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    Miggins got a reaction from Alan Ramage 4 EVA in What made today a special day?   
    We have had a hedgehog house in our garden for the last two years and today there was a hedgehog curled up inside. So excited! I could see a little bristly bottom just inside the door! Will feed it appropriate food and give water and encourage it to have lots of babies in our garden. So excited by this discovery!
  2. Haha
    Miggins reacted to maxjam in What made today a special day?   
    Ah thats a shame, hopefully you will have more look next year ? Being super impatient myself I just bought a few rolls of 'far more expensive than you'd think' meadow turf. 
  3. Cheers
    Miggins got a reaction from maxjam in What made today a special day?   
    Happy hens lay tasty eggs! So glad you care so much about them. I wish all the hens in the country were looked after like this. We have sown wild flowers into the grass but I think we might have to re-sow next year as not many came up. It took us 2 years to get a hedgehog into our shelter, so I think you just have to be patient! ?
  4. Cheers
    Miggins got a reaction from maxjam in What made today a special day?   
    Your garden sounds wonderful, @maxjam. Love the fact that you have chickens and have your own eggs and know that they are ethically produced. We only have a relatively small garden but we keep a couple of areas of lawn uncut and sown with wild flowers for the bees and insects. The cat loves to get in the middle of the long grass and flowers and snuggles down into a cat nest. We have a couple of bee 'hotels' which are all 'stopped up' at present ready for them to emerge in the spring. Hope the chickens are well! If I lived nearer I'd gladly have some of their eggs!
  5. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from maxjam in What made today a special day?   
    Steve has just given our guest a meal of dog food and a bowl of water. Hope it encourages our hedgehog to stay in our garden.
  6. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from maxjam in What made today a special day?   
    Just checked the hedgehog shelter and our little guest is still sleeping peacefully within with his little bristly bottom intact.
  7. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from I know nothing in What made today a special day?   
    Your garden sounds wonderful, @maxjam! Hedgehogs are so endangered now and they need all the help we can give them. We have had our hedgehog house down for 2 years with no visitors so it was so wonderful today to see one inside! Hope you get to see one very soon. My husband, Steve, works in Moorland restoration in the Peak District and so we try to garden organically, be 'bee friendly'  and do all we can to encourage wildlife to our garden. All the best for your nature garden!!
  8. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from MickD in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    I loved John McGovern He looked so awkward but he was one of Derby's most underrated players.
  9. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from nogbad van 50 in Embargo.   
    As Jeeves famously said when Bertie Wooster tried to rhyme 'Sweden' with 'Needin', (In  his vocal rendition of Minnie the Moocher)
    "Almost, Sir."
  10. Like
    Miggins reacted to maxjam in What made today a special day?   
    The chickens are great thanks, although I had to spend over £1500 last winter to buy a pony shelter, then convert it into a chicken coop as we had to keep them indoors for a couple of months due to an avian flu outbreak in the UK - nice unexpected bill ? Ah well, I ended up remodelling the entire chicken run and bottom half of the garden in the spring so alls well that ends well!
    Yeah people love the eggs, fresh eggs taste so much better than the ones you get from shops that are often approaching 14-21 days old.  I sell my quail eggs really cheap as well - they are a luxury item for some reason is supermarkets (and a super food fyi) but they are easier and cheaper to produce that chicken eggs, so go figure.  Oh and poop, gardeners can't get enough of that either!  My chickens and quails can't poop enough to keep up with demand ?
    It is nice to give a bit back to nature where you can, it doesn't matter how big or small your garden is there is always something you can do.  I hope you get many years of use and enjoyment out of your hedgehog house and bee hotels ? I'll look on with envious eyes until I manage to get one to stop by my garden.   If you're letting your grass grow long you could maybe consider getting some wildflower meadow seeds?  They don't come cheap but add a lot of colour and more of a natural look to your nature area - great for bugs n butterflies etc as well. 
  11. Like
    Miggins reacted to Wolfie in What made today a special day?   
    We had my parents round today & I did a slap up roast beef lunch to mark my mum’s 74th birthday this week. I’m a good cook. The beef was fab and my dauphinoise potatoes are legendary in the family but I’ve never been able to make decent Yorkshire puddings…..until today. It felt like a triumph! 
  12. Like
    Miggins reacted to maxjam in What made today a special day?   
