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Can someone explain why this is happening??


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I literally cannot believe what I'm reading, I don't think your aware of Chris's close connection too lees family and is in touch with them regular. You lot are causing quite a stir, athough you won't be aware because you're stuck on here in cloud cuckoo land....

Like I've said, if you was too organise somthing in remembering people join in out of respect. When you question a man's motives you question his integrity, that's what you've done here.

The only motive here is respect and remembrance, what you're doing here is embarrassing.....

In the future i'll be on here to remind you not to take part in any act of remembrance unless there is a direct affiliation too football. Yoo think you are grown men aswell..... Vile


Right, let's try this one more time shall we?


Lee Rigby has nothing to do with Derby County.


Politics should have nothing to do with football.


There is no relevance to this planned clapping at a Derby County home game.



That is why people are questioning this and the motives behind this. Not because they hate, or lack respect, or don't support the armed forces etc etc. Just a lack of relevance between the planned clapping and the event you think it should take place at.


If you wish to show support for Lee Rigby/armed forces etc then by all means do it at an event that is relevant to the armed forces and I'm sure everyone will support you.


And I'm afraid that joining the message board simply to abuse people who don't agree with you does nothing for your cause at all.


That simple enough?

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Equally savage.

I'm not sure we need a minutes applause for Savage. That's taking it too far.

Seriously though, I think this guy is getting very defensive. I don't think people on here are questioning the integrity if the organiser, I think they're more questioning the motives of the Rangers fans on here who are so keen to get behind the campaign, and I think that's motivated by the need to take any opportunity they can to show just how British they are, without taking into consideration just how random it is.

I think that is what people are mostly questioning, the sheer randomness. As a member if the armed forces, I thank you for your applause, there is nothing inherently wrong with giving applause an remembrance, but why here and now, what's the specific point or relevance?

It's like growing a moustache in May, or wearing a poppy in March. There's nothing specifically wrong with it, but you are bound to get some puzzled looks.

I just worth that this applause will turn into an embarrassment. You'll get the organisers applauding enthusiastically in one corner, maybe a bunch of Rangers fans joining in, then a few people joining in because they don't know what it's a bout, but feel they should probably join in, and a few who do know what's it's about, but don't really get it, bit applaud politely anyway. Then you'll get a lot of people steadfastly refusing to applaud, and then the whole thing will fizzle out, and no one comes away looking very good. We look like a bunch of miserable buggers, and the organisers look like jingoistic idiots.

It all seems very contrived and just plain strange. If he wants to do something, better to have a collection bucket outside, or work with the club to donate a pound from every ticket sold.

What's he raising awareness of? That Lee Rigby died? Well we know that already. So what is the aim of this. (Not talking political motivation, but there at least has to be a point).

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The more I read this thread, the less I want to go to the match.


I'm one step ahead of you, I've decided against and am going to London for the weekend instead. All this has left a really sour taste and I don't want to be put in a situation where I feel I have to either clap when I don't want to, somehow feel a bit uncomfortable that I don't, explain to my kids what's going on and why. This whole debate has tarnished any enjoyment I would have had from going.


So the London Eye it is.

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I'm one step ahead of you, I've decided against and am going to London for the weekend instead. All this has left a really sour taste and I don't want to be put in a situation where I feel I have to either clap when I don't want to, somehow feel a bit uncomfortable that I don't, explain to my kids what's going on and why. This whole debate has tarnished any enjoyment I would have had from going.


So the London Eye it is.

Really can't blame you. When I saw the fixture was announced, I naively thought it was going to be a fun day out with a relaxed atmosphere.


I've been put off completely.


Enjoy London!

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Are you going too do something to remember them? Genuine question

If so let me know, won't be holding my breath though.....

yes Remembrance Sunday LIKE I DO EVERY YEAR....
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If Nathan Wynne would like to pop over and discuss respect with me, I'm all for it.

Respect works both ways and having sod all respect for the opinions of others is blatantly idiotic.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.....get your 'arris down to the Lee Rigby Ride.....I'll even put you in touch with the organiser who does such amazing work with this and other events to show the due RESPECT for not just Lee Rigby, but thousands of other Servicemen and women who paid the ultimate price for your right to voice an opinion.

Come and talk me about losing the guy next to you, friends, colleagues and workmates.

Come and talk to me about standing shoulder to shoulder with their families at their repatriation at Lyneham and Brize Norton. Come and talk to me about travelling hundreds of miles to attend their funerals and offering support to them and their extended families. Come and talk to me about what it means to serve Queen and Country in places that the Devil himself wouldn't want to visit.

Either that, or (sorry about this folks) blow your jingoistic plastic patriotism out of your derriere somewhere else.

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Not with that grammar, he is just a kid early 20's??

probably. Just thought about it after the Daily Mail Group were trying to troll a Muslim forum and got caught out doing it.
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Oh wow. What a row this has caused.

But it's not fair or just to condemn those of us who'd rather this didn't happen at a football match which is in no way connected to Lee. Surely, you can see our reason to question it? But you coming on here ramming your views down our throats has made you look a bit daft tbh and I for one refuse to think something just because someone thinks I should. Sorry but no chance.

So, in the nicest possible way, please do not abuse our members if they see fit not to agree with your own views. That is entirely up to them, please respect that.

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I'm going to watch a game of football. I don't mind what songs are sung by whoever (I love a good tune and don't hear them very often at the iPro), I don't agree that the applause is necessary so will abstain. It will be the last opportunity to watch a match and not be fussed about the result so long as some football is being played. I hope the Rangers fans give a big boost to the local pubs and restaurants.

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