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Black ('n' White) Sheep

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  2. Clap
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in The Administration Thread   
    The EFL and Boro will not like the fact their backroom deal is being thrown in to the spotlight. Need to keep pushing on that.
  3. Like
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in The Administration Thread   
    Aye. I’m willing to test the EFL’s nerve for a bit longer first though.
  4. Clap
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to Maharan in The Administration Thread   
    Exactly. Paying them a few quid might not feel right, but if it removes the threat of liquidation, then it’s time to pack away the egos and just bloody well get on with it.
  5. Like
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to Mick Harford in The Administration Thread   
    MY personal belief is that the Council will help fund till the end of the season, nothing Chris Poulter says contradicts that hypothesis
  6. Like
  7. Like
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to Caerphilly Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Option 5. One of the alleged interested parties to think “stuff it, this club is clearly worth rescuing”, ride to the rescue and take the chance of seeing MFC/WWFC in court…. However unlikely that may be 
  8. Like
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to Andicis in The Administration Thread   
    I think the EFL will crumble to external pressure, personally. All the light of scrutiny will likely dredge up things that they would have preferred left hidden.
  9. Like
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to Andicis in The Administration Thread   
    If the EFL aren't careful the government could easily opt to introduce an independent regulator as has previously been proposed.
  10. Like
    Black ('n' White) Sheep got a reaction from Andicis in The Administration Thread   
    I hope you're right @Andicis
  11. Sad
    Black ('n' White) Sheep got a reaction from JPRamFan in The Administration Thread   
    Bugger ? that makes it sound like we need either/or:
    A bloody good sports lawyer, and quick... to prove they're not football debts The EFL to change their stance MFC/WWFC to change their stance External forces (government) to override decisions None of which seem very likely at this stage, sadly.
  12. Clap
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to Retro_RAM in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    If we ever get out of this mess I think we need to reassess who our true rivals are, Forest are simply down the road and want to see us relegated. Boro on the other hand want to liquidate us.
    Honestly, whatever happens I will always have more hatred to Middlesbrough then I ever will Forest.
  13. Clap
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to Day in The Football Creditor rule is explicit, simple, and solves all of Derby's issues   
    Currently talking with various members and fan groups privately to compile key points that can be pinned on the forum to be shared with the media and MP's.  
  14. Clap
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to Day in The Football Creditor rule is explicit, simple, and solves all of Derby's issues   
    Three parties have made offers, any one of which would allow the club to exit administration with a substantial payment to creditors.
    These offers need clarity, that the claim by Boro and the potential claim by Wycombe do not qualify as Football Creditors.
    The football creditor rule is not defined in the EFL regulations, it is part of the Articles of Association of the Football League Limited, of which all clubs are minority shareholders (the golden share).
    The football creditor rule is in Article 48, which clearly defines what constitutes a football creditor, copied below from Companies House.
    The rule clearly states that it is to cover payments of "debts due". How possibly, can an unproven, unquantified claim such as Boro's be consider a debt due?
    If the EFL is suggesting that any claim by a football club or employee, which is unproven, should be classified as a football creditor it would create mayhem. And, bona fide football creditors with debts due, and other preferential and unsecured creditors would lose out as a result.
    The EFL can't have this both ways. If they choose to say Article 48 does not qualify Boro's claim as a football creditor the EFL are suggesting they might be sued by Boro.
    However, if they choose to say that Article 48 should be interpreted (which is a wild stretch) in a way that Boro should be classed as a football creditor then it is almost certain that the EFL would be sued by the Administrators and the creditors including genuine football creditors, and HMRC for their easily quantified losses. 
    The EFL also risk being sued under section 994 of the companies act for acting prejudicially against the interests of a minority shareholder of the football league ie. DCFC.
    We need to apply pressure on the EFL to get off the fence, see that their actions alone are preventing the Administrators from getting a deal agreed. 
