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Posts posted by Srg

  1. I like the signing. Not something we have in the squad, and changes things significantly with his attributes when we decide to use him. Those attributes known to scare defenders, especially at this level. 

    To those saying why not develop our own. We don’t have a striker with these attributes so that’s not possible. 

    To those saying it’s not Mount or Wilson… we aren’t a promotion chasing championship team with money anymore. Get used to it. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:


    Perhaps someone out there's been measuring him including his hair and someone else without?







    More likely someone took his height at like 16 and he’s now 3 years older. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, admira said:

    Obligatory Youtube link:

    Looks a handful, could've had seven.


    Heights on this guy are all over the place. Rosenior said 6ft4 which is much taller than you can find online, and he looks right based on the size of him over all the defenders here. 

  4. 1 minute ago, LERam said:

    5 games

    9 goals

    And I dont see any reason for that rate to drop. 

    Injuries. He doesn't tend to stay fit for full seasons. If he does stay fit, he's going to break every goalscoring record the Premier League has.

  5. 24 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    Anybody know how this actually works? Does he still use up one of our loan spots, or is it a separate youth loan or something? And if it's separate, are there things we have to do before he could play for the first team?  Can we just chuck him in or do we have to upgrade the loan or something.

    Youth Loans are a thing but not sure how they work. We used one on Rushian Hepburn-Murphy a few years back.

    Beyond that, I think the rule is just 5 in the matchday squad, so if it's a standard loan then he could play for the first team if we dropped another out the squad.

  6. Just now, Van der MoodHoover said:

    ??? Do we need one of these? 

    Sort of. Think he can play centrally as well as either side. When NML was missing at the weekend we didn’t have a player on the bench to bring on out wide, could see depth was nowhere. 

    The odd thing about this one though is if we are expecting 2 signings which are supposedly a striker and a right back, according to Derbyshire Live… then where does this fit? Would this be a third? If so, that says only one of the the striker or right back can be a loan, because you can only have 5. 

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