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Posts posted by Alty_Ram

  1. I have to say, I was expecting a few more too. Still, there's plenty of time yet I guess.

    I knew I was going to renew so I just did it as soon as we were able, plus I wanted to avoid clashing with the final payment on summer holiday so I just got it out the way. I appreciate that with cost of living etc that "just getting it out the way" is not an option for everyone though and whether you can afford/justify a ticket may be a rather marginal call.

    How many did we sell in the end last year ?

  2. One thing that some fans are going to have to be mindful of is that we are presumably going to be signing a fair few players and some of these will only ever intended as backup options or to cover multiple positions or just for the U21s or whatever.

    The squad needs bolstering in numbers as much as it does quality and some of the signings this window may seem a tad underwhelming at first glance but are a necessary part of the squad rebuild. You can't have superstar cover in every position.

  3. I agree completely with David's approach to this. I think some debate and reasonable banter is perfectly OK and in fact think the forum would be poorer if away fans were blanket banned. Equally, lots of pointless confrontational and abusive posting just invites an immediate ban. No problem with that at all.

    I do actually like to hear what reasonable, sensible fans of other teams think because they may for example have a different take on a player's performance than we do and as long as it isn't just trolling then it can add a different perspective and they may also for example add some honest assessment to a debate over the merits of one of their players that we are trying to sign.

    I am also one of those folk who likes to browse opposition forums in the run up to and aftermath of our games to see how they view us and our likely threat and see whether they changes their opinion after the game or whether they were impressed with a particular player or felt that we deserved the win or whatever. I don't however hang about on other teams forums apart from that because frankly most of their postings are of zero interest.

    I have on version rare occasions created an account on another forum where there is an ongoing subject between clubs or where the content is blocked unless you sign in with a valid account, so guests have very limited or non-existent access. Where I have done that I am always mindful about being fairly respectful because otherwise you'll waste a few posts and get banned anyway, plus I might be looking to get a genuine answer to a question. If you wade in and needlessly and deliberately try to antagonise people then no sensible exchange is going to happen which renders the whole thing pointless anyway and a ban will never be far away.

    I do prefer if any posters from other teams are just up front about their allegiances though, either through user name or just being open and honest. I have been on a site where as part of registration you have to declare your team and you get a flag to that effect so people can choose to engage with you or not I guess.

  4. 1 minute ago, JJH said:

    We lost that because of COVID - the main source of our stable income was gone and the transfer market was decimated.

    We've both spent recklessly in pursuit of the PL, and both suffered because of it.

    Roberts isn't joining us because we're offering him some daft deal whilst you're offering him a sensible one, there's a whole host of reason why we're a more attractive proposition than you lot currently. That's just how it is.

    No, and I can't really argue too much with that and if someone has also done a good job of selling your setup and his potential role in it then that's how it goes. Equally we'll be seen as a much better option for some promising incoming players than many League 2 and League 1 teams and we need to take advantage of that.

    As regards your point about academy and our better young players. That is an area that we suffered really badly through all the financial carnage, so there is likely to be very limited help from that source for us for the immediate future so we are going to need to be really canny with our recruitment. We are seriously short on numbers as much as anything else though and have a really small squad, even for this level. Players have been released and loans gone back and others are reported to be being wanted by other clubs so either way we'll need some serious squad building and that includes rebuilding the U21s from the rubble of their terrible season. U21s got absolutely battered last year - must have been seriously dispiriting.

    The financial upheaval caused us to lose a steady stream of good youngsters for nothing or peanuts due to contractual limitations and our academy was gutted and a lot of excellent work from the last few years was completely undone. Most of the players who were good enough were either poached by other clubs or were moved into the first team squad due to necessity. Rebuilding the damage caused at that level will take a considerable amount of work. Green shoots from the U18s though so longer term it's perhaps looking more hopeful.

  5. Quite. Not really seeing how this will prepare us for the Aussies. I've zero problem playing a Test against Ireland because how else will they improve their Test Match craft but its so one-sided that I'm not sure how much they are actually leaning in this game. It's surely achieving very little for England too in terms of Ashes preparation.

  6. Having finished 7th and now in a better financial position, it's obviously reasonable to expect an improvement next year, but at the moment all these "anything less that top 2 is a failure" predictions are not yet based on anything other than expectation of what 'should' be happening because a club of our size and we did well last year yadda yadda.. and it's not yet based on any team we may actually be able to put out as there are going to be a lot of both outgoings and incomings.

    Since the end of the season we have lost quite a few players who played a fair few games between them and we have not seen any signings yet due to the window not being open. As such, I can't really say what I expect next year until I have seen how the squad is added to because as of this moment we're paper thin and have a weaker squad than last year. That's not a surprise or a criticism in any way, but I just have no idea what team is going to step out in a Derby shirt yet.

