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Leicester City v Derby County


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Still don't care, blah blah blah. How come you lot only come on when were due to play you?.

Nothing club.

No rivals.

Never achieved anything.

No history.

It's quite funny how you lot come on to this and florists forums only when were due to play you and try to get some rivalry going.

This is where i put leic city on a scale of whether i give a damn and how much i hate you.

1. forest

2. leeds

3. any team managed by warnock

4. all other teams in the championship

5. my local pub teams rivals

6. all other teams in england and wales.

7. all teams on the planet.

8. Leicester.

Go get a life, we don't care about you, get over it, move on. Bring on the forest!!!!!!

'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />


You weren't around in 1997 and 2000 then? ...also enjoyed witnessing my club play in Europe too.

Haven't got much against Derby myself, fair play to the 800 making the long journey tomorrow.

Make sure you all remember your gloves, hat, scarf and water bottle.

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You weren't around in 1997 and 2000 then? ...also enjoyed witnessing my club play in Europe too.

Haven't got much against Derby myself, fair play to the 800 making the long journey tomorrow.

Make sure you all remember your gloves, hat, scarf and water bottle.

Leicester means nothing to most Derby fans chap which means that a few people on here are very snarky without the need to be when others mention it as a "big" rivalry, meaning folk like to make comments like that i'm afraid!

I have no feelings for or against Leicester, so i'm just hoping we don't get mullered again as we have a habit of doing against you guys of late. Well done for not reacting to such comments, good sir.

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Right, score prediction first.....

Leicester 1-2 Derby (FGS Sammon)......stupidly optimistic I know.

Now about this rivalry thing, personally I do see Leicester as one of our rival's. But the reason I'm not going tomorrow and will be spending my £50 (Ticket, coach, beer etc...) I would have spent being there in the pub is because its not our MAIN rivalry. If this had been Forest away it could have been on Sky, at 11pm,on a Wednesday night and cost £45 a ticket I probably would have convinced myself to go.

Why??? Because it means more. Ask any Forest fan and I imagine they'd say the same. It doesn't mean the Leicester game doesn't mean anything it just doesn't mean anywhere near as much. Having previously worked with 2 Leicester fans for a few years I know how much it means to them, in the weeks before the game they will start building it up and trying some BANTER (hate that word) with me and I know the best way to piss them off.

Act like you don't care.

It's that simple, I just used to praise them, wish them luck and say things like "yeah your lot are playing really well. Fair play to ya if ya win" when they desperately wanted me to bite. If we lose to Forest (a rare occurrence nowadays) I avoid any Forest fans on whatever building site I'm on for as long as possible. With Leicester If/when we lose I'm a bit gutted but I'll accept it and move on. It doesn't linger and eat at me for weeks. I do care if we win or lose and yes it means more than Barnsley or Burnley etc...just not as much as Forest.

Anyway best of luck for the season (after Saturday anyway) I reckon this might be your year for promotion.

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Growing up, must admit to never being too fussed about Leicester - not a genuine rival from my personal pov. I even had their subuteo team (the Derby set 'belonged to the family' you see).

Despite that, it does get under one's skin when LCFC fans pop up out of the blue on a DCFC forum and start slagging off your team. It would be the same feeling if fans of other teams replicated this behaviour , but generally they don't seem to care enough about playing us to feel the need to wade in. Sort of makes you want to dislike Leicester even if you had no reason to before.

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For me Leicester fans haven't said anything that is wrong.

Apathy, yes... but if you were optimistic about our current side you would be an idiot - we're only apathetic because we're realistic (for the most part) if someone has the budget of Leicester, against someone who has the budget of our side - there is going to be obvious differences in quality... unless the manager is a complete fuckwhit and spends it on *****.

and our away support, any Derby fan that can defend only eight hundered derby fans going to a game 30 miles up the road is barking, we'll get more on the day (i know) but our away support has been really poor for years, and always is unless it's against Forest where we always sell out, or a bandwaggon game where people all decide to go at once.

Our support tomorrow will beyond poor, but unless you're going you can't defend it - i'll be there, but I don't go often because we don't do well away from home, if I wanted to spend 100+ weekly to watch us lose I'd carry a small bit of rope round also.

also, don't get wound up over something you don't have any control over - Derby aren't a great side, if you're being honest you know that! We however had no say to which players came to Derby, we had no say in how much Derby spend, or the way we conduct business - therefore, you don't have to blindly back the side.

All in all, my point is - don't get so offended over Leicester fans coming on here... the state of Derby County FC has nothing to do with us.

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For me Leicester fans haven't said anything that is wrong.

Apathy, yes... but if you were optimistic about our current side you would be an idiot - we're only apathetic because we're realistic (for the most part) if someone has the budget of Leicester, against someone who has the budget of our side - there is going to be obvious differences in quality... unless the manager is a complete fuckwhit and spends it on *****.

and our away support, any Derby fan that can defend only eight hundered derby fans going to a game 30 miles up the road is barking, we'll get more on the day (i know) but our away support has been really poor for years, and always is unless it's against Forest where we always sell out, or a bandwaggon game where people all decide to go at once.

Our support tomorrow will beyond poor, but unless you're going you can't defend it - i'll be there, but I don't go often because we don't do well away from home, if I wanted to spend 100+ weekly to watch us lose I'd carry a small bit of rope round also.

also, don't get wound up over something you don't have any control over - Derby aren't a great side, if you're being honest you know that! We however had no say to which players came to Derby, we had no say in how much Derby spend, or the way we conduct business - therefore, you don't have to blindly back the side.

All in all, my point is - don't get so offended over Leicester fans coming on here... the state of Derby County FC has nothing to do with us.

Probably the best post I've seen on here.

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