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48 hours

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    48 hours reacted to Boycie in January Window   
    Chrissy Martin or Nick Blackman I heard? 
    Connor Salmon won’t leave Scotland.
  2. COYR
    48 hours reacted to hintonsboots in January Window   
    Good to hear there’s plenty left in the budget for wages etc. Well run club now.
  3. Like
    48 hours reacted to RoyMac5 in January Window   
    "...I've noticed it has heated up because I'm getting more and more phone calls off my recruiter and the deals get crazier. I got offered a centre-back yesterday that I don't need. It was no wages and I didn't have to pay a penny for him.
    "If I needed a centre-half, I would have taken him because he's a good player. Now if I asked about him three weeks ago, they'd have probably said they needed X amount. But now all of a sudden, they just need to go and play and they can do so anywhere for free. More and more players get concertinaed into the last three or four days. And I've been phoned about other players where this player at a top Premier League club is now available and you only have to pay like an eighth of his wages, which makes it attainable for League One clubs.
    ...It just gets a little bit chaotic and even more so after this weekend...That's what ends up happening or managers go to the board and say 'look, if you don't get me this striker, we're not going to achieve anything'. Even the board gets tweaky because the fans have been on at the board and everything changes. Whereas at the start of January, there isn't that intensity, but it just gets driven up.
    "Or a player might go in and say I just don't want to be here anymore, I've waited all window, Derby want me and I want to go to Derby let it happen. Everything sort of happens in the last 72 hours I think. But there's just more options and loads of things sort of level up a bit at the end of the window."
  4. Like
    48 hours reacted to IslandExile in January Window   
    Give it to Knight then along with a new contract ?️?
  5. Like
    48 hours reacted to Sparkle in January Window   
    Currently I will be happy to keep Dobbin and not lose anyone else 
  6. COYR
    48 hours reacted to B4ev6is in Let's have black and white army in full voice   
    I am calling all derby fans to be in full voice like we were at portvale at pp tommrow night let's make so loud that west ham players shake with fear and inspire the lads to 5th round of Fa cup if we can gold liverpool at Anfield we can more than capable of beating west ham at pride park let's have a sea of black and white around pp. There going army of 26k at the moment let's see if we can get near 29k as possible.
  7. Like
    48 hours reacted to SK47 in Luke McGee - Goalkeeper on loan until end of season   
    Can he play RB or Upfront?
    If not,
  8. Like
  9. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Millenniumram in Luke McGee - Goalkeeper on loan until end of season   
    Makes sense with Anang recalled - a new backup for Wildsmith who can sit on the bench rather than Loach, who I do fear about ever having to come on. 
    Strange that it’s a loan though - he’s out of contract at the end of the season, so why won’t Forest Green give him us permanently now? We’ll get him for free in the summer either way up, just uses a loan. Presume this means we’re looking at a striker on a permanent. 
    Even more bizarre…. That TFR Football account actually got something right!
  10. Clap
    48 hours reacted to Gerry Daly in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Let’s hope similar childish rubbish doesn’t happen tomorrow night and it’s all about the football
  11. Like
    48 hours reacted to RoyMac5 in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
  12. COYR
    48 hours reacted to Sparkle in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    They are basically like us - feverishly loyal to their football team but without the championship titles - I don’t mind them but I will find you a good dozen of clubs from London that I don’t like ! 
    That all means that they will travel in large numbers expecting to lose to a side that cost £100,000 paid ten years ago containing no one between the age of 22-29 who also can’t pay money for transfers and have an imposed budget whilst not allowed to pay any agents fees - if they choose to moan about anything after what we have gone through I would be disappointed - they also get to watch a game of football without VAR ! - we will have a lot more empty seats than when we play Morecambe on Saturday but then again we play twice a week since July with no World Cup interrupting anything - as always looking forward to watching Derby play anyone.
