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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. There might be a time when Collins gets injured this season(I bloody hope not)and those who are primed to have a pop at him will see how much he contributes to this team, It's not just the goals it's his all-round effort to either get the ball back or harass the opposition, The honourable "workhorse" ☺️
  2. It looked like the ball hit the back of his head then he clatters the post...one weird passage of play...thank fcuk
  3. Nyambe back for the Charlton game...injured or not, Elder out for at least 10 days...as for Fozzy
  4. What does PW need to change to change our fortunes on the pitch, Is it 3 in midfield? as I read it it looked more comfortable in there with a 3. Posters saying that the opposition have now sussed us out by doubling up on the wide players, But NML got the ball in for Collins to score from wide 🤷‍♂️ It's 3 welcome points but yet again we fail in the good football department, Our better ability seems to just get us through games instead of being dominant.
  5. Highlights here...good goal from Collins 👍 https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/13057911/derby-2-1-cheltenham-league-one-highlights
  6. See you all in 45mins...this reading is bad...catch ya later 🖐️
  7. Following the game on here, How is CBT playing in this pitiful game?
  8. I wonder why he wasn't given a deal and plead guilty? that would have reduced the sentence, Or did he think he was going to win 😁
  9. Old people aye don't cha just love em...moan moan moan, She was in a cell and out of the window she could see the Horizon 😁
  10. Had 2 bits of bad news this week, I played Sunday football for a team in Chadd in the 80s, The clubs Manager passed away last week, And yesterday I got a text to say one of the players had also passed...age 66 and died from Dementia, Sleep well Wally and Karl 😔
  11. 1997 I was working at the RR foundry, 12 of us foundry men were given matchday tickets in one of their suits, We were given the ground tour, In the changing rooms all the shirts were hanging up, Most of the lads had their pics taken with Benito Carbone's shirt on the Hook, I had mine taken with my middle finger and a smile, I never got the picture 😮 ...it was a sh!t tip then.
  12. Documentary...90mins...BBC iPlayer, REVENGE our Dad the Nazi killer. Late 40s early 50s Holocaust survivors/and Jewish peoples emigrate to Australia, Along with East European Nazis by order of the USA/UK, Excellent viewing, Some scenes not for the squeamish...
  13. I remember it well, I was sat in the East Stand and saw him running from the South Stand, He kept running...then...bugger 🙄 a header at the back post, A good one but not as good as CDs...imo 😉
  14. Out of all the 1000s of games I've watched over 55+ years, I don't think I've seen a better headed goal
  15. Story here https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/failed-derby-county-bidder-chris-9058974 Fcuk the ELF and the Leeches that were our Admin...😡
  16. Wow just wow, That is impressive, And we're a League1 team...a big round of applause to all that go
  17. Would that be the 1minute or 5minute argument 😁
  18. If only DC and SP went to see one of these
  19. The difference between "semantics" and "sacking" are as different as Mount Everest and a Dead Rat. 1. So they just kept a verbal rolling agreement, What's this "verbal" rolling agreement DC had with LR? 2. Didn't think he was ready for the challenge = duty of care, The man who pays the piper gets to call the tune. 3. After winning us way more points than anyone believed was possible with a completely stripped bare squad and a massive points deduction?...LR built the squad from 5 players to a team/squad that could start the season, The points deduction was the season before and had no bearing on the upcoming season, Not scoring in 4 away games might have had something to do with DCs decision...Charlton away, Shrewsbury away, Fleetwood away and Lincoln away, Maybe just maybe DC saw enough that he thought a different manager was needed
  20. LR was interim/caretaker manager, Clowes hired PW and offered LR a coaching post at DCFC, LR turned this offer down, Clowes reasoning for not giving LR the managers job...he said "we have a duty of care" in other words DC didn't think LR was ready for the challenge. There was no sacking involved.
  21. Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett setting up their chess board...it's a good knight from me, And a good knight for him.
  22. Deleted Crewton posted the same re offered another job at DCFC
  23. Troy Deeney lost his job for calling out a player in public, PW in his post match interview mentioned things were said in the changing room but will stay there. Would a Warnock or a Steve Smith be a better shout as they look to be a more aggressive manager when on the touchline, Is PW getting the best out of this squad...what with his "why wall" giving a mug for their 1st goal, Texting nice messages to players. He comes across as a nice guy that wants to be liked 🤷‍♂️ but a manager needs to set himself away from the players...imo, We live in an age where being "negative" towards players is frowned upon, Last year he pointed to 1 or 2 players that may have had their heads turned when results weren't going our way, PW looked a "beaten man", Now look at the photo of him winning the manager of the month award...a beaming smile. I'm yet to be convinced that he's either a good manager or a bad manager, What he did at Rotherham has long gone, We'll find out how good he is come May when either we go up in 1st or 2nd place or win the play offs until then PW is here to stay
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