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    Rammy03 reacted to Old Spalding Ram in Wigan Athletic v Derby County   
    Attendance: 13,601 (3,857 away). 
    …….largest attendance by about 3000 at Wigan this season
    Well done to all who travelled. 👍🐑
  2. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Day in Our Form is Stupendous   
    If you want to complain about style of football, possession stats, xG, humour or bobble hats, go for it, however in the results business, our form since the Stevenage game is stupendous.
    Played 8
    Won 7
    Drawn 1
    Lost 0
    Scored 18
    Conceded 3

  3. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to HedgeEnder in Wigan Athletic v Derby County   
    Well done Paul Warne
  4. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Wigan Athletic v Derby County   
    Yes! Finished 1-0 Derby 🐏 
  5. Haha
    Rammy03 reacted to DavesaRam in Wigan Athletic v Derby County   
    Bradley gets his  contractual appearance!
  6. Like
    Rammy03 got a reaction from Andicis in Wigan Athletic v Derby County   
    peterborough drawing
  7. Like
    Rammy03 got a reaction from HedgeEnder in Wigan Athletic v Derby County   
    peterborough drawing
  8. Like
    Rammy03 got a reaction from Caerphilly Ram in Wigan Athletic v Derby County   
    peterborough drawing
  9. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to HedgeEnder in Wigan Athletic v Derby County   
    Pompey are losing 😀
  10. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Walkley Ram in Atmosphere at Pride Park   
    I see your argument, and I see where you're coming from, but Arsenal and City are playing the other best 17 teams in the country (and Forest).
    We're playing teams like Wycombe, and barely having a chance on goal. I don't agree that we're anywhere near the levels we can reach with this squad. Paul Warne also agrees, if you've seen his latest pre-match interview for boxing day.
    Something just isn't clicking. There's just no joy in watching this team at the moment. The results have much improved, but it'd be nice to look forward to the football, rather than just hoping for a result. Hopefully that changes soon.
    I also don't buy for a second that you can't play decent football at this level. Plenty of teams have in the past.
  11. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Srg in Academy thread 23/24   
    one of these clubs lost their best players to admin. 
  12. COYR
    Rammy03 reacted to IlsonDerby in Academy thread 23/24   
    Set your alarm clocks lads 2027 will be our year. Youngest side ever to go up from the champ 👀
  13. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to ilkleyram in Academy thread 23/24   
    Deforestation 2
  14. Like
    Rammy03 got a reaction from LazloW in Atmosphere at Pride Park   
    I don't think it's just to do with Warne and the team. The south stand has been quiet for years. Even Lampard had to ask the fans to generate more of an atmosphere. We only seem to get up for certain games. It's not the wall of sound it used to be. 
  15. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Chester40 in Derby v Lincoln City   
    I can't believe the tactics weren't premeditated. 
    I wouldn't like to count how many times Nelson and Cashin passed it sideways to each other and then out wide to Ward/Forsyth.
    The midfield didn't really come short to take it off them, the keeper rarely kicked it long and until Cashin played a couple of crossfield balls they didn't go long. 
    As has been pointed out, Warne just seemed irritated we did it too slowly.
    We could do with someone a bit more dangerous in the air as Collins doesn't look likely to score in that way.
    The criticism of Warne's tactics was previously we just launched it. I've not seen evidence of that for a long time and I always thought it was over stated.
    Currently we seem reliant on moments of magic (rather than sustained pressure), usually from Wilson and NML. But we do have a few players who are capable now.
    Big few matches coming up...
  16. Clap
    Rammy03 got a reaction from Wolfie20 in Derby v Lincoln City   
    Absolute nonsense. You really think Warne would rather us play crap football?
  17. Clap
    Rammy03 reacted to On the Ram Page in Derby v Lincoln City   
    Your reports almost appear as if you are auditioning for a role at the Derby Evening Telegraph, trying to find something, quirky or humorous to say. You probably have your computer set up to remind you to mention Sibley’s lack of minutes and don’t forget to mention getting the ball wide quickly and put crap crosses in. This is all in Warnes master plan for poor, boring performances?
    You seem to forget that we play an opposition, who set up to deny us playing, entertaining. Of course, they pack the centre of the pitch to stop us playing through.
    Do you honestly believe Paul Warne sets us up to play poorly, tells us not to pass to each other. 
    You write as if you are on the training ground everyday and in the dressing room before games. The fact is you’re not and to be honest, in my opinion your knowledge of what tactics he wishes to employ are zero. I can’t be bother to write anymore about your sanctimonious rubbish. You may impress others on this site with your pronouncements but not me. 
  18. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to On the Ram Page in Derby v Lincoln City   
    I have no problems at all it you having your views and opinions, just as I have mine - that’s what the world is about thank goodness. What I do hate are comments like “and it is down to the way the team are being asked, nay told to play - out wide, cross it”. You do not know how they have been told to play, you are purely guessing based on your bias and non-objectivity. Our poor performance in the 1st half, I think, was down to out inability to pass the ball with quality, control the football properly, people not moving to receive the ball and therefore getting tackled. The opposition, as another poster remarked, packed midfield and made space at a premium. An obvious answer is to try and attack down the wings. Unfortunately our passing and crossing when we got the chance was of poor quality.
    Again, my opinion - not fact, I think Ward was shown an example of, by being substituted at half time, in a like for like change. Wilson struggled early on, but currently has more confidence to keep taking player on (than Ward) and this made a difference. Two of our goals came from crosses into the box, the first and second goals. I also don’t like the balance in midfield wher we tend to be too open. I personally would like to see Fornah as the defensive midfielder, as he is more mobile and can win the ball. Hourahan could possibly then link up by playing in the middle. I think Bird has done ok in the advance position and has been involved in some lovely passing movements which have lead to goals a month or two back. But the balance isn’t right and I am not sure we currently have the players to get it right.
    In summary, I have opinions but I do not spout them as being factually correct. You may be right that Warne tells them not to pass to midfielders, only to wingers or whack it down the field, but I am sure that is not the case. He seems as frustrated as the fans that we are not playing better. I think Warne gets a bad press on here, when I think the players have to take a lot more responsibility for their performances.
  19. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to WystonRam in Will we have a sell out for the Peterborough game?   
    The atmosphere couldn’t be much worse than it is currently though 😂
  20. Clap
    Rammy03 reacted to Chellaston Ram in Atmosphere at Pride Park   
    When are the South Stand going to get behind the team again, I’m in the North Stand and most the time it sounds like only about 30 people singing. It’s now time to improve the atmosphere 
  21. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to oldtimeram in Will we have a sell out for the Peterborough game?   
    Hope so and hope for a win too
    B4, do your best for us.  Ask Brian for some advice if needs be.
  22. Like
    Rammy03 got a reaction from Kathcairns in Derby v Lincoln City   
    Good win. There are worse sides than Lincoln in this league. Paul Warne made the right changes at the right time. We've put ourselves in a great position now. And I think there's more to come from us. COYR
  23. Haha
  24. Haha
    Rammy03 reacted to Old Spalding Ram in Derby v Lincoln City   
    Pinched from the Lincoln forum……..Barney Imp.
     “Not the result that we might have perhaps hoped for but one that was perhaps expected, especially against a club that is spending fantasy money as if they were still in the top flight.”
    …………………….(insert your own expletive here) 👍🐏
  25. Like
    Rammy03 got a reaction from SKRam in Derby v Lincoln City   
    Good win. There are worse sides than Lincoln in this league. Paul Warne made the right changes at the right time. We've put ourselves in a great position now. And I think there's more to come from us. COYR
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