  13. Cheers
    48 hours reacted to Carl Sagan in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Interesting comment from "Simon" on their forum to a Derby random who has signed up (anyone on here?):
    "I played youth football against your manager. He was, quite literally, leagues ahead of everyone on the park...even at 15/16. Luckily, he was in the middle and I was out on the wing so managed to avoid him most times! He is a top bloke."
    I love Warne's interviews, talking about the joy of playing and hating the first few minutes of games because of wishing he was still out there. Looked him up and he played nearly 500 games, which is no mean feat. Seems to have a real love of the game.
  14. Like
    48 hours reacted to B4ev6is in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    I keep macgoldick upfront.
  15. Like
    48 hours reacted to Yani P in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Ipswich and Sheffield Weds both have replays
  16. Like
    48 hours reacted to Caerphilly Ram in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    I guess it’s just the reality of our situation and it’s what I expect to happen with some of them if we do fail to earn promotion this season. Knight, Bird, Sibley, Cashin are all realistically capable of playing at a higher level than league one, in the summer they’ll be entering the final year of their contracts so if we’re still a league one club at that point it makes it a difficult scenario for all involved. The players will be torn between their loyalty to the club and their ambition as professionals, the club will want to keep as much talent in the squad as possible due to the restrictions of the business plan, in my opinion it would still be poor business not to cash in (excuse the pun) on some of that talent if they’re not going to sign extensions rather than risk losing them on a free (and yes I appreciate their value on the pitch but the club is a business so objectively it would make sense to sell while there’s still chance to bank some money). 
    If that reality did play out I’d be disappointed but I’d thank them for sticking with us this season and wish them well, new heroes would come in and wear the ram with pride, they always do.
    However it’s all a moot point cause they docked us 21 points and we don’t give a….chuff?… cause we are Derby County and we are going up! And once that happens they’ll all sign new deals and we’ll add new faces and we’ll have a lovely time back in the Championship for a season as we pass through on our way to the Prem ? ? 
  17. COYR
    48 hours reacted to Caerphilly Ram in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Cashin back in, Sibley unlikely to be risked but should be back for Morecambe, no other injuries.
    It’s a cliche I know, but I like what Warne says about treating it like any other game and going out there to enjoy it.
  18. Cheers
    48 hours reacted to angieram in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Good news re Cashin!
  19. Like
    48 hours reacted to ariotofmyown in Max Bird, captain of Derby County   
    Very sad but a great article. Puts that 4-0 defeat at Villa into context. And perspective.
  20. Like
    48 hours reacted to IslandExile in Max Bird, captain of Derby County   
    We're all proud...
  21. Like
    48 hours reacted to Crewton in Academy thread 22/23   
    The decimation of the Academy due to Administration is clear to see. Oppo fans who claim the club hasn't been punished enough will be oblivious to this, but for the next couple of seasons we're playing catch-up at all levels. We'll get there in time though because it's clear there's some quality coming through even if they're out of their depth as teams at the moment. If the coaches keep the kids focus on continuing their development without dwelling on results too much they'll get through this. 
  22. Like
    48 hours reacted to Sparkle in Academy thread 22/23   
    I assume we didn’t pick the best ones at CM then ?
  23. Cheers
    48 hours reacted to RoyMac5 in Academy thread 22/23   
  24. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Carl Sagan in January Window   
    Why's warne being so reticent? If there's someone out there like Ibahimovic, I say sign him up! ???
  25. Like
    48 hours reacted to RoyMac5 in January Window   
    "...We're trying to bring a striker in that suits us and suits the way we play. If we can't, then we can't, there's no point in just going to get a striker for strikers' sake. The January window means it's like every striker turns into Ibrahimovic. Anyone who's available is the best striker ever and obviously, he isn't.
    "But then that's the problem with January and I don't like the January window. It is literally there for mistakes that have been made in the previous summer because that's really what you're doing which is trying to correct what went wrong.
    "I don't think there's a lot wrong with the side that's been put together in the summer. I've said on the record loads of times that what Liam and the team did before we got here was really impressive. We have a substantial amount left of the budget available but it has to improve what we've got and if it isn't going to improve what we got then I'm not going to spend it."
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