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    Ramifications reacted to Inverurie Ram in Derby County Flags   
  2. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Inverurie Ram in Derby County Flags   
  3. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Inverurie Ram in Derby County Flags   
  4. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Alty_Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Comedy gold that last comment. 500k ? Yeah all in instalments over god knows what time period. It was bugger all use in the context of our position at the time and devalued the limited asset that is DCFC, that's why it got rejected idiot. The fact that it was Forest just makes it worth doing in any case just on principle of course...
    Yet another moronic opposition fan who seems to have no idea how administration works. If the Administrators though there was a financial advantage in selling the shirts off the players backs and then send the players out on 'Own Clothes Saturday' then they'd do it. DCFC does not exist as an independent decision-making entity until this process is over. There is no sinister Derby Board of Directors who are still secretly in charge, cackling in evil fashion around a cauldron, it is run by the Administrators and until that is no longer the case we don't get to decide what happens, not even the manager who has been constantly frustrated by players being sold against his wishes.
  5. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Ram-Alf in Festy Ebosele   
    You didn't see Ikechi Anya play then?
    Yes his distribution is not up there with the greats, But he's been thrown into a team/squad that was lacking in experience, He was thrown a bone and told "go get em", I remember him leaving 2 sheff Untd players on their arses as he put turbo charge on, Resulting in a goal, The goal against Hull wasn't to be sniffed at either, There may be a couple more assists?‍♂️
    He has tremendous potential, His speed is frightening, Defenders hate it, If he stays in Italy he'll be kicked from Udinese to Rome, If he comes back and goes to Watford, Coaches will know how to play him...double up on him is what i'd be telling my players.
  6. Like
    Ramifications reacted to B4ev6is in The Administration Thread   
    Who says he wont agree to a pay cut to stay at derby even he said he has a job here he has started and he wants to finnish it.
  7. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Ghost of Clough in The Administration Thread   
    Rooney is under contract until 2023. No new owner is going to sack him as it'll cost too much. He wants to manage in the PL and I have no doubt he'll choose the club with the best chance of being there within the next couple of seasons.
    Maybe once he sees the plans of the new owner he'll stick around for the project. Maybe Everton will be after him if they get relegated. Perhaps another club chasing promotion or even in the PL will take a gamble. We'll have a better idea when the summer comes.
  8. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Rammy03 in The Administration Thread   
    Even if he was on a big wage, keep him. I've never seen such loyalty in football. He's been a breath of fresh air quite honestly.
  9. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Crewton in Festy Ebosele   
    He turned down a move to Forest - what more do people want?!?
  10. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to TomBustler1884 in Festy Ebosele   
    I haven't been on too much last few days, but a quick glance here and on Twitter, it seems Ebosele has gone from the saviour of DCFC to useless and someone we can do without very quickly.
    Whether he goes on to be a world-beater or fades into obscurity, he has been a breath of fresh air, exciting and given his all this season. He shouldn't be blamed for securing a new contract at a Serie A club (regardless of whether he's loaned out to Watford).
    I understand the deal was signed off 2-3 weeks ago, having turned down offers personally in January. That is entirely fair enough in our current circumstances.
    I wish him well, thank him for his contribution to DCFC and hope to see him go on to greater things.
  11. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Sheff Ram in The Administration Thread   
    With the news of Festy leaving confirmed, it brings home just how hard and long we have been punished as a club. The 21 point deduction is severe in itself but the restrictions placed on us in terms of making new signings and offering new contracts to existing players is destroying our club further.
    It goes way beyond this season. It has made survival in the Championship nigh on impossible, made it harder for us to find a buyer and even if we are eventially taken over, with a potential 15 point deduction, the possibility of a new manager and a scratch team, we face an uphill struggle next season too. And that's the favorable outcome.
    The EFL, the idiot chairmen at Middlesbrough and Wycombe and all the trolling Florist/Leeds/Boro and other teams (so-called) fans have further tried to push us over the edge.
    I just want this to be over now. I'd be a liar if I said this hasn't lowered my mood. The continued worry about the loss of something you have loved for the majority of your life is draining. I'm sure many of you feel the same. Please make this finish. Please can we have a PB  by Friday and at least start on the journey in rebuilding our beloved Rams.
  12. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Inverurie Ram in We are not that important   
    I think "most people" who don't understand football regard Derby County as not important.
