening looks to be being driven by this guy from Chad. Is there anything official from the club about it? If so, clearly someone made a mistake, but you can see why if you're being pressurized into agreeing to something and eventually, for a quiet life, you think, "Sod it, it's only a pre-season friendly - let's get it over and done with". As others have said, damned if you do and damned if you don't.


I dislike the general trend to having minutes applause for all manner of things. It's about the football - let's keep it just to the football. I'm glad I'll be stateside so certainly shan't be at the game. And therefore won't have to make a decision about how to respond to the emotional blackmail.


It was a terrible thing that happened. It wasn't connected with Derby or football in anyway, and there's no anniversary or anything. And lots of terrible things happen every day that are equally unconnected with our football club.

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So do you clap along, and ignore the songs of murder and hate? They're banned in Scotland, but they'll sing them here, it's why they like to come.

We no longer turn a blind eye to racism and homophobia at games, and we shouldn't tolerate this either. If there's no way to stop it, then I for one cannot tacitly condone it by paying money to watch.

I think you need to get off your high horse and grow up. If they are a catchy tune I don't care. I am happy in Dublin, Londonderry and Belfast listening to some fine anti British songs but the tunes are great. You seem to have your own agenda that you are spouting on here. Get over yourself. I don't recall all of this over bearing nonsense when Rangers were generously in town for Tinman.
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On the 6th of June 1944 my dad landed on GOLD beach on D-Day at Ver-sur-Mer .... he was 19.

60 years later I had the pleasure of taking him to the Normandy veterans "final march past" in Arromanches. The French public were amazing, during those three days we never paid for any food or drink, schoolchildren lined the streets to shake every veterans hand, people would leave their houses and hug the old veterans, and they also remembered those that had lost their lives during the campaign.

Over the years my dad regularly attended the Rememberance Day service at St Mary's church in Chaddesden and as the years past and veteran numbers dwindled he was chuffed to be asked to lay the Rememberance wreath at the War Memorial on Chadd Lane.

Every Rememberance Sunday I travel up to Notts Road cemetery and place a poppy next to his headstone, not just for him, but for all his old mates and comrades who never returned.........................and the point of this post is!

No jingoistic, sectarian, bigot is going to tell me when I can honour our servicemen!

No jingoistic, sectarian, bigot is going to tell me when to clap at a football match!

And, no jingoistic, sectarian bigot is going to tell me I should be "ashamed" of supporting Derby County Football Club!

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