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Clough Stick Or Twist ??


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Ode to BV

Bris Vegas sure is getting picky

He always seems to take the mickey

If we say that then he says this

Cantankerous is our pal Bris.

Oh no he's not!

Oh yes he is!

And so

A merry Christmas Bris! 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wub' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wub:' />

For some reason I've always read his name with a silent 's'. Bree Vegas.
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What happens is common to most clubs.

Stoke played in front of 12k until they got promoted. Middlesbrough plummeted to round 13k after relegation.

Derby will even out round the 22k mark until the next push for promotion.

Our fan base for a city our size is phenomenal and the fans will return as the team improves like it always does - with or without GSE and Nigel Clough.

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Boro's attendances are actually rising.

Yeah point taken, although the attendance v Wednesday was a bit anomalous being double their average up to then. I suppose the point I was trying to make is that their attendances in general have been poor this season, mostly in the mid teens of thousands, and the stadium always looks empty on tv. They have a good manager and ambitious chairman so there must be other factors affecting low attendances.

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For some reason I've always read his name with a silent 's'. Bree Vegas.

A 'Bris' is, of course, a Jewish ritual involving a practice which makes your eyes water. Rather fitting really.

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How have I jumped the wagon if I get a season ticket in the prem?

I was on here when Bristol game was being played on Saturday and it was packed full of posters on the match day chat, why cant you so called supporters get off your arses and get to the games instead of sit glued behind a comp if you rate cloughie that much? most hypocritical post I've seen on here! You'll moan about rams player being too expensive next...

I've spent thousands travelling to games, sick of watching absolute ***** if truth be told. Jewell was the final straw for me , but when gse brought in a non league manager that was the nail on the head for a lot of supporters. Sterjovki, savage, Carroll, maguire, Martin...never endless list of rubbish I've seen over the years.

Same half a dozen people replying to each comment who don't ever seem to get to games themselves.

G star and sage, amount of times you're names pop up on a thread whenever something negative is said my God....

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People who say they wouldnt swap Clough for any other manager in the division are the ones who havent got the clubs best interest at heart, they're too caught up with his name and are prepared to give him infinite time to make something happen. Their opinion should be taken with a pinch of salt, same as those who despise Clough and want him out of the club no matter what he does.

I wouldnt swap Clough for most other managers in this division, there's probably two or three that i would, Holloway, Mowbray, Poyet maybe. Apart from that, i dont think most others would do a significantly better or worse job than what he's doing.

You're bang on the money here.. As many NPC fans and the majority would stick with the current manager, just because they're loyal to him...

On the face of it, no-one could honestly believe Clough is the best manager in the league so anyone would be foolish to stick if they have the clubs best interest at heart as you say..

Mowbray has proved himself at this level... As has Steve Bruce.. Actually Bruce has proved himself in the PL and IMO was unlucky to be sacked as S'Land manager given they're in exactly the same position under MON. Kenny Jackett looks like he's done a good job thus far at a team that's spent less than us and accumulated more points than us over the past few years..

Poyet or Holloway would get us playing much better football.. But Holloway irritates me so I'd go with Poyet..

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I've got a.season ticket thanks. Have done for 90% of the lAst 35 years. I get to 4 or 5 away games too. I even used to go to reserve games. when I was at College 85-87 I even caught the Heanor supporters bus to evening home games. I'll ask you again how many league places from Hartlepool in BC's time were Burton under NC when they came to manage Derby.

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I ain't had a season ticket since the promotion season.

The price DID put me off in the premiership because i was then in the adult catorgy and the price rocketed up so didn't attend a single game, working away didn't help either 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

But still to this day I haven't got a season ticket or very rarely attend games because of lack of interest/ambition.

I remember when we signed Eranio, was amazed how far we'd come to signing experienced players from Milan.

Yet now it seems the best we get excitement wise is " Lee Naylor from Mansfield"...Ha!

Guess I'm still living in 1998.

On topic; not fussed either way.

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I ain't had a season ticket since the promotion season.

The price DID put me off in the premiership because i was then in the adult catorgy and the price rocketed up so didn't attend a single game, working away didn't help either 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

But still to this day I haven't got a season ticket or very rarely attend games because of lack of interest/ambition.

I remember when we signed Eranio, was amazed how far we'd come to signing experienced players from Milan.

Yet now it seems the best we get excitement wise is " Lee Naylor from Mansfield"...Ha!

Guess I'm still living in 1998.

On topic; not fussed either way.

Supporting Derby is like this mate.

We have good periods and bad periods. In my time (since 1970) i have followed Derby for 22 seasons in the top division, 20 (including this one) in the 2nd tier and 2 in the 3rd tier.

In that time the only thing that's stopped me going is family commitments or money (usually the two combined).

I've had periods when I never had a season ticket but still went to as many games as i could, in whatever league we happened to be in.

What I'm trying to say is that being a Derby fan is about being loyal to a football club that you love unreservedly. Some of us can't switch it on and off.

And you know what? I wouldn't swap it for all Liverpool's European Cups or Man United's League titles.

It means more to fans like us when the good times come round..

Keep the faith.

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Mowbray has proved himself at this level... As has Steve Bruce.. Actually Bruce has proved himself in the PL and IMO was unlucky to be sacked as S'Land manager

Are you serious?!

You moan and whinge about Cloughs signings saying he has wasted a million here and a million there and then you go on to say that Bruce has proven himself to be of Premiership level.

Bruce spent 40M in two seasons at Sunderland. Yes......40 million, He spent 25 million in one transfer window. And his Sunderland team were actually worse off positionally. According to you then that it proving yourself.

So Clough spends virtually nothing, improves our league standing, improves our finances, improves our assets and to you he is doing a "****" job.

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Are you serious?!

You moan and whinge about Cloughs signings saying he has wasted a million here and a million there and then you go on to say that Bruce has proven himself to be of Premiership level.

Bruce spent 40M in two seasons at Sunderland. Yes......40 million, He spent 25 million in one transfer window. And his Sunderland team were actually worse off positionally. According to you then that it proving yourself.

So Clough spends virtually nothing, improves our league standing, improves our finances, improves our assets and to you he is doing a "****" job.

Didn't he get promoted with Brum? Keep Wigan and Sunderland in the PL? Didn't he make the top half with Sunderland?

As for finances.. Didn't he sell big too? Jordan Henderson and Darren Bent for around $34mill?

NC has proved he can be a capable NPC manager.. Just like Bruce has proved he can be a capable PL manager.. We're not talking about Paul Jewell here.. Also I see Bruce has Hull in the top 6 this season..

Are you suggesting Nigel Clough is a better manager? Also where did I say NC is doing a '**** job'?

There are many managers that has been in the PL that has done a much worse job than Bruce.. He has proved he can manage at that level.. He managed in the top flight for about 5 seasons running?

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Keep eating the worms Bris, you WUM!

Are you suggesting Nigel Clough is a better manager? Also where did I say NC is doing a '**** job'?

I'd swap him for virtually any other NPC manager..

Then after a few months I'd complain and call them **** too..

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