    Thanks, when we first moved in it had a huuuuuuge lawn.  I thought there is no way I'm mowing that every week lol, so cornered a section off and bought a few chickens ?.  Since then that area has grown and now have approx 25 chickens and 20 quails - we supply half the street with cheap eggs!
    Over the past few years we have relaid the patio, created a nice lawn and sectioned off another 'allotment' area.  The bottom bit of the garden was always a problem area though that we never knew what to do with.  Then following the death of our first dog a few years ago the Vets kindly sent us a condolence card containing wildlife seeds to plant and remember her by that we hung onto - that along with watching numerous episodes of 'Garden Rescue' last year was all the inspiration I needed to get creative!  Although it is surprising how much it costs to make it look natural lol...
    I'm trying to encourage bee's as well, I am very tempted to get an Omlet Bee Hive - I noticed they has started doing them a while back whilst shopping for a bigger chicken coop. 
  13. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in What made today a special day?   
    We have had a hedgehog house in our garden for the last two years and today there was a hedgehog curled up inside. So excited! I could see a little bristly bottom just inside the door! Will feed it appropriate food and give water and encourage it to have lots of babies in our garden. So excited by this discovery!
  14. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from hintonsboots in Embargo.   
    As Jeeves famously said when Bertie Wooster tried to rhyme 'Sweden' with 'Needin', (In  his vocal rendition of Minnie the Moocher)
    "Almost, Sir."
  15. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from Highgate in What made today a special day?   
    We have had a hedgehog house in our garden for the last two years and today there was a hedgehog curled up inside. So excited! I could see a little bristly bottom just inside the door! Will feed it appropriate food and give water and encourage it to have lots of babies in our garden. So excited by this discovery!
  16. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from Turk Thrust in Embargo.   
    As Jeeves famously said when Bertie Wooster tried to rhyme 'Sweden' with 'Needin', (In  his vocal rendition of Minnie the Moocher)
    "Almost, Sir."
  17. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from kevinhectoring in Embargo.   
    As Jeeves famously said when Bertie Wooster tried to rhyme 'Sweden' with 'Needin', (In  his vocal rendition of Minnie the Moocher)
    "Almost, Sir."
  18. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from maxjam in What made today a special day?   
    Your garden sounds wonderful, @maxjam! Hedgehogs are so endangered now and they need all the help we can give them. We have had our hedgehog house down for 2 years with no visitors so it was so wonderful today to see one inside! Hope you get to see one very soon. My husband, Steve, works in Moorland restoration in the Peak District and so we try to garden organically, be 'bee friendly'  and do all we can to encourage wildlife to our garden. All the best for your nature garden!!
  19. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from I know nothing in What made today a special day?   
    HI, @Beetroot! Thanks for your post! Hedgehogs are in so much in decline at present that they need all the help they can get. They used to travel through loads of gardens at night, sometimes by up to a mile but now that we have replaced hedges with fences they can't travel as they once did. The population has declined drastically recently and they need all the help they can get at present. Glad you can help! X
  20. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Dean (hick) Saunders in Embargo.   
    “Hey… Gibson, leave those Rams alone..”
  21. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from ramit in What made today a special day?   
    We have had a hedgehog house in our garden for the last two years and today there was a hedgehog curled up inside. So excited! I could see a little bristly bottom just inside the door! Will feed it appropriate food and give water and encourage it to have lots of babies in our garden. So excited by this discovery!
  22. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from sheeponacid in What made today a special day?   
    Your garden sounds wonderful, @maxjam! Hedgehogs are so endangered now and they need all the help we can give them. We have had our hedgehog house down for 2 years with no visitors so it was so wonderful today to see one inside! Hope you get to see one very soon. My husband, Steve, works in Moorland restoration in the Peak District and so we try to garden organically, be 'bee friendly'  and do all we can to encourage wildlife to our garden. All the best for your nature garden!!
  23. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from Bianoic in What made today a special day?   
    We have had a hedgehog house in our garden for the last two years and today there was a hedgehog curled up inside. So excited! I could see a little bristly bottom just inside the door! Will feed it appropriate food and give water and encourage it to have lots of babies in our garden. So excited by this discovery!
  24. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from Carl Sagan in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    I loved John McGovern He looked so awkward but he was one of Derby's most underrated players.
  25. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from AndyinLiverpool in What made today a special day?   
    Just checked the hedgehog shelter and our little guest is still sleeping peacefully within with his little bristly bottom intact.
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