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Posts posted by Alph

  1. 12 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Having spoken with a couple very close to David Haye, they believe he won't get the Joshua fight for at least another 18 months as they still see Haye as a dangerous fighter.

    I like AJ, think he can become a heavyweight great, but I'd much rather see him face the best in their prime. I know it's not wise, but I'd hate to see him take the Mayweather route and only face the very best once they're over the hill.

    Klitschko is obviously over the hill, that's not AJ´s fault, but I'd be disappointed to see him hold out on Haye and Wilder. 

    Joshua is only 18 fights old though.

  2. 1 hour ago, Norman said:

    After watching the pad work yesterday, the difference in power and speed is huge. Maybe Bellew was holding back, but he hasn't got a chance imo. If he isn't knocked out by round two, Haye will go to the body. Make sure Bellew is losing recovery time etc so the middle rounds are easier for himself. 

    Haye is just ******* everyone around with the yachts and the injuries. Hes got Shane in on it, so im assuming the money available for fighting Joshua is huge. Haye is making sure hes the opposite of Joshua. People are going to want "boring" Joshua to be trash talked, wound up and given a fight. Haye is making himself the one the public will want to fight Joshua. The bad blood with Hearn helps too. Very cleverly done imo. He's not stupid, though - you can tell from his interviews.

    And that's why I hate the cnut. Because he's a stage manager. Everything he says, everything he does, every fight he picks is carefully managed to 'trick' the public.

    Like losing his temper and saying what he thinks. Rubbish. He's never lost his temper because he's in it purely from a business angle and he doesnt see belts, big fights or a legacy. He sees pound notes. 

    He accused Joshua of being scripted. Joshua is in the position (after winning Olympic gold) where the worst thing he can do from a PR perspective is talk. If he stays quiet then he remains a hero. Opposite of Tyson Fury who had to talk to get noticed. 

    But Haye is scripted. He's so predictable. The rivalry with Briggs... funny how Haye's temper just trailed off when nobody was arsed about the fight.

    As soon as the Bellew rivalry looked like it could sell then suddenly his temper is ferocious. 

    Talking about fighting Joshua next. Why? Because you've beat an ozzy that don't punch, a Swiss diver and thief and a cruiserweight. And he stands there questioning the quality of opponents of an 18 fight old, IBF world Champion who will fight a version of Wlad Klitchsko in fight 19!!!? 

    I don't really know why people don't like Bellew but fair enough. But nobody is more manipulative and scripted than Haye. Nobody picks their fights as much. Bellew will fight anyone.

    Why isn't Haye fighting Pulev? Why did he choose to ignore the WBO route? Why has he not fighting the top 10 guys. Why is he not fighting Stiverne, Takam or Malik Scott? Why not Ortiz?

    He can beat these guys. He's an elite fighter. But he won't fight them because he's not bothered about being the best. He wants to beat up children for money and then when he does take a risk he wants a fortune. 

    He did the same to Fury as he did with Briggs. Wasn't worth enough money.

    I know everyone does it to some extent. Pulev turned down Joshua. But Haye is fighting cruiserweights and Swiss security guards.

    Can't stand the bloke. If every athlete focused purely on easy money then sport would have no spectators and Haye would have to work part time in Aldi. 

    Same as Eubank Jnr. Another bully. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Norman said:

    Hopefully Dave Allen doesn't follow his path. I like Dave. He looks like he's taking conditioning seriously now. Still got legs like tree stumps though. Been announced on the undercard after his 30 second win last week I think. Another who deserves better from Hearn.


    Do you think Hearn is treating him as a bit of sideshow.

    'Oh, you've got a pretty decent following? Ok Dave, here's a fiver. Now dance for me. Here, have a go with Luis Ortiz.

    Dave, can you do a bit on my show next week. Say something funny. Bring some mates.'

    Allen seems like a top bloke. He needs help not someone taking the piss out of him

  4. Oh and Price... I felt sorry for him but I couldn't help but laugh at his level of fitness. 

    You can't call out Joshua and then let a bloke half your size with half your power keep standing on your toes while you try desperately to catch your breath. After 2 rounds.

