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Can someone explain why this is happening??


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Agree with most people about this.


For me, I agree there is no connection to us whatsoever and it's the precedent that it sets. Are we going to have to clap for some unfortunate soul at every game. A case of "oh, who are we clapping for this time, daddy?". It just cheapens the whole thing and eventually it will become meaningless while we have to come up with a new way of marking respect.

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The only thing worse than not caring is pretending to care so you can gain attention or pat yourself on the back before you go to sleep at night.

What wonderful human beings we all are.

When we have a silence for Hillsborough I think "why are we still doing this? How many tragedies has there been since?" I'm not thinking about those that lost their lives. It was 1989. Was that the most important tragedy of the last 25 years? Were they very important people? More important than Chris Brown? Who? Chris Brown. Killed by Raoul Moat who then left a police officer blinded. Or, I dunno.... the fooking Gulf War!! Or the mass raping/murder in the Yugoslav wars? Or (etc)

For the ovation at the Brighton game for the Bradford fire. Honestly what I thought was "fook you Hillsborough propaganda!!! Look at us remembering less important dead people!!" Yep, probably makes me an arse but I'm no bigger arse than those who pretend/feel under pressure to care.

For Bloomfield at Wembley I thought, well I actually felt sad reading his story. I've listened to the man many times and so in some way I felt a small/tiny connection. Then reading his story I did feel for him. I was happy to show support because I do genuinely care whether he lives or not.

But honestly, Humans are vile to each other. The way they sometimes get together to show their solidarity it's almost funny. You don't care about this homeless teenagers over dose. His story, his life. You don't care what's happening in Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan (yes it still exists), Iraq, India etc.

With Rigby, I suspect somebody wants to feel good about themselves. That's my view. But whether he wants attention or he feels affected by what happened to Rigby is irrelevant. All this holding hands **** people do is a sick joke.

I believe there are good people. But the majority are selfish. They care only about their little bubble.

Like me. I'm not claiming to be a great person. I care about everything in my bubble. I care more about the executions in Iraq than I care about Liverpool fans in 1989. Will we remember them in 25 years? Will we have a silence for Ken Bigley?

Who really feels this bond with Rigby?

Dcfcf_17, if you do then in not doubting or criticising you. Not at all mate. I care about homeless people, you care about this, joe bloggs cares about Syria.

But this is a football match. Rigby has no attachment or sort of meaning to us. No more than the soldier killed in a training exercise a couple of weeks ago.

Nothing wrong with paying our respects to those we have a connection with. Local radio presenter, footballers, fans etc. all fine with me.

But we go to football for enjoyment in our lives. Not to promote world peace.

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I guess i'm stupid  :(


I don't think anyone is suggesting you are stupid.


However you have failed to suggest any reason why we should do this...other than clapping for clappings sake, or why this cause is any more deserving than any other tragedies that are completely unrelated to the game/date/teams

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I think we need to end this debate

The vast majority are against the idea and to be honest i'd say all your points are valid

The reason I have opposed many of you is because of something personal

And fair enough mate. Nobody can tell you what is important to you.

It was a terrible crime. Vile. The images were shocking.

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The only thing worse than not caring is pretending to care so you can gain attention or pat yourself on the back before you go to sleep at night.

What wonderful human beings we all are.

When we have a silence for Hillsborough I think "why are we still doing this? How many tragedies has there been since?" I'm not thinking about those that lost their lives. It was 1989. Was that the most important tragedy of the last 25 years? Were they very important people? More important than Chris Brown? Who? Chris Brown. Killed by Raoul Moat who then left a police officer blinded. Or, I dunno.... the fooking Gulf War!! Or the mass raping/murder in the Yugoslav wars? Or (etc)

For the ovation at the Brighton game for the Bradford fire. Honestly what I thought was "fook you Hillsborough propaganda!!! Look at us remembering less important dead people!!" Yep, probably makes me an arse but I'm no bigger arse than those who pretend/feel under pressure to care.

For Bloomfield at Wembley I thought, well I actually felt sad reading his story. I've listened to the man many times and so in some way I felt a small/tiny connection. Then reading his story I did feel for him. I was happy to show support because I do genuinely care whether he lives or not.

But honestly, Humans are vile to each other. The way they sometimes get together to show their solidarity it's almost funny. You don't care about this homeless teenagers over dose. His story, his life. You don't care what's happening in Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan (yes it still exists), Iraq, India etc.

With Rigby, I suspect somebody wants to feel good about themselves. That's my view. But whether he wants attention or he feels affected by what happened to Rigby is irrelevant. All this holding hands **** people do is a sick joke.

I believe there are good people. But the majority are selfish. They care only about their little bubble.

Like me. I'm not claiming to be a great person. I care about everything in my bubble. I care more about the executions in Iraq than I care about Liverpool fans in 1989. Will we remember them in 25 years? Will we have a silence for Ken Bigley?

Who really feels this bond with Rigby?

Dcfcf_17, if you do then in not doubting or criticising you. Not at all mate. I care about homeless people, you care about this, joe bloggs cares about Syria.

But this is a football match. Rigby has no attachment or sort of meaning to us. No more than the soldier killed in a training exercise a couple of weeks ago.

Nothing wrong with paying our respects to those we have a connection with. Local radio presenter, footballers, fans etc. all fine with me.

But we go to football for enjoyment in our lives. Not to promote world peace.

So you joining in or what?

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Thank god we don't follow a team on the pakistan/afghan border. We'd spend the whole bloody match clapping the latest round of child victims from drone strikes.

Can everyone give a clap for my wife's cousin who died in afghan a few years back as we couldn't find enough cash to defend the van he had to drive over mines in?

Keep buying your poppies and giving a few quid to 'help the heroes', just don't ask why the world's youth are routinely slaughterd so the rich can remain rich.

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Ditto ,Maggie Thatcher was a bit too left wing for my liking .Terrible thing to happen to anyone but there appears to be no correlation between the dreadful event and the match./football etc.

was she too soft ecomomically ie should have finished the poor off once and for all, or would you have preferred apartheid in the uk rather than turning a blind eye to it in south africa?

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If I win the WC predictions league, can we have a minutes silence for the poor sods who fell by the wayside?


I daren't open my mouth at home, so I'll join in. The Memsahib is even worse than me at predictions, but I can't tell her that or I'm toast.

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The trouble with adopting 'respect' for Lee Rigby as a cause is that it's already been used by the EDL et al to stir up resentment against Muslims and ethnic minorities. They even hijacked his funeral against the family's wishes, so no respect there.

As many have pointed out, Rigby's death has no connection to DCFC whatsoever, so you're really only left with the more sinister, racist agenda, particularly given the context of the game with Rangers.

We really shouldn't allow our club to be used in this way.

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