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George Thorne


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Surely it will have the opposite effect, seeing someone have a tremendous time with us after just 5 months literally falling in love with the club.

Didn't look at it that way tbh. I suppose how Rush manages the negotiations will play a huge part in how we come out on this. He needs to get there chairman down the shalimar for a ruby and get him round to bubbles to help ease George's passage to the I Pro.

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Surely it will have the opposite effect, seeing someone have a tremendous time with us after just 5 months literally falling in love with the club. 


Depends if clubs want to send players luton loan to put them in the shop window, or to further their development. For example, Chelsea want to keep hold of Bamford, one for the future. He's not going to go back there and get straight into the first team, he'll need a year or two of development first, but this might have got him a step closer to the bench, but he might go out on loan at a lower perm club next season. All part of his development.


If WBA were sending Thorne to us as part of his development, intending to take him back, further develop him, and play him in a season or so, then I'd be pissed if I was WBA. This has back fired for them massively.


But, at the end of the day, if I was Bamford, I'd happily warm the bench or go out on loan for another season or two, with the carrot being to play for Chelsea, one of the best teams (said through gritted teeth) in the world. Whereas WBA are expecting George to sit on the bench wight he carrot being to play for WBA, who might not even be in the prem next season.


I think WBA have overestimated how much of a carrot that is. George is far better off playing regular football with us, with the very real chance of being in the prem next season.


And, yes, one day, he may decide that playing for us, and we'll likely be in the lower part of the prem if we're there, is not a great carrot either, when the bigger richer clubs come knocking. So be it. We'll get a shitload of money for him, and he'll have helped us get to the prem.

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I think this one has got a long way to go yet and could have bigger implications for the club. West Brom could well think **** you Derby and sell to another club. Also whist George is being very complimentary about us if this turns into a saga his agent will look after his best interests and line a move up elsewhere. Another thing to factor in as well is how will other clubs view this? Will this put off Prem clubs sending us their young stars if this is what happens? Don't get me wrong I would love to sign George but this isn't over by a long chalk.


He's not going to want to go to any other Championship club and they're not going to sell him to a relegation rival just to spite us. With WBA it's pretty easy to think that Derby are possibly a better option, but with Champions League clubs this will never happen, we don't have as much to worry about as you're making out.

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I can't defend him, this is no better than Toure's antics.

On the other hand I'll be ecstatic if he signs!

It's not Toure tactics this isn't for anything other than too just play games, whereas Toure just wants as much money as possible. 


His had a serious injury at a young age and felt he wasn't given a fair chance at West Brom. Now he feels wanted and loved by everyone at Derby...why would he not want to come here. First team football, fan favorite, made friends...its perfect for him. 

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Wow. I only had to go as far as reading the first page, but if that's the attitude of the fans, he's definitely on his way. They're saying some really nasty stuff. 'Let him rot in the reserves, let's destroy his career.'


i think they've got a real distorted view of how big WBA are i the grand scheme of things. Not that we're a huge club. But they're questioning why all the youngsters are wanting out. Because who the **** grows up dreaming of playing for WBA if they have the option of being elsewhere?

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RE: F-off George

Fair play, if he has not been made to feel he has a future at the club, that actually involves playing, then who can blame the likes of Thorne and Dawson, the fact we have no head coach to make such assurances does not help the situation.......comical really that we again let such things happen
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Ladyram bakes nice cakes doesn't she?

I do but Yaya's not getting one. George would though, just give me a flavour lad.
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He's not going to want to go to any other Championship club and they're not going to sell him to a relegation rival just to spite us. With WBA it's pretty easy to think that Derby are possibly a better option, but with Champions League clubs this will never happen, we don't have as much to worry about as you're making out

I'm not actually making anything out and I posed a few questions. I just have an opinion that this could turn into a bit of a saga and we've all seen in the past that when transfers get into that territory it can get messy.

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Seems to me that he wanted to go out on loan but was told that he had to sign a new long term contract if he wanted to go on loan. The only other option was rotting in the reserves. So he had to sign it to come to us.


A few alarm bells going off in my head going "Do we want a guy with this kind of attitude to a club that nurtured him all these years?" I mean we're said to have an honest squad of players with great attitudes, does George Thorne fit that?


No doubting he's a great player, and I'd LOVE to have him back here permanently. But something doesn't feel right about the way it's happened. Perhaps, it's all exaggerated by him. After all, he never spoke up against being benched for most of his loan spell here when he couldn't get in over Eustace. He waited patiently and did the job when we asked him to. Think there's a touch of his agent putting words in his mouth here. Which is a sad sight to see but:


1) That's modern football

2) If it means he comes to us, then I don't care.

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Much of this is conjecture, and of course we'll never see the true details, but I think the two situations are more similar than you'd think, and this is how I think they went down:


Yaya Toure decides he wants out of City. This could have been anytime since he joined, really. He continues to sign new contracts with them to increase his wages but that doesn't mean he wants to stay. This summer he decides to make it happen. He meets with his agent to discuss it. Their solution is the whole birthday masquerade, followed by the oh-so-innocent remarks about how wonderful a club PSG are. I'm positive that Yaya Toure doesn't care one bit about Man City supposedly forgetting to buy him a Bugatti or whatever happened. He's just publicly declaring his desire to leave off the back of the only excuse he/they can come up with.


Thorne's case really isn't that far off. He wants out of a club he's contracted to so works with his agent to come up with a solution. The repeated specific mentions of Derby shows he specifically wants a move to this club. His (perceived) arrogance and demand for first team football are likely enough to put other teams off bidding, forcing West Brom to accept Derby's offer. I really wouldn't be surprised if Sam Rush was part of the meeting to plan all this. There's no way this is George Thorne working alone.


Ignoring my association with Derby, it's another example of player power, and springs to mind Robbie Savage's article on the BBC about players looking for a move (I'm not linking to it, I can't stand the guy). My wary side sees Thorne, and other players, doing this to us in a couple of seasons time when we're doing a Southampton.


If I'm involved with West Brom I'm furious. The guy has been on their books being treated for injury, and now he makes it impossible for them to keep him without huge resentment from fans. It doesn't look like an option.

A million piece puzzle falls into place. That dirty, slimy, former agent CEO of ours  :wub:

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RE: F-off George

I've read his comments a few times hoping he has simply been misquoted, or that someone externally is stirring up trouble, but it looks like those words are his own. Shame how quickly a promising young kid can go all Billy Big-******** after a few decent games at Champ level.
'Billy Big-********'
A young lad willing to drop down a division to get first team football is now deemed to be a Billy Big-********? Oh dear  :lol:
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I would love thorne to return to Derby. But feel uncomfortable with the comments if he said them.

WBA strike me as a decent football club. And their fans are decent too. Their approach to running themselves sustainably is one we are emulating. And I'm pleased it is so.

So while I hope we get him; I think his comments are disrespectful to a decent club

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Maybe they've disrespected him so he's giving them a taste of their own medicine??


Who knows whats been going on.


The only way Thorne will be playing regularly for WBA next year is if they appoint McClaren as manager.

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Anybody seen that Thorne is working with a personal trainer whilst he's out in Dubai? Shows some commitment that, he could be streets ahead in preparation for next season. Just hope we get him.

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