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  1. Clap
    IslandExile got a reaction from Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    And the creditors
  2. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    What he does is on his conscience not mine, but if he eventually sold our club to them i would be finished football and ive loved the rams since th 60,s so that would be hard to do, but football is not as enjoyable now. Too much playacting, rolling about in agony when nothing wrong with them. Dosnt bother me not being in the prem as long as we watch  the team and coaching staff and fans all together like last season, and i cant see that with MA, but thats only my opinion and i realise that which you dont seem to do.
  3. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    If it's only £28 million including the stadium it doesn't sound like enough to keep us in the league. So Ed Dawes boast that Ashley has £28m  in cash ready is meaningless if that is including the stadium price as well. No surprise no one is talking to him if that is is best offer. 
  4. Like
    IslandExile got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    And the creditors
  5. Like
    IslandExile got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    But we don't know why he did. There were "indicators" that Mel was the obstacle. I believe you're not Mel's greatest fan either, so maybe you could understand that.
    You also seem to applaud Ashley for trying to get the best deal for himself. Why not afford the same credit to CK?
  6. Clap
    IslandExile got a reaction from BramcoteRam84 in The Administration Thread   
    Because the £28m includes purchase of the ground, leaving very little for the creditors.
  7. Clap
    IslandExile got a reaction from Sparkle in The Administration Thread   
    Weren't the stories at the time of Ashley's first expression of interest that he wanted the stadium, leaving little for the creditors and he's refuse to pay anything to the Administrations?
    Appleby's backer.....Mel?
  8. Haha
    IslandExile reacted to Ramos in The Administration Thread   
    It’s great isn’t it - for us all to be able to make so much conversation with so little facts ??. 
  9. Haha
    IslandExile reacted to StarterForTen in The Administration Thread   
    Well, he's got the bat... the ball appears to be lost in the anti-money-laundering long grass for now!
  10. Haha
    IslandExile got a reaction from whiteroseram in The Administration Thread   
    His Dad is a Red Dog though
  11. Cheers
    IslandExile reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
  12. Sad
    IslandExile reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    Flint signs for Stoke some are saying, Lawrence leaving for a better wage, Saudi Arabia ducking with golf, Man City offer a kings ransom to Erling Haarland, Welcome to the world of money and greed, Those that can offer more will, Those that can't fall by the wayside
  13. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    First time cK pulled out the Boro and Wycombe issues were still risk factors for any deal.
    Any deal at all has only been possible because Mel came to mysterious arrangements with Steve Mr Gibson Stephen.
  14. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Anag Ram in The Administration Thread   
    I hope CK gets his payment through because that’s the best way to keep Rooney, keep current players and to attract new players.
  15. Cheers
    IslandExile reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
  16. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Mostyn6 in The Administration Thread   
    that's a very snidey way of representing it. You make it sound like he just changed his mind, when I think if you were being totally honest, even if only with yourself, there was never a deal to be done for those figures thanks to Uncle Mel. It's only months later, when the delusional Administrators finally realised that nobody was going to part with big bucks for magic beans, that a realistic offer was accepted.
    There is no other truth than CK couldn't strike a reasonable and realistic deal with both Quantuma AND Mel Morris the first time.
  17. Cheers
    IslandExile reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    I do credit CK for getting the best deal for himself mate.
    I just want DCFC to have a new owner. I've said before if CK gets the money through it's his, and off we go again. I'd prefer Ashley as we know more about his money and where it's from. I don't care what's been said about him not having the stadium painted or even that he sacked all the youngsters. I care that he left Newcastle in the Prem. Short-sighted maybe but I'd be happy for Mike to make his money and sell us as a Prem club. ?
    But atm CK has the bat and the ball.
  18. Cheers
    IslandExile reacted to Caerphilly Ram in The Administration Thread   
    More conflicting info. People involved need to offer some clarity now 
  19. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Ghost of Clough in The Administration Thread   
    And Kirchner's money should arrive within days. The difference being: creditors getting more money, no points deduction, and us having a better squad for next season.
  20. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to CocuBarmyArmy in The Administration Thread   
    Can we stop this Ashley saviour rhetoric please. If the bloke had made a serious offer he would be our owner but he clearly hasn’t. The admins are not ignoring him nor is Mel pulling the strings, he simply has not made an offer that will satisfy creditors. Until he is willing to do so, the admins should ignore him.
  21. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Ghost of Clough in The Administration Thread   
    It'll be hours or days, not weeks and certainly not months. We might lose some players and targets waiting for Kirchner, but we will definitely lose a lot more waiting for Ashley or Appleby to complete a deal at this late stage. Even if either of those two interested parties could complete the deal today, we'll lose more players and possibly coaching staff than if we wait a few days for Kirchner's money to arrive.
  22. Like
    IslandExile reacted to Rambalin in The Administration Thread   
  23. Haha
    IslandExile reacted to ColonelBlimp in The Administration Thread   
    Well, I'm all in for the Kirch.
    It's going to happen, say goodbye to your misery, your negativity; Wave away thoughts of Mike Ashley or Andy Appleby or string-pulling Mel.
    100% behind him.
    (Chris, if you read this, I never wavered once, honest)
  24. Clap
    IslandExile got a reaction from GangwayD in Biggest disappointment   
    Arthur promised him which is why he signed in the first place. It was not a decision to move him on.
  25. Like
    IslandExile got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Weren't the stories at the time of Ashley's first expression of interest that he wanted the stadium, leaving little for the creditors and he's refuse to pay anything to the Administrations?
    Appleby's backer.....Mel?
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