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Is Nigel the one to take us forward..........

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Ha Ha.


So you make a prediction and I call you a straight bet on it. You won't bet.


I make a prediction and offer a straight bet. My prediction against yours. You won't bet.


So unless I (not a bookmaker) don't offer you odds of 3/1 or 4/1 or similar, I'm the one who doesn't walk the walk. Interesting. 


Final offer. Straight bet, I pay out bottom six, you pay out top six. Wrist Slasher v Happy Clapper, Pessimist v Optimist, WUM v Fan. 


Put up or shut up.


Well yes.. You're trying to bet me that we won't finish in the bottom 6.. I never tried to make a bet with anyone on this thread, my prediction is merely that, a prediction..


You seem confident enough to be throwing money around that we won't finish in the bottom 6.. Yet you haven't given me an offer worth my while..


Keep going.. If you're so confident we won't finish in the bottom 6 show it to me.. I'm not ruling Derby out of finishing anywhere below 3rd, I seriously doubt we'll make the playoffs but it's no longer impossible even with an average manager with a whack away record due to how sh!te half the sides in this league are..


Your offer doesn't offer any value whatsoever.. I can find much better elsewhere.. Which is why for someone so confident we won't finish in the bottom 6 your offer clearly doesn't reflect that.. Comon Sage, walk the walk..

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Well yes.. You're trying to bet me that we won't finish in the bottom 6.. I never tried to make a bet with anyone on this thread, my prediction is merely that, a prediction..


You seem confident enough to be throwing money around that we won't finish in the bottom 6.. Yet you haven't given me an offer worth my while..


Keep going.. If you're so confident we won't finish in the bottom 6 show it to me.. I'm not ruling Derby out of finishing anywhere below 3rd, I seriously doubt we'll make the playoffs but it's no longer impossible even with an average manager with a whack away record due to how sh!te half the sides in this league are..


Your offer doesn't offer any value whatsoever.. I can find much better elsewhere.. Which is why for someone so confident we won't finish in the bottom 6 your offer clearly doesn't reflect that.. Comon Sage, walk the walk..

When in a hole, stop digging.

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You're stumped.. I'll await your offer in time..


As for now, keep looking on in awe at my impecable football knowledge..

All hale Bris! The footballing intellectual saviour of the masses :p

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