    Article 48 says that Boro's claim cannot be a football creditor and the EFL must state that and stop this nonesense.
    "48         FOOTBALL CREDITORS
    48.1      Where a Member Club defaults in making any payment due to any of the following persons, 
    the Member  Club ('Defaulting  Club')  shall be subject to such penalty  as the Board may decide 
    and subject also to Article 48.2:
    48.1.1        The League, The FA Premier League and the Football Association;
    48.1.2        any of the Pension Schemes;
    48.1.3        any Member Club and any Club of The FA Premier League;
    48.1.4        any holding company  of The League and any subsidiary  company  of that holding 
    48.1.5        any sums due to any full-time employee or former full-time employee of the Member 
    Club by  way  of arrears  of remuneration  up to the date on which that contract  of employment is 
    terminated. This excludes for these purposes all and any claims for redundancy,   unfair   or  
    wrongful   dismissal   or  other   claims   arising   out   of  the termination  of  the  contract  
    or  in  respect  of  any  period  after  the  actual  date  of termination;
    48.1.6        any  sums  due  to  the  Professional  Footballers  Association  in  repayment  of  
    an interest  free loan together with such reasonable  administration and legal costs as have been 
    approved by the Board;
    48.1.7        The Football Foundation;
    48.1.8        The Football Conference Limited trading as "the National League";
    48.1.9        The Northern Premier League Limited;
    48.1.1O      The Isthmian League Limited;
    48.1.11      The Southern League Limited;
    48.1.12      Any member club of the League or organisations listed in Articles 48.1.8 to 48.1.11 
    48.1.13      Any County Football Association affiliated to The Football Association; and
    48.1.14      Any Leagues  affiliated to The Football Association  and any clubs affiliated to any 
    County Football Association recognised by The Football Association.
    48.2      Subject to the provisions of Articles 48.3 and 48.4, the Board shall apply any sums 
    standing to the  credit  of  the  Pool  Account  which  would  otherwise  be  payable  to  a  
    Defaulting  Club,  in discharging  the  creditors  in Article  48.1.  As  between  the Football  
    Creditors,  the  priority  for payment shall be in accordance with the order in which those 
    Football Creditors are listed in Article 48.1.
    48.3      If,  having  discharged  all Football  Creditors  in  any  preceding  class  of  Football 
     Creditor  (as
    · required by Article 48.2) the sum then available is not suffident to discharge in full the 
    Football Creditors listed in Articles 48.1.1, 48.1.2 or 48.1.4 the Board will decide the 
    48.4      If,  having  discharged  all Football  Creditors  in  any  preceding  class  of  Football 
     Creditor  (as required by Article 48.2) the sum then available is not sufficient to discharge in 
    full the Football Creditors listed in Article 48.1.3, 48.1.5, 48.1.12, 48.1.13 or 48.1.14 the sum 
    will be allocated pro rata amongst the creditors of the same class.
    Note - Clubs are reminded that any assignment of future entitlements from the pool account are 
    subject to Article 45 and this must be brought to the attention of the other party. Furthermore 
    assignments must be in legal form and registered with the office. Assignments are given priority 
    according to the date and time of registration."
  15. COYR
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to StaffsRam in The Administration Thread   
    Ok, Alan’s properly converted to the cause!
  16. COYR
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
    Loved this from @Owen87ITK. He's one of us, when it all boils down to it.
  17. Clap
    Black ('n' White) Sheep got a reaction from Premier ram in Quantuma   
    Good spot @RoyMac5
    Makes me think that Quantuma have a plan, they're just not telling anyone what it is yet... at least I hope they've got a plan at this stage!
  18. Haha
    Black ('n' White) Sheep got a reaction from BriggRam in Quantuma   
  19. Haha
    Black ('n' White) Sheep got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Quantuma   
  20. Haha
    Black ('n' White) Sheep got a reaction from StaffsRam in Quantuma   
  21. Cheers
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to Owen87ITK in What's happening today?   
    Safe to say the Wycombe owner isn’t as well-informed as he thinks . . . 
  22. Clap
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in The Administration Thread   
    Appreciate the sentiment, but anyone advocating clogging up Quantuma's inboxes at this time is an idiot.
  23. Haha
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    So I guess John Smith isn’t his real name?
  24. Haha
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to RoyMac5 in Fund the Flag   
    Gee thanks Mel. ?

  25. Haha
    Black ('n' White) Sheep reacted to TaahnRam in Fund the Flag   
    Curly Sue, Tony Soprano, Trevor Birch, Rick Parry

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