    I know Hammer is decent but Price embarrassed himself. He can be better than that. 

    Doubt he'll comeback from that.

  5. I thought Washington was going to do Wilder. He was cruising along and keeping Wilder out of range. Couldn't see Wilder getting anywhere near a decent exchange. 

    Guess that's why Heavyweights always draw attention. You never know.

  6. 10 hours ago, Norman said:

    Liked your post, Alpha, but i disagree lol.

    I know exactly where you're coming from. I just cant stand Bellew. Ever since the Cleverley build up, I just havent liked him. Haye knows how to sell a fight, though. I bet the Ppv numbers are huge, especially for a none title fight. I'm looking forward to seeing Haye's trust in his shoulder if it gets a bit tougher than he expects. Hopefully this leads to him taking on the winner of Klit or Joshua. Not that he deserves the shot at a title, but his style would suit a Joshua clash.

    Can't criticise Hayes ability. And I think Bellew would have been better off calling out Chisora or Whyte if he wants a big hyped up payday with a heavyweight so his belt isn't on the line. 

    He's gone and called out a man that's going to be hard to exploit on any level. I agree with Bellew on how Haye has managed his comeback but that's not for Bellew to step in as an opponent. 

    If he'd called out Whyte then you'd get all the drama. You'd keep your belt. And you'd be facing a heavyweight that struggled with the mobility of a cruiserweight last year. He's mad. 

    That Cleverly fight was the worst hype/fight. Everyone expected another tear up. What a flop. 

    I reckon Haye will score an early knockdown but Bellew won't go out easy. I reckon it will finish with Bellew on the ropes not replying.

    Did anyone watch David Price v Christian Hammer, Wilder Washington or McConnell v Vargas?

  7. 29 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    It's a tough one.

    Bellew is trying to play the innocent, caring card in his interviews but he's just as bad. He blasted Haye for his comments during the Liverpool presser, but it was actually Bellew who blurted out the 'F' word twice before Haye went on his rant.

    Bellew is trying to take the moral high ground, but let's not forget he is only in this fight with Haye because he acted like a clown and called him out (seemingly out of nowehere) after winning his world title.

    He talked himself into the fight by acting like a punk, and now he's trying to come across as the nice guy. It's all too false for my liking and it will be interesting to see how he handles the fight. He's a massive underdog.

    I will go for Haye within six rounds. Bellew's defence isn't great, and against a weaker opponent in Adonis Stevenson he got outclassed and was found wanting.

    The big fight I'm looking forward to though is Thurman vs Garcia. The Welterweight division IMO is the best out there with a bunch of recognisable faces. So many excellent fighters at that level.

    Hope Thurman smashes him and fights the winner of Brook/Spence.

    I've always likes Bellew. You're right in what he's doing. It's all very measured PR. But I never liked Haye and he's being a complete tool. 

    Brook v Spence should be epic. If that's the alternative to Brook v Khan then thank God Khan has been looking for the next big payday to get knocked out rather 

    Did you watch Eubank Jnr the other week? Still lacks power which will keep him from going to the top. He's not going to the top of Super Middle. 

  8. I never want to see a boxer get hurt but if David Haye gets hurt then I wouldn't even have a shred of sympathy. Never liked him before this fight. Talking about trying to hit people while they fall.

    I've gone Haye to win in round 7. 

    But I can't wait to the day he gets destroyed. If the bully ever fights anyone on his level. 

  9. In fact you only have to read a few reviews from fans and you can see how a draw seems fair.

    @Bris Vegas you had Degale but I just can't see it. I thought was busy and his attack sort of formed his defence but when Jack came, he came hard. It's one of those where it depends what you look for. Carl Froch always says that sometimes it's not good to even take harmless range finding jabs because some judges score them. Some judges will give a fighter the edge just for walking forward.