  7. As regards Luton and our record - I very much doubt it. I can see them really getting in the faces of the visitors and being a place that teams won't enjoy going. Visits to Kenilworth Road might turn out to be the new 'Cold February night in Stoke'. A trip to Luton will be one to face a physical, direct hard working, well organised team in a small ramshackle stadium with the crowd breathing down your neck. I think they'll upset a few teams on their own turf.

    In general terms, I just can't see anyone arriving with such a perfect storm of negative factors to a produce behinds the scenes problems, managerial upheaval and woeful signings and then manage to find a way to underperform as well. Just on the law of averages, terrible teams still will win 2 or 3 games in a season (even if its daylight robbery) and then a few draws gets them comfortably over the 11 point line.

    As others have said. I also really hope that they and stay up and ruffle some feathers while doing it.

  8. Well I hope they avoid a total meltdown. After our recent history I think we're all generally a bit more sympathetic towards other clubs (fans at least) who are in a financial mess.

    Perhaps this guy will be as good as his word but if he can do this and suddenly miraculously find 10 million plus lying around to chuck into an account then why didn't he just do that already and avoid all the points penalties which will give them a headache for next year. *shrug*. I'm sure Wigan fans thought they were done with all this crap.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Red_Dawn said:


    Well if it all goes horribly wrong on Sunday then at least they'll at least be able to roll out all those hopeful, promotion-based songs. Saves it all going stale for them eh ? We just need to tweak the '21 points' song a bit to cover an unspecified predicted probable/possible future date of promotion. Job done.

    What's your prediction for Sunday RD ? I reckon Everton will probably see off Bournemouth who are on 3 straight losses, which renders the other results meaningless.

  10. Don't think I'll be getting properly excited until I see how the team is shaping up - not because I'm holding off and waiting to be impressed but simply because I have little clue who'll be pulling on a Derby shirt so it all feels a bit up in the air right now. Will be good to see some new faces and getting an idea of where Warne is going and seeing what he has prioritised.

    So yeah, looking forward to seeing the new additions and taking in a pre-season game or two. New season seems a long way away yet though!

  11. 7 minutes ago, JfR said:

    I'm not actually watching the match, but judging by the first half stats, Leicester seem like they're completely dead. 17% of the ball, 44% pass accuracy and no shots. Awful figures.

    They're basically sitting back and absorbing pressure bar the odd hopeful break that so far has come to nothing. Newcastle have hit the post twice and should be ahead without every being outstanding.

  12. 11 minutes ago, angieram said:

    Can you distinguish the difference? We renewed and moved seats this morning, our new seats are no longer available on the plan, but our old seats aren't either! 

    So we appear to be two new season tickets at the moment, when we are renewals. And it looks like we are potoential renewals in our old seat, which we aren't.

    Got a little trip up the stairs to try out the options for our new seats and admire the views. There was a game of football going on, no idea who it was but they weren't very young (or fit!) I'd have fitted right in. 😉

    Ah OK, yeah, that's kind of what I was wondering. Suspected that there might be a bit of double counting.

    I'd have liked to move ideally but there's 3 of us and based on last year it seems unlikely that there'd be too many/any spares in blocks of 3. I'm near the front in South Stand and if rain comes straight down we're fine but the slightest breeze and you can get soaked! Got away very lightly last year all things considered 😄

  13. 33 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    517 new season tickets sold 

    Well that sounds very positive. So that is people who didn't have a ticket last year, not relocations or whatever?

    Also, I wonder how total sales are going. Half expected a club announcement to say 'x thousand sold already'.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Gerry Daly said:

    You will be disappointed. Absolutely no chance of a MINIMUM of 9-10 players. What planet are you on!

    It's really hard to call until we see who leaves. Warne probably has a good idea already but won't be saying anything at this stage and with players released and loans returning to their parent clubs then we'd be quite a few players down on even last years small squad.

    It isn't just a case of replacing all those who leave and then adding say 5 on top either. The likes of Chester and Stearman leaving hasn't really impacted us but with Davies adding to the exodus in central defence options then we'll presumably still need a couple of central defenders plus some wing backs. Midfield needs more bite and athleticism and we need forward options. If Didzy chooses not to stay then we're pretty much starting again up front.

    Then we have all the 'will they won't they' stuff with Knight, Bird, Sibley, Cashin so we could be looking at a very different squad next year. The 21s will need a total rebuild so we may find one or two unfamiliar faces from there pushing to start before long. I'm deffo going to need to see a few pre-season games to get a better idea of all the changes and new options !

  15. So yep, not surprised. Arsenal have imploded and I was convinced that Forest would get something out of that game. It's not about one game though and Forest still needed to get their business done in the run-in and that's now 10 points from the last 5 games. When push came to shove they did what they needed to do while others continued to struggle. Obviously it goes without saying that I'd have preferred to see them crash and burn but sometimes you just have to acknowledge a decent effort regardless of what shirt they are wearing. Meh, maybe they'll have the traditional 'tough 2nd season'.. we can but hope.