    Unfortunately the most people are the ones that support the so called big teams that have become big by the most people and the most people pay the most money to watch their big teams that have the most buyers to buy their team that has the most players all loaned out to smaller teams that eventually have to give back these players to the big teams where they become bigger players and earn bigger wages and the most people discuss these big teams all the time on all the big media stations and the big money gets bigger and bigger as the big teams get to play all around the world in brand new cup competitions so the most people get to become even more, and even more and whilst the big teams get bigger and bigger, then the little teams become littler and littler and get eaten up by most people who are far too greedy, far too selfish, far too oblivious, arrogant, ignorant too even notice little Bury FC.............and then down the chain comes along little Derby County the worst team in the Premier League, because that's all they know or want to know thesedays or what they are spoonfed from our media channels about little Derby County. Even when the football killers Sky Sports rolled up into little Derby for the Birmingham City game their cameras missed our 10,000 protest march, because it was more important for them to show Neil Warnock telling their most people audiance that pay big money to watch it, how Neil Warnock thinks Wayne Rooney will not get an easier job, then managing Derby County this season! Absolute Crass! a manager that said on the radio, how he would love the Watford job, as they sack you after 3 months and you receive a very nice pay off...........Absolute Crass!
    Yeah I love the underdog. I love Derby County.........but I'm not most people, I'm one of not many, but Derby County are important to some people and that is good enough for me!
    Unfortunately.........we are not that important........to most people!
    Eat the rich.....feed the poor.
    Fight War Not Wars.
  13. Sad
    Ramifications reacted to Rammy03 in Festy Ebosele   
  14. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from HorsforthRam in Rams v Coventry Matchday Thread   
    Their player seemed to kick Buchanan between the legs. 
    It's strange really how fouls are treated inside and out of the box. The amount of pushing, holding and shoving that goes on inside the penalty area from set plays would surely lead to fouls being given outside the box. 
  15. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to kevinhectoring in Rams v Coventry Matchday Thread   
    Looked at it again. Dabo was lucky because he missed the ball with his wild swipe but also missed Buchanan, but only just. Can’t complain. But Coventry could complain about the Lawrence pen !
  16. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    Mel Morris appears to have done the right thing with Steve Gibson, if there is anything more he can do to help this great club, he needs to do it pretty sharpish. 
  17. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from Rammy03 in The Administration Thread   
    Mel Morris appears to have done the right thing with Steve Gibson, if there is anything more he can do to help this great club, he needs to do it pretty sharpish. 
  18. COYR
    Ramifications reacted to B4ev6is in We may be bottom but only way is up   
    Well to the lads you all been so brave and played out of your skin to try and keep us up. If you can find that derby county black and white warrior spirt one more time it will be tough but these last 7 or 8 games remaining go out there and give everything you have left. Us the derby county fans will do it with you side by side we have stuck togather and will shall do it again.
    What ever happens you go down as legends that tried so hard to do the most great escapes and I still have hope that we can still do it.
  19. Like
    Ramifications reacted to jcidaho in The Administration Thread   
    Shocking that Mel would put the club into admin, but keep the stadium for himself. When you take a step back and look at it in the cold light of day, it's astonishing it could happen in the first place.
  20. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from Ramarena in Rams v Coventry Matchday Thread   
    I didn't think the Ebiowei one was a penalty. 
    How would you feel if we had conceded a penalty like that? Roles reversed. 
  21. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from Jimbo Ram in Rams v Coventry Matchday Thread   
    Their player seemed to kick Buchanan between the legs. 
    It's strange really how fouls are treated inside and out of the box. The amount of pushing, holding and shoving that goes on inside the penalty area from set plays would surely lead to fouls being given outside the box. 
  22. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Jimbo Ram in Rams v Coventry Matchday Thread   
    I can’t actually remember that incident ? The Buchanan one was definitely a penalty and I think the Lawrence one was too although more debatable ?
  23. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Rams v Coventry Matchday Thread   
    I didn't think the Ebiowei one was a penalty. 
    How would you feel if we had conceded a penalty like that? Roles reversed. 
  24. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Sheff Ram in The Administration Thread   
    No disrespect, but this idea is absolutely crazy. It wouldn't be Derby and it would be a massive insult to those teams you mention.
  25. Like
    Ramifications reacted to 1967Ram in v Coventry (H) - Predictions   
    Rams 3 Coventry 0
    FRGS Lawrence
    We definitely need a captain's performance from him today - I'm hoping he'll start the scoring and have one of his cracking games for us.
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