    One judge went for Canelo over Mayweather. Corruption? I doubt it. Probably just gave the closest rounds to the more aggressive where other judges admired the defensive counter punching a bit more.

    Mayweather said it's the second time Jack has had bad judge calls. Maybe it's because he fights on the back foot so much? If he was more proactive then he might have won the points. But if he was more proactive he'd be a totally different fighter... 

    As if he needs to move up now. wtf? He could do a rematch. Andre Ward isn't going anywhere within the next year. Plus he stands more chance of beating Degale. Why skip a fight that will make money? The Degale fight might not be there if he Jack loses to Ward. If he can't beat Degale then I don't think he can beat Ward?  

  10. I thought Jack won. Degale was the busier fighter but a lot of his work was landing on Jack's guard. Thought Jack landed the cleaner shots, the more accurate, harder shots.

    Even the knockdowns. Obviously they both score 10-8 rounds but Jack's fall was more of a balance thing. He didn't see it coming, caught him flat footed and dropped him. But it was no damage. Degale was proper rattled. 

    Degale kind of deserved a draw for his workrate and his resilience and he did land some good shots. 

    Can't see how one judge gave it Degale. He must like workrate. Jack did more damage. You can understand a draw but no way can I see a Degale win. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, Norman said:

    I agree with everything you say. I just like him still. Dont know why, I know hes after the notes, I know he ducks and dives, I know he takes fights he shouldn't. I mean, he has no reason to fight Bellew. Apart from money. However, i find him the best heavyweight to watch. He's got it all.

    The two fights earlier this year were a disgrace, but I genuinely believe him when he says he couldn't get anyone to fight him. I mean, who would if the money isn't there? I don't believe the ppv business with the Briggs fight. He was building it up, put him on the under card, then found bigger and more lucrative offers. Still like him though. I like Groves too, and he's a bit odd. I think I will support him because of the Froch fights. 

    I hope Joshua v Haye happens.

    I like Groves. He is weird though. And it seems like he's been around forever. He's looking really sharp too don't you think?

    It'll happen I think. But for Joshua to fight Haye I think Haye might have to either make the public demand big enough or go make himself mandatory or get a title AJ wants. 

    For Joshua he can get easier superfights. Still high risk but with high reward. What does Haye have that Joshua needs. He doesn't have a 0. No belts. He's not really got a major following. 

    He goes for Wlad because 1) It's an aging legend beaten by Fury 2) there's another title on the line

    He'll have Wilder 1) Undefeated with huge record 2) title 3) Cracks America

    He'll have Fury 1) Public demand 2) Undefeated 3) awkward but not a big hitter

    He'll have Parker 1) Undefeated 2) title 

    Ortiz 1) Undefeated 2)Public demand if Hearn can sell him 

    That's over a year worth of fights where he can get high rewards. 

    Imagine if he lost to Haye. Be terrible for his career. I'm sure Joshua would take the fight but his team and Hearn wouldn't touch it.

    Haye played a smart move by attacking Hearn. Make Hearn dislike him, make it a rivalry. The public love a rivalry and Hearn might just bite.

    Did you see him give Hearn some? Do you think Haye would win?

  12. 9 minutes ago, Norman said:

    You seen the Parker fight yet? Looks to me like a big puncher who knocks out bums from Oceania, but lacks said power when he fights anyone half decent. Classy boxer, fast, but not world class imo. Even Bellew has a belt these days lol. 

    Ortiz is dangerous, but as you say only like Briggs is.

    Can't wait for Haye to start getting the big fights. I like him, don't know why. I know hes after the payday every time, but I'd love to see him in these big fights that are now going to have to happen. It's impossible for them all to stop avoiding each other now.

    Bellew is in trouble in that fight. I think its dangerous, maybe reckless by everyone involved. Haye has so much speed and power, he's gone down on his arse against much less than Haye. He hasnt even got the footwork or the speed that Haye has.

    I don't like him, but I wouldn't want to see him hurt as badly as I think he might get.

    I haven't had chance yet. Just seen highlights

    We're going to clash here good sir. I'm team Bellew.

