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  1. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to angieram in My last match today   
    it's tough decision to take, I hope your final game for now has a happy ending. 
    And never say never, there is always a way!
  2. Sad
    Kathcairns reacted to Geriatram in My last match today   
    Sadly this will be my last match today. My first was in 1956 as a 13year old, My dad used to take me before that but he stopped going when we went down to the third division north. My mate and I would catch the 12 oclock bus from Melbourne and be the first in the ground. We stood in the Normanton end pigeon loft, I think it was 3 shilling. To this day I remember that team. We were champions in 1957 and I ran onto the pitch after the last match against Southport, Ray Straw scored 37 goals that season, The next ten years saw me start work, get married and have two children, I had moved to Derby, and after my family, the Rams were the most important thing in my life I never missed a home game in those ten years even though we were only an average second division side. And then in 1966 after England won the world cup my mate and I decided to have a season ticket, Little did we know what would happen that season, I was at work one day and a Rams supporting work mate told me we had signed a player from Bradford Park Avenue, his name was Kevin Hector I'd never heard of him but he was without doubt the most wonderful footballer to grace the Baseball Ground I had ever seen, and because of this we wanted to see more players like him which led to Tim Ward getting the sack and BC becoming Manager, what followed was ten years of unbelievable success and enjoyment. And then things started to go wrong off and on the pitch and I stopped being a season ticket holder during Peter Taylors time as manager, i still loved The Rams of course and when I turned 65 and retired my old mate from Melbourne and I bought season tickets again. But sadly covid left my best friend of 80 years with a dementia problem and he know no longer knows me. For the last two seasons I have been going alone to the match but its just not the same for me. Therefore I am calling it a day, as I write this I am welling up as I will do this afternoon. Thank you Derby County for every thing I will love you till I die.     
  3. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Miggins in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    So many thoughts and emotions at the moment.
    I went into Derby to watch the huge, noisy, smoky crowd as they wended their way through the town. Flags galore and a positive, good-natured feel to the occasion. I was excited but dreadfully apprehensive about the final score. The energy from the crowd just had to lift the team and carry them over the line... surely? What could possibly go wrong?🤔
    I listened to the match on Radio Derby. Once we had scored 2 goals I started to relax and enjoy the game a bit more.
    When our lovely Max Bird went off I felt so proud of him, so sad to see him leave us and worried in case he was about to regret his decision to leave.
    It wasn't one of our greatest games but it was bound to be a nervy game. Our opposition had nothing to play for and we had everything. Perhaps the players knew that if we won, their holidays in the sun had begun!
    So sad that B4 wasn't with us physically to celebrate this wonderful party but I really hope that he is celebrating somewhere. I loved the 'Be More B4' displays round the ground. It reminded us of what a smashing guy he was.
    I loved all the scenes of the players after the match, being carried on shoulders, celebrating with families. Their relief was palpable and so well deserved. Well done to them all for achieving this promotion and well done to every single member of staff connected with the club.
    I felt proud of Paul Warne for what he has achieved. He is a nice guy and I like him. Whether or not he can take us all the way, I am grateful for what he has done so far, for his passion for the club and for his care of the players. I felt very happy for him today. He has brought a good ethos to our club which I'm sure was part of David Clowes plan.
    After everything we have been through over the last 2 years, the sadness, the uncertainty, the anger, we have achieved promotion and tonight Derby fans will go to bed feeling very drunk, ecstatic, full of positivity for next season or may be apprehensive. I think our club is in good hands and I am so grateful for David Clowes for getting us to this place. He loves this club and I am so grateful and reassured that he will not take any risks with this club which he loves as much as we do.
    Sleep well tonight, fellow rams. Like I said, it has been a day of so many emotions, but tonight is joyous and a time for some fizzy!! X
  4. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to Elwood P Dowd in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    The championship worrying starts tomorrow 🐏
  5. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to therealhantsram in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    There's likely a lot of emotions for Max, not least wishing he could share the moment with his Dad.
  6. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to SKRam in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    A few outposts too…. Marple for one 🍺🐏
  7. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to RoyMac5 in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    If you don't ..... bounce you're a R*d
  8. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to RoyMac5 in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Cheers. Love it Cash! #COYR
  9. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to simmoram1995 in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    I’m so ecstatic right now what an atmosphere! what a season folks! I bet B4 is beaming up there ❤️🐏
  10. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Jimbo Ram in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Probably, wish him all the best.
  11. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Ramarena in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Glad Fozzy got to see a promotion with us. 
    Not the one we wanted, out of the Championship. But he’s been a great servant to the club and glad he’s got to enjoy some success!
  12. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Anag Ram in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Well, as afternoons go, that was rather lovely.
  13. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to RoyMac5 in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Couple of tweets with vids that it won't allow embedding of the video.
  14. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Comrade 86 in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    I make it 6,104 days since we last stepped onto a pitch as a newly promoted team. That's a fair old whack. The wait is over my fellow ovine botherers. We've gone through the last 10 games averaging 2.3 PPG and top of the form table and to my mind, it was never in doubt.
    One for the fans after all the grinding misery of the last 3 years, one for our dearly departed, but never to be forgotten B4, one for Clowes who wagered a sizeable portion of the Clowes family net worth to save this wonderful club and one for Warne and his merry band of men. 
    B4 ON TOUR
  15. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Nuwtfly in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Feels like we can finally move on from all that trauma of the points deduction, the finances, the ruin 
    Back up and back to normal! 🐏 
  16. Like
  17. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to I am Ram in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Covid times, -21pts, relegation, threat of liquidation, it's been a rough time to be a Ram, thanks to the players, backroom staff and Warnie, Sir David Clowes we are on the rise. Come on you big beautiful rams ❤️
  18. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Igorwasking in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    For my dad, for B4 - for everyone that supported a team not fashionable - this is for you. This is what belonging can do.
    super Derby, super rams 🐏❤️
  19. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to DerbyPride12 in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    I did wonder, as the camera panned to him sat on the bench, looking at 31'000 fans who love him - does he regret his decision to leave?
  20. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Stive Pesley in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Watching at home, and I dunno why but at the end, with the crowd on the pitch..they panned over to Igor in the stands and he was filming it on his phone with this inscrutable look on his face. It just totally got me...😭
  21. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to CapeTownRams in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Happy and glad Burton survived 👍👋
  22. COYR
    Kathcairns reacted to DB83 in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Well done to Paul Warne and the team. Warne was brought in to get us out of League 1 and he has done so in his first full season, with our best ever points total, the best defence in the league, best goal difference in the league, a really great achievement!!
  23. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Retro_RAM in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Never been so happy to not go to Wembley. Brilliant scenes, we did it!!!!
  24. COYR
    Kathcairns reacted to Elwood P Dowd in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    A promotion for B4 😂
  25. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Cashin with a can of dark fruits in his hand…. @DarkFruitsRam7 that your doing?! 🤣 
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