  16. 24 minutes ago, Red_Dawn said:

    Good to see all three championship sides *potentially* staying up, though right? Nobody would have predicted that start of the season.


    I think the single most depressing thing that could happen to the Premier League would be nailed on relegation for all newly promoted 'Championship' clubs (as opposed to poor Prem teams just bouncing back). The rest of the pyramid needs the hope that if you get up there that you might just make it stick.

  17. 1 hour ago, Red_Dawn said:

    I don't think so. We could feasibly be back in the bottom three by the end of the weekend. 

    Maybe its my natural pessimism but I see both Leeds and Everton winning at least one game. 

    Without wishing to give you any undue optimism, 10 games ago the Arsenal game looked like an absolute stinker of a fixture at this crucial phase but their season is falling apart and they know it. Their heads had completely gone against Brighton and they got stuffed. It's about more than just that game though, their last 7 games were DDDLWWL so two wins in 7. You're at home and I reckon you can get something from that cos they know they won't win the title and are just waiting to be put out of their misery by City and they can't slip into 3rd either so they are just making up numbers and in bottom half form.

    Leeds and Everton both have games that they could get something out of this weekend but I still reckon if you get a point then that might be enough. Win it and Leeds need to win both after not winning any of the last 7. Leicester don't look like a team that believes that they can do it and are surely gone if things pan out at Newcastle as you'd expect, but then again they have West Ham last day who have nowt to play for. Granted, it's all just stats and probabilities and counts for jack sh*t when 22 blokes start kicking a ball around.

    This is all rather weird actually. I haven't really given two sh*ts about the Premier League for a while until you lot were in it and struggling. Sadly, I think you'll get over the line though.

  18. 12 minutes ago, Red_Dawn said:

    To be fair that is one we got drastically wrong this season. I was defending him earlier in the year but he has been a glorified (and heavily paid) cheerleader for 2/3s of the season. 

    I wonder what his next move will be. Can't see too many Prem sides queueing up to take him on and there is definitely a point at which you conclude that a player is just a bit of a cockwomble. He's 31 this year and and players of his type are not going to get any better at that age and just seems to be disappearing up his own arse. A desperate Championship side hoping to rekindle the 'Glory days' ? Thing is, which team is he going to improve that would actually be a move that he'd want ?

    In terms of the last couple of games. Reckon you've done enough now RD ? Leicester looked like they'd given up the other night and I can't see them getting anything at Newcastle and I reckon they're gone - looked like some of them were mentally clearing their lockers. Leeds still in with a shout I suppose. Another point to be sure perhaps?

  19. 48 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Football snobbery at its finest.

    It's a bit of a balance IMHO. Playing good football can definitely get you out of this division (as we saw with Ipswich) but you need to be very good at it to succeed with pure football alone. If you ignore the physical aspects of the game at this level then you are inviting trouble and can look forward to playing teams off the park with loads of possession and still end up drawing and losing too many games because they were just too strong on set pieces and crosses and the officials will utterly fail to spot that your central defender has been felled by an elbow in the wind pipe in the lead up to the sickening late equaliser.

    The striking thing about Luton for me was that although they were direct, physical and 'in your face' (and some may not like that), I thought they were not really as agricultural as I was expecting. They were up against a much more purist football side in Sunderland so the difference in styles was quite obvious but ultimately Sunderland couldn't cope with them.  Sure, they were physical and direct and had plenty of bite but they were also mobile and strong and very determined and had surprisingly respectable first touch. I'm not saying that I'd want them to be the model for our football and I'd certainly like to see us build a side that can evolve as we go through the divisions so I'm keen that we don't become too 1-dimensional and direct, but I'd also love us to have at least some of the power, pace and physicality on show last night, right through the core of the team. Resilience and strength in defence so we don't get bullied, bite and energy in midfield to better control games and power and pace up front to ask different questions of the opposition defence and not just relying on some Didzy magic. Obviously we want to mix that up with some guile and craft too so we can create chances and pull teams around but it really feels like the blend is what we need to get out of this division. We also need to be much more effective at set pieces. That's an area that really let us down.

    There is also perhaps a perception in some quarters that we were way better at home than away and that's actually not strictly true in terms of the home and away form table relative to other teams. We were 6th on home form and 8th in away form so our final position was perhaps not a surprise. Now I'd be the first to say that we need to be more resilient on the road because we tossed away loads of points but the reality is that if we wanted to really challenge at the top then we were a bit too brittle full stop, home and away. We won 13 home games but there were 10 that we failed to win too and that's a hell of a lot of potential points dropped.

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