    I think Haye is a brilliant fighter. His speed is amazing. But I can't stand the bloke. I respect why he fights. Get in, make money, get out. But it doesn't really help the fun in the sport. I hate that his career is so low risk and high reward. He'll get in with Joshua because it's worth money. No way on earth will he risk getting beat before then. And that's Haye's career. It's about paydays not glory. It's about being rich not the best. 

    What makes this all the more frustrating is that he's a brilliant fighter. But he dips his toe in, sees if it's worth money before walking away if not. 

    I mean he's fighting Bellew at heavyweight. He could have taken the WBO route, he could have fought Briggs. But he's picked the most profitable easiest fight. As a fan of the sport that's a bit pooh. But i suppose it's smart. In a way.

    Agree on the fight though. Bellew likes a scrap. But he's not got speed, skills or power to match Haye. As soon as he loses his composure and starts trying to trade he'll find Haye just picks him off. I think Bellew's power and resilience are respectable. But Haye is an elite boxer with a brilliant defence. Bellew doesn't bring enough.

    I just hope that Haye is rusty. His last real fight was what? 2012? But against those clowns he fought this year he still looks so fast

  13. 27 minutes ago, Norman said:

    Ive watched all of Joseph Parker's latest fights, and I wouldn't have him up there to be honest. His trainer's hair annoys me immensely too. And all his fights are black tie events in a village hall. 


    I also had Chisorv v Whyte  as a draw. Would love a rematch with proper tables.

    I thought it was a draw or Chisora. But I'm glad both men went the distance. 

    Did you see Parker today? Not seen it yet. I watched him fight Takam and for a bloke with a reputation for power he was landing some great jabs that Takam was walking through. Literally walked through Parker's punches no problem. He looks like he is only going to go to the top by out boxing people?

    What do you think to Ortiz? To me he looks like Shannon Briggs. He's got 4 rounds to get them out of there otherwise he's getting hurt by the first big puncher he fights

  14. I think what makes you Champion in boxing is purely who's on your record and how feared you are. Sort of a combination.

    If a guy is willing to risk his record and he's winning fights then he doesn't need a belt. 

    I mean I think Wlad is still the man to beat. He doesn't need belts to be the main man

    Joshua is a world Champion but some would say only tonight has he left the world level behind to go onto the elite stage. 

    Fury wasn't really rated until he pulled of a big upset. If he'd done it again there would be no doubt that he'd be number 1

    Wilder has an immense record but the names on it only prove he's like Joshua, ready for super fights. There's no super fights on his record. Stiverne and Molina prove he's ready for a super fight

    Povetkin also in that elite division but losing to Wlad shows he's perhaps not #1. He's got Stiverne soon and needs to win

    Joseph Parker also has a pampered record but close wins over Takam and Ruiz probably put him up there. 

    Haye similar to Povetkin but has been upset a couple of times so there's question marks over him. 

    Ortiz, Pulev...

    Until these guys start getting in together then Wlad and Fury will be the only one that has come through the biggest challenges. 

    I think Joshua will go through Wlad. And pretty soon whether he's holding 1 belt or 2 belts he will be the man to beat. 

    We need Fury back to prove he's not just done what Brewster did. Or Rahman to Lewis. Until then i'd honestly say Wlad is the man to beat and still true champion of the HW division. 

    The excitement is there though because a lot of these guys only have each other left now. The Fury win has opened the division. 

    2017 kicks off with Povetkin v Stiverne and Joshua v Wlad. Chance for Povetkin to get back in the mix and Joshua to prove Wlad days as top dog are over

    (Lucas Browne is just a joke)

  15. Whyte v Chisora was brilliant.

    Joshua blasts through another. 18 fights old and people want more and more. Celebrate him! He's a dedicated athlete and excellent entertainment. 

    You see so many people up Tyson's bum but we've got our own Tyson now. 

    Quigg had a big win. Allen just needs a team that cares about him.

