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Posts posted by Alph

  1. 6 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    so, just to give an update to the hordes of you that messaged me privately, and here publicly, with your concerns and support.

    I shelled out £400 on a pretty damned good treadmill from Argos (Reebok ZR9 if you're after a bargain!), and burned off a few calories putting the bloody thing together. I've had three workouts in 3 days and my calves are a bit tight, but I can already feel that I am feeling a bit...no, quite a lot better about myself.

    I also got hold of Vitamin D tablets, which have definitely, without doubt, given me more energy in the office at work.

    I saw this article today:- http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jan/18/sad-exercise-antidepressants and made me think about writing this.

    So, firstly, I'm not too proud to admit I took the advice from posters on here, and secondly, thanks to anyone in here who gave a ****, cos I do about others, and it gave me a little bit of a boost that people didn't just slate me for starting this thread.

    Here's to better times x

    Well played fella.

    I bet you still get dark moments? Dark thoughts? 

    What I've done is to start up little "projects" when I'm in a good mood and try to focus on them. Quite easy because I have like an obsessive/addictive personality. 

    I'm sorting out a coaching course and hoping that I get good news on a team I want to manage.

    I booked tattoo work that I've  been delaying. 

    I just started saying yes to being more social even though my instinct is to say no. 

    I don't touch computer games. I'm not a huge gamer anyway but I would spend a few hours per week. I've banned myself though because I end up thinking while I'm playing.End up feeling proper down.

    I dunno about exercise but just changing your life seems to help. Say yes when you would say no. Go do things that you say you'll do one day. 

    Just a shake up. 

  2. @Daveo recommended some vitamin b. The Xmas break was important for me as I got some sleep (was sleeping 3/4 hours per day for 3 weeks before that.)

    Having two kids kept me busy and I've watched a ridiculous amount of football. Helps switch off, as does posting on here. 

    While not feeling to happy about the now, I think I can cope with it. A few weeks ago I wanted a way out. Needed a way out. Now, I'd quite like an escape and that time machine but don't feel so desperate. 

    Whether it was this thread, this forum, kind words from @uttoxram75, @i-Ram ,  @rynny, the vitamins, the sleep, reading the experiences of @Mafiabob, @Mostyn6, @SaintRam, @Phoenix, @Paul71, @ketteringram and everyone else who posted in here that I've read but can't keep typing @name...

    it's looking less grey. 

    Hope you had a good Xmas @Red_Dawn. Its a weird time of year. Some people forget their troubles and some can't cope with them at Xmas

  3. On 20/12/2015 at 18:35, rynny said:

    My grandad had alzheimers, and it was horrible. My heart goes out to anyone who has any relation or friend suffering from it. When it really kicked in with him he thought he was 21 again, (I guess it was a good time for him) he was in a home and was trying it on with all the female guests there, he was a player in his day and that was his dominant characteristic that came out.

    If you want to chat about drop me a pm.

    Bet it's a weird comfort that he's gone to a time he was happy? 


  4. 54 minutes ago, rynny said:

    My grandad had alzheimers, and it was horrible. My heart goes out to anyone who has any relation or friend suffering from it. When it really kicked in with him he thought he was 21 again, (I guess it was a good time for him) he was in a home and was trying it on with all the female guests there, he was a player in his day and that was his dominant characteristic that came out.

    If you want to chat about drop me a pm.

    Cheers rynny. Cheers.

    Was meant to go see her tonight but I bottled it. She forgets where she lives and sometimes forgets to get undressed. 

    She went walking ON the A52 one night. She was found lost in Ilkeston once and she'd walked there from Allenton where she used to live. She had her bag taken off her in Chaddesden after a late night walk. It's mad what it does to people isn't it?

    See the confusion in her face when I spoke to her was surreal. She was someone I've always had in my corner.  You don't get many people that are on your team no matter what. Shame when you lose them. 

    At least now she's moved house she doesn't go walking. Between carers and the fact she doesn't know where she lives it means her late night wandering is over

  5. People say 'you made your bed now lie in it'. It's true that if you make commitments then you should see them through. Everyone would agree on that?

    You can't go through life making decisions and walk away from the consequences. 

    But what if you don't want to? Tough ****?

    Had a pooh childhood and it was really down to my Grandma who helped me get through feeling down. But she's got Alzheimers now and I went to see her a fortnight ago and she didn't remember me. That was a blow and it just feels like it's one thing after another with what's been happening lately. 

    Would love a time machine. Want to start again. But like I said, commitments 

  6. 42 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    one thing this thread has taught me is that I am not alone. It provides a bizarre kind a solace to me. I perked up the other night after filling in a load of forms. It was weird.

    Yeah man. I've been reading the thread but not posted because I was wanting to keep feeding off it. But then the last post was on Tuesday at 3pm and I didn't want it to get lost. 

    Would like to see people keep posting. 


  7. what happened to bris? Kind of miss his long paragraph posts to me if I posted something stupid...

    He's having a break until November I think.

    I've got a tribute for him if he comes back. I think even a man of little faith in Nigel like Bris would probably get a headache reading these Clough threads.

    Give it time and Nige might have caused the holocaust.

  8. Not enjoying the forum. At all.

    Me neither. Feel like buggering off for a bit until the season has actually got going properly and then people have something worth moaning about. Feels like the worst days of the old DET in here.

    Lots of knee jerk, little debate, unfair assessments (eg we beat Millwall cus they're ***** but didn't lose to Leicester cus they're good).

    If we lose on Saturday I'm shooting off for a bit. Might find Bris.

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