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Whats your thoughts on Sam Rush?

Derby born & bred

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The crowd was quite hostile and clearly most of those who begged for a mike wanted to have a moan, but given that he claimed to be a lawyer by trade, I dread to think how he ever performed under cross-examination. His thought processes were all over the shop, constantly starting and abruptly stopping sentences, only to restart with a similar but slightly different sentence. I found that more annoying than anything else. I'd have thought a lawyer would understand the art of holding counsel

I thought he did OK. He has spent part of his working life arguing against a point which is much easier to do than trying to empathise with people who have asked a daft question. I suspect that he will do well in representing Derby in the football World and that is all I am interested in. These PR exercises probably have little value, but nevertheless, it is good of him to do it.

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He also seems to do that annoying Cameron-esque thing of starting his sentences with an aggressive "Look...".

It's not something I'm aware of Cameron doing (there's certainly nothing aggressive about him!) but that was something I quite liked from his interview.

It sounded a bit like "Look, ask me another stupid question like that and I'll punch your face in!". The sort of person I'd rather have working for me rather than against me. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

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Completly disagree on the point that we will have sell-outs if we are top of the league.

Do Cardiff, Crystal Palace, Middlesborough, Leicester get near to their capacities, even Hull have seen a reduction and they are second.

I agree attendances will improve, thats obvious but to say it will be sold out is a joke.

The only way we will well out is both a successful team and substantially cheaper ticket prices. £15 - £20 maximum all over the stadium.

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Completly disagree on the point that we will have sell-outs if we are top of the league.

Do Cardiff, Crystal Palace, Middlesborough, Leicester get near to their capacities, even Hull have seen a reduction and they are second.

I agree attendances will improve, thats obvious but to say it will be sold out is a joke.

The only way we will well out is both a successful team and substantially cheaper ticket prices. £15 - £20 maximum all over the stadium.

What about once we're in the Prem?

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Hi guys, I' new to the forum but I thought I would sign up a say my piece.

"As one guy sat near me said when the question was asked about the lack of transparency "it's a football club not the f*ckn NHS!

I was the one who made that comment. Although the fact that I hadn't had my tea was probably the reason why I was so grumpy and I shudder with embarrassment at my question.

I get frustrated at fans who demand to know the exact figure of every transfer. People need to keep certain figures to their chest due to the intense competition and dealings which go on. I can understand that fans don't want to be fed line and PR Spin (Glick) but often there is so more going on with deals. If we want our pot of money to go as far as possible we need to play the game.

I thought Sam Rush came across like a genuine guy who quite frankly couldn't really say a lot - why even bother talking about team selection and transfers. It was of course a PR exercise in part but also I believe a real effort to find out people's thoughts on the naming rights and also how to keep the season ticket holders happy by throwing them a couple of bones. Better than nowt though.

I was left disappointed in the end though as I was expecting him to at least show us some concrete plans he had for revenue growth - what ideas does he have besides fill the stadium and naming rights. I thought he was going to set out his strategy to us - not just make general points about growing community ties etc. I understand that many things can't be announced until the ideas have been worked thorough but I thought it was too vague and plodded on.

I also found some of the fans laughter at a few negative comments about Theo and Sammon as very harsh. They always put a shift in - I thought the mocking was stupid.

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Not true.

Daughter's a lawyer - gets a salary (currently taking a year out from lecturing to bring up baby and write up her PhD thesis)

the customer gets charged by the hour for your daughters work I would expect. To be fair, of course.

With respect.

In my opinion.

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the customer gets charged by the hour for your daughters work I would expect. To be fair, of course.

With respect.

In my opinion.

The clue was in the phrase ..."currently taking a year out from lecturing".

She's a university lecturer.

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Martyn - We're not in the Premiership so irrelevant point. Its about what we can do now to improve things.

But you said...

Completly disagree on the point that we will have sell-outs if we are top of the league.

If you're top of the league you'll probably soon be in the Prem???

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Well following my meeting with Sam yesterday looks like this will be going ahead.

One of the ideas discussed was to move the away fans right over to the South Stand near the SW Corner. But this time the Derby fans would be right next to them, premiership season style. Away tickets would be sold next to the home fans and sold from there towards the SW Corner which means fans would always be next to each other which would be great!

Obviously for the big clubs coming who would take their full allocation ST Holders in the South would potentially need to be moved but clearly before taking a ticket in this area you would agree to this. Say 4 games of the 23 at home. MUST SAY this is still being discussed but either way its looking very good.

Additionally we disussed safe standing. Something new under Sam;s era. Happy to say that following our discussion I am pleased to say that the Derby County Official Twitter account has tweeted the Safe Standing Video that I featured in so over the moon about that.

Had a really good chat with him to be honest and can say that he is actually a 'football man'

Anyway sorry to hijack the topic but how about the Gordon Guthrie Stand? Our longest serving employee. Would rather have it whilst he is still around than in his memory so to speak so he can see and appreciate what us fans think of him.

I will copy and paste this into the SR thread as well.


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Although not exactly on thread,this is linked to something said earlier.Just noticed on SSN that Huddersfield have reported a £5.6m loss for 11/12.So what would this have meant if FFP had been in place now with sanctions,as opposed to guidance only?

The first thing to say is that their headline loss would probably have converted to a lesser amount for the FFP result,because of items that are ignored in the latter.However,for the sake of argument,let's say the reported loss equalled the FFP result.The allowances for 11/12 were £4m for acceptable deviation + another £8m that would have to be matched by equity injection.

Thus my interpretation of the situation is that they would have used up the £4m and would have needed to inject £1.6m to avoid sanctions-but I stress that this is just my take.As sanctions aren't yet in place,they could have pleased themselves on the equity aspect.

Results for 11/12 should have been lodged with the League by 1/12/12,which means we would also have had to do this.In view of this I don't particularly see why our accounts couldn't be released a lot earlier than usual.

Just noticed that a document was lodged on 2/1/13 at Companies House in respect of the appointment of Samuel John Rush as a director-no surprise there.

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