    Luis Ortiz doesn't look too great to me in his last 2 fights. I think all those that thought he was too high risk and low reward will probably be feeling a little less worried. Allen has always had a head like a rock but Ortiz doesn't look the fittest or hardest to hit. 

    Be interesting to see how aggressive Wlad is in April. If he fights like he did v Fury then he's getting beat. If he uses that jab he used to keep opponents teed up with then it should be awesome

  16. The fight will go...

    Round 1: Mostly just a range finder with a few big bombs from Whyte.

    Round 2 - 5: A fight where two big blokes try to knock each other out but are both to fresh to get hurt

    Round 6 - 12: Both men tire. Whyte has enough energy to throw more punches. Chisora defends 

    Whyte wins on points. 

    Concepcion will be most underrated fight on the night. Katie Taylor will be good. Joshua will take 5-7 rounds to pull apart Molina without looking troubled. 

    Be good entertainment though. Apart from Allen v Ortiz which is a total mismatch and Allen's team should be ashamed that they're sending a nice young lad in with a guy who's many levels ahead. And Allen is a tough fecker so hopefully he doesn't get really hurt as Ortiz uses him as a punch bag. Think Blackwell v Eubank

  17. 9 hours ago, SaintRam said:

    Personally I can't enjoy JRPGs - far too slow and predictable. Some people swear by them thought.

    Japanese games always seem to have some deep preaching going on. 

    Here's a guy killing stuff with an 8ft sword with a gun attached. Now let's explain global warming/gene therapy/evolution 

  18. On 11/11/2016 at 12:24, mrdave85 said:

    Anyone else downloaded the Telltale Batman Series?

    I'm a bit miffed that it's only the 3rd episode and already it's showing that choices I make don't matter. I won't spoil by saying exactly but this happened literally minutes after making a choice on how to act as Bruce Wayne, plot continuation meant it was worthless. 


    On 11/11/2016 at 12:31, seths-cap said:

    thats the problem with telltale in general. I gave up with them after the game of thrones farcical.

    Game Of Thrones was really bad though.

    Sometimes I don't mind that a lot of choices lead to the same destination. Their games are still different enough to enjoy imo whether you're actually doing anything or not. When you look at how long people have been shooting Russian soldiers in fps games I think Telltale are a much needed developer. 

    I've played episode 1 of Batman a few times and enjoyed that. 

    The Walking Dead still does it for me over Wolf Among us. But probably because the whole apocalypse/zombie genre is what I love 

    The Last Of Us still remains the best game I've ever played. Perfection. 

    Biggest gripe with Telltale is as @seths-cap said, episodes released every decade. 

    Why are we spreading games out? Here, play this for 2 hours and then get more of the story next month...

    Never even bothered with Hitman because the episode *****. I don't get it. 

    With Telltale if they say a game is out in July then translate that to Xmas.

  19. 5 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    I had it six rounds each, with the knockdown giving Kovalev a 114-113 win.

    I think they'll do it again. There doesn't seem to be much else out there at light heavy, and with the fight being so intriguing a rematch would make them shed loads of money.

    I could even see them facing off a few times as I doubt they will find a better opponent for the rest of their careers.

    There's the WBC he could try and get or would he drop down to Super Middle again. Some good fights at that level that he'd win? 

    I dunno, hope they do though. 

    I've only just seen that Ortiz will fight Dave Allen on the 10th. WTF? 

    Dave Allen is going to be a punchbag because he's pretty tough but has nothing at all to hurt Ortiz. He doesn't even have the boxing skill to somehow win on points. 

    And Billy Joe Saunders has had his fight delayed another week. Might as well retire that belt.

  20. Only just watched Ward v Kovalev. 

    I had Ward winning 7 and Kovalev 5. But Obviously he scored the knockdown so what's that? 114 - 113 to Ward? 

    Definitely worth doing again. But I can understand if Ward doesn't see why he should. So long as he won the fight in his own mind and with the judges then why would he need to prove anything. Kovalev will be gutted he didn't build on those opening 5 rounds and didn't do more